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synced 2025-02-23 07:09:35 +02:00
302 lines
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302 lines
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# `journeys(from, to, [opt])`
`from` and `to` each must be in one of these formats:
// a station ID, in a format compatible to the profile you use
// an FPTF `station` object
type: 'station',
id: '900000013102',
name: 'foo station',
location: {
type: 'location',
latitude: 1.23,
longitude: 3.21
// a point of interest, which is an FPTF `location` object
type: 'location',
id: '123',
name: 'foo restaurant',
latitude: 1.23,
longitude: 3.21
// an address, which is an FTPF `location` object
type: 'location',
address: 'foo street 1',
latitude: 1.23,
longitude: 3.21
With `opt`, you can override the default options, which look like this:
// Use either `departure` or `arrival` to specify a date/time.
departure: new Date(),
arrival: null,
earlierThan: null, // ref to get journeys earlier than the last query
laterThan: null, // ref to get journeys later than the last query
results: 5, // how many journeys?
via: null, // let journeys pass this station
stopovers: false, // return stations on the way?
transfers: 5, // maximum of 5 transfers
transferTime: 0, // minimum time for a single transfer in minutes
accessibility: 'none', // 'none', 'partial' or 'complete'
bike: false, // only bike-friendly journeys
products: {
// these entries may vary from profile to profile
suburban: true,
subway: true,
tram: true,
bus: true,
ferry: true,
express: true,
regional: true
tickets: false, // return tickets? only available with some profiles
polylines: false, // return a shape for each leg?
remarks: true, // parse & expose hints & warnings?
// Consider walking to nearby stations at the beginning of a journey?
startWithWalking: true,
language: 'en' // language to get results in
## Response
*Note:* As stated in the [*Friendly Public Transport Format* `1.2.0`](https://github.com/public-transport/friendly-public-transport-format/tree/1.2.0), the returned `departure` and `arrival` times include the current delay. The `departureDelay`/`arrivalDelay` fields express how much they differ from the schedule.
As an example, we're going to use the [VBB profile](../p/vbb):
const createClient = require('hafas-client')
const vbbProfile = require('hafas-client/p/vbb')
const client = createClient(vbbProfile, 'my-awesome-program')
// Hauptbahnhof to Heinrich-Heine-Str.
client.journeys('900000003201', '900000100008', {
results: 1,
stopovers: true
The response may look like this:
legs: [ {
id: '1|32615|6|86|10072018',
origin: {
type: 'station',
id: '900000003201',
name: 'S+U Berlin Hauptbahnhof',
location: {
type: 'location',
latitude: 52.52585,
longitude: 13.368928
products: {
suburban: true,
subway: true,
tram: true,
bus: true,
ferry: false,
express: true,
regional: true
destination: {
type: 'station',
id: '900000100004',
name: 'S+U Jannowitzbrücke',
location: {
type: 'location',
latitude: 52.504806,
longitude: 13.303846
products: { /* … */ }
departure: '2018-07-10T23:54:00.000+02:00',
departureDelay: 60,
departurePlatform: '15',
arrival: '2018-07-11T00:02:00.000+02:00',
arrivalDelay: 60,
arrivalPlatform: '3',
line: {
type: 'line',
id: '16845',
fahrtNr: '12345',
name: 'S7',
public: true,
mode: 'train',
product: 'suburban',
operator: {
type: 'operator',
id: 's-bahn-berlin-gmbh',
name: 'S-Bahn Berlin GmbH'
symbol: 'S',
nr: 7,
metro: false,
express: false,
night: false,
productCode: 0
direction: 'S Ahrensfelde',
stopovers: [ {
stop: {
type: 'station',
id: '900000003201',
name: 'S+U Berlin Hauptbahnhof',
location: { /* … */ },
products: { /* … */ }
arrival: null,
departure: null,
cancelled: true,
remarks: [
{type: 'hint', code: 'bf', text: 'barrier-free'},
{type: 'hint', code: 'FB', text: 'Bicycle conveyance'}
}, {
stop: {
type: 'station',
id: '900000100001',
name: 'S+U Friedrichstr.',
location: { /* … */ },
products: { /* … */ }
arrival: '2018-07-10T23:56:00.000+02:00',
arrivalDelay: 60,
arrivalPlatform: null,
departure: '2018-07-10T23:57:00.000+02:00',
departureDelay: 60,
departurePlatform: null,
remarks: [ /* … */ ]
/* … */
type: 'station',
id: '900000100004',
name: 'S+U Jannowitzbrücke',
location: { /* … */ },
products: { /* … */ }
arrival: '2018-07-11T00:02:00.000+02:00',
arrivalDelay: 60,
arrivalPlatform: null,
departure: '2018-07-11T00:02:00.000+02:00',
departureDelay: null,
departurePlatform: null,
remarks: [ /* … */ ]
} ]
}, {
origin: {
type: 'station',
id: '900000100004',
name: 'S+U Jannowitzbrücke',
location: { /* … */ },
products: { /* … */ }
destination: {
type: 'station',
id: '900000100008',
name: 'U Heinrich-Heine-Str.',
location: { /* … */ },
products: { /* … */ }
departure: '2018-07-11T00:01:00.000+02:00',
arrival: '2018-07-11T00:10:00.000+02:00',
mode: 'walking',
public: true,
distance: 558
} ]
earlierRef: '…', // use with the `earlierThan` option
laterRef: '…' // use with the `laterThan` option
Some [profiles](../p) are able to parse the ticket information, if returned by the API. For example, if you pass `tickets: true` with the [VBB profile](../p/vbb), each `journey` will have a tickets array that looks like this:
[ {
name: 'Berlin Tarifgebiet A-B: Einzelfahrausweis – Regeltarif',
price: 2.8,
tariff: 'Berlin',
coverage: 'AB',
variant: 'adult',
amount: 1
}, {
name: 'Berlin Tarifgebiet A-B: Einzelfahrausweis – Ermäßigungstarif',
price: 1.7,
tariff: 'Berlin',
coverage: 'AB',
variant: 'reduced',
amount: 1,
reduced: true
}, /* … */ {
name: 'Berlin Tarifgebiet A-B: Tageskarte – Ermäßigungstarif',
price: 4.7,
tariff: 'Berlin',
coverage: 'AB',
variant: '1 day, reduced',
amount: 1,
reduced: true,
fullDay: true
}, /* … */ {
name: 'Berlin Tarifgebiet A-B: 4-Fahrten-Karte – Regeltarif',
price: 9,
tariff: 'Berlin',
coverage: 'AB',
variant: '4x adult',
amount: 4
} ]
If a journey leg has been cancelled, a `cancelled: true` will be added. Also, `departure`/`departureDelay`/`departurePlatform` and `arrival`/`arrivalDelay`/`arrivalPlatform` will be `null`.
To get more journeys earlier/later than the current set of results, pass `journeys.earlierRef`/`journeys.laterRef` into `opt.earlierThan`/`opt.laterThan`. For example, query *later* journeys as follows:
const hbf = '900000003201'
const heinrichHeineStr = '900000100008'
client.journeys(hbf, heinrichHeineStr)
.then((journeys) => {
const lastJourney = journeys[journeys.length - 1]
console.log('departure of last journey', lastJourney.legs[0].departure)
// get later journeys
return client.journeys(hbf, heinrichHeineStr, {
laterThan: journeys.laterRef
.then((laterJourneys) => {
const firstJourney = laterJourneys[laterJourneys.length - 1]
console.log('departure of first (later) journey', firstJourney.legs[0].departure)
departure of last journey 2017-12-17T19:07:00.000+01:00
departure of first (later) journey 2017-12-17T19:19:00.000+01:00
If you pass `polylines: true`, each journey leg will have a `polyline` field. Refer to [the section in the `trip()` docs](trip.md#polyline-option) for details.