Add prototype NS display

This commit is contained in:
Kenneth Bruen 2024-02-17 11:42:51 +01:00
parent b5df9b480d
commit cd8b03424d
Signed by: kbruen
GPG key ID: C1980A470C3EE5B1
2 changed files with 206 additions and 33 deletions

View file

@ -71,37 +71,9 @@ fn fetchThread(state: *AppState) !void {
} }
} }
pub fn render(state: *AppState) !void { fn draw_db1(state: *AppState) !void {
const allocator = state.allocator; const allocator = state.allocator;
var ds = &state.departure_screen_state; const ds = &state.departure_screen_state;
if (ds.fetch_thread == null) {
ds.fetch_thread = std.Thread.spawn(.{}, fetchThread, .{state}) catch null;
while (raylib.GetKeyPressed()) |key| {
switch (key) {
rl.KEY_LEFT => {
state.screen = .home;
rl.KEY_R => {
ds.should_refresh = true;
ds.max_next_trains = @max(1, ds.max_next_trains - 1);
ds.max_next_trains = @min(ds.max_next_trains + 1, if (ds.fetch_result) |fr| @as(c_int, @intCast(fr.value.object.get("departures").?.array.items.len)) else 5);
rl.KEY_T => {
ds.include_tram = !ds.include_tram;
else => {},
defer rl.EndDrawing();
const db_blue = raylib.ColorInt(0x18226f); const db_blue = raylib.ColorInt(0x18226f);
rl.ClearBackground(if (ds.should_refresh) rl.ORANGE else db_blue); rl.ClearBackground(if (ds.should_refresh) rl.ORANGE else db_blue);
@ -133,7 +105,7 @@ pub fn render(state: *AppState) !void {
const station_name = std.fmt.allocPrintZ(allocator, "{s}", .{first.get("stop").?.object.get("name").?.string}) catch break :station_name_blk; const station_name = std.fmt.allocPrintZ(allocator, "{s}", .{first.get("stop").?.object.get("name").?.string}) catch break :station_name_blk;
defer; defer;
rl.SetWindowTitle(station_name.ptr); rl.SetWindowTitle(station_name.ptr);
raylib.DrawRightAlignedText(station_name.ptr, rl.GetScreenWidth() - 4, 4, 14, rl.WHITE); raylib.DrawRightAlignedTextEx(state.font, station_name.ptr, @floatFromInt(rl.GetScreenWidth() - 4), 4, 14, 0.8, rl.WHITE);
} }
const line = try std.fmt.allocPrintZ(allocator, "{s}", .{first.get("line").?.object.get("name").?.string}); const line = try std.fmt.allocPrintZ(allocator, "{s}", .{first.get("line").?.object.get("name").?.string});
@ -149,7 +121,16 @@ pub fn render(state: *AppState) !void {
.string => |p| { .string => |p| {
const platform = std.fmt.allocPrintZ(allocator, "{s}", .{p}) catch break :blk; const platform = std.fmt.allocPrintZ(allocator, "{s}", .{p}) catch break :blk;
defer; defer;
raylib.DrawRightAlignedTextEx(state.font, platform.ptr, @floatFromInt(rl.GetScreenWidth() - 16), @floatFromInt(y), 40, 1, rl.WHITE);
const platform_width: c_int = @intFromFloat(rl.MeasureTextEx(state.font, platform.ptr, 40, 1).x);
// Check if platform is different
const is_changed = !std.mem.eql(u8, first.get("plannedPlatform").?.string, p);
if (is_changed) {
rl.DrawRectangle(rl.GetScreenWidth() - platform_width - 16 - 8, y, platform_width + 16, 40, rl.WHITE);
raylib.DrawRightAlignedTextEx(state.font, platform.ptr, @floatFromInt(rl.GetScreenWidth() - 16), @floatFromInt(y), 40, 1, if (is_changed) db_blue else rl.WHITE);
}, },
else => {}, else => {},
} }
@ -189,6 +170,7 @@ pub fn render(state: *AppState) !void {
// Compute line name width // Compute line name width
var line_name_width: c_int = 0; var line_name_width: c_int = 0;
var platform_width: c_int = 0;
for (not_cancelled.items, 0..) |dep_raw, idx| { for (not_cancelled.items, 0..) |dep_raw, idx| {
if (idx == 0) continue; if (idx == 0) continue;
if (idx > max_trains) break; if (idx > max_trains) break;
@ -205,6 +187,20 @@ pub fn render(state: *AppState) !void {
line_name_width, line_name_width,
@as(c_int, @intFromFloat(rl.MeasureTextEx(state.font, next_train_line.ptr, @floatFromInt(font_size), 1).x)), @as(c_int, @intFromFloat(rl.MeasureTextEx(state.font, next_train_line.ptr, @floatFromInt(font_size), 1).x)),
); );
if (second.get("platform")) |platform_raw| {
switch (platform_raw) {
.string => |p| {
const platform = std.fmt.allocPrintZ(allocator, "{s}", .{p}) catch continue;
platform_width = @max(
@as(c_int, @intFromFloat(rl.MeasureTextEx(state.font, platform.ptr, @floatFromInt(font_size), 1).x)),
else => {},
} }
const destionation_x = x + line_name_width; const destionation_x = x + line_name_width;
@ -234,9 +230,15 @@ pub fn render(state: *AppState) !void {
if (second.get("platform")) |platform_raw| { if (second.get("platform")) |platform_raw| {
switch (platform_raw) { switch (platform_raw) {
.string => |p| { .string => |p| {
// Check if platform is different
const is_changed = !std.mem.eql(u8, second.get("plannedPlatform").?.string, p);
if (is_changed) {
rl.DrawRectangle(rl.GetScreenWidth() - platform_width - 16 - 8, y, platform_width + 16, font_size, db_blue);
const platform = std.fmt.allocPrintZ(allocator, "{s}", .{p}) catch break :blk; const platform = std.fmt.allocPrintZ(allocator, "{s}", .{p}) catch break :blk;
defer; defer;
raylib.DrawRightAlignedTextEx(state.font, platform.ptr, @floatFromInt(rl.GetScreenWidth() - 16), @floatFromInt(y), @floatFromInt(font_size), 1, db_blue); raylib.DrawRightAlignedTextEx(state.font, platform.ptr, @floatFromInt(rl.GetScreenWidth() - 16), @floatFromInt(y), @floatFromInt(font_size), 1, if (is_changed) rl.WHITE else db_blue);
}, },
else => {}, else => {},
} }
@ -251,6 +253,171 @@ pub fn render(state: *AppState) !void {
} else { } else {
rl.DrawText(state.departure_screen_state.station_id.items.ptr, 16, 16, 32, rl.WHITE); rl.DrawText(state.departure_screen_state.station_id.items.ptr, 16, 16, 32, rl.WHITE);
} }
fn draw_ns(state: *AppState) !void {
const allocator = state.allocator;
const ds = &state.departure_screen_state;
_ = .{ allocator, ds };
const ms = std.time.milliTimestamp();
const language = @rem(@divTrunc(ms, 5000), 2);
const ns_bg1 = raylib.ColorInt(0xE6e6e6);
const ns_bg2 = raylib.ColorInt(0xbdd1d9);
const ns_fg1 = raylib.ColorInt(0x1a4379);
const ns_fg2 = raylib.ColorInt(0x6795af);
const ns_fg3 = raylib.ColorInt(0xab5161);
const header_fs: f32 = 16;
const station_fs: f32 = 28;
const cancel_fs: f32 = 24;
const platform_fs: f32 = 28;
const col1w = rl.MeasureTextEx(state.font, "00:00", station_fs, 1).x;
const header_height = rl.MeasureTextEx(state.font, "Vertrek", header_fs, 1).y;
rl.DrawRectangle(0, 0, rl.GetScreenWidth(), 4 + @as(c_int, @intFromFloat(header_height)) + 4, ns_bg2);
raylib.DrawTextEx(state.font, if (language == 0) "Vertrek" else "Depart", 8, 4, header_fs, 1, ns_fg1);
raylib.DrawTextEx(state.font, if (language == 0) "Naar/Opmerking" else "To/Via", 8 + col1w + 8, 4, header_fs, 1, ns_fg1);
raylib.DrawTextEx(state.font, if (language == 0) "Spoor" else "Platform", @floatFromInt(rl.GetScreenWidth() - 200), 4, header_fs, 1, ns_fg1);
var y = header_height + 8 + 2;
if (ds.fetch_result) |data| {
if (data.value.object.get("departures")) |departures_raw| {
const departures = departures_raw.array.items;
for (departures, 0..) |d, idx| {
const line1h = rl.MeasureTextEx(state.font, "00:00", station_fs, 1).y;
const line2h = rl.MeasureTextEx(state.font, "Cancelled", cancel_fs, 1).y;
const total_height = line1h + 4 + line2h + 2;
if (@mod(idx, 2) == 1) {
// Alternate background
rl.DrawRectangle(0, @intFromFloat(y), rl.GetScreenWidth(), @intFromFloat(total_height), ns_bg2);
const train = d.object;
const cancelled = blk: {
if (train.get("cancelled")) |cancelled| {
switch (cancelled) {
.bool => |b| {
break :blk b;
else => {},
break :blk false;
raylib.DrawTextEx(state.font, "00:00", 8, y, station_fs, 1, if (cancelled) ns_fg2 else ns_fg1);
const direction = try std.fmt.allocPrintZ(
raylib.DrawTextEx(state.font, direction.ptr, 8 + col1w + 8, y, station_fs, 1, if (cancelled) ns_fg2 else ns_fg1);
// Draw platform square
const square_side = total_height - 4;
const sw = rl.GetScreenWidth();
if (train.get("platform")) |platform_raw| {
switch (platform_raw) {
.string => |p| {
const platform = std.fmt.allocPrintZ(allocator, "{s}", .{p}) catch continue;
rl.DrawRectangle(sw - 200, @intFromFloat(y + 2), 12, 12, if (cancelled) ns_fg2 else ns_fg1);
rl.DrawLine(sw - 200, @intFromFloat(y + 2), sw - 200, @intFromFloat(y + 2 + square_side), if (cancelled) ns_fg2 else ns_fg1);
rl.DrawLine(sw - 200 + @as(c_int, @intFromFloat(square_side)), @intFromFloat(y + 2), sw - 200 + @as(c_int, @intFromFloat(square_side)), @intFromFloat(y + 2 + square_side), if (cancelled) ns_fg2 else ns_fg1);
rl.DrawLine(sw - 200, @intFromFloat(y + 2), sw - 200 + @as(c_int, @intFromFloat(square_side)), @intFromFloat(y + 2), if (cancelled) ns_fg2 else ns_fg1);
rl.DrawLine(sw - 200, @intFromFloat(y + 2 + square_side), sw - 200 + @as(c_int, @intFromFloat(square_side)), @intFromFloat(y + 2 + square_side), if (cancelled) ns_fg2 else ns_fg1);
const text_size = rl.MeasureTextEx(state.font, platform.ptr, platform_fs, 1);
if (cancelled) "-" else platform.ptr,
@as(f32, @floatFromInt(sw - 200)) + @divTrunc(square_side, 2) - (text_size.x / 2),
y + 2 + @divTrunc(square_side, 2) - (text_size.y / 2),
if (cancelled) ns_fg2 else ns_fg1,
else => {
if (cancelled) {
rl.DrawRectangle(sw - 200, @intFromFloat(y + 2), 12, 12, if (cancelled) ns_fg2 else ns_fg1);
rl.DrawLine(sw - 200, @intFromFloat(y + 2), sw - 200, @intFromFloat(y + 2 + square_side), if (cancelled) ns_fg2 else ns_fg1);
rl.DrawLine(sw - 200 + @as(c_int, @intFromFloat(square_side)), @intFromFloat(y + 2), sw - 200 + @as(c_int, @intFromFloat(square_side)), @intFromFloat(y + 2 + square_side), if (cancelled) ns_fg2 else ns_fg1);
rl.DrawLine(sw - 200, @intFromFloat(y + 2), sw - 200 + @as(c_int, @intFromFloat(square_side)), @intFromFloat(y + 2), if (cancelled) ns_fg2 else ns_fg1);
rl.DrawLine(sw - 200, @intFromFloat(y + 2 + square_side), sw - 200 + @as(c_int, @intFromFloat(square_side)), @intFromFloat(y + 2 + square_side), if (cancelled) ns_fg2 else ns_fg1);
const text_size = rl.MeasureTextEx(state.font, "-", platform_fs, 1);
@as(f32, @floatFromInt(sw - 200)) + @divTrunc(square_side, 2) - (text_size.x / 2),
y + 2 + @divTrunc(square_side, 2) - (text_size.y / 2),
if (cancelled) ns_fg2 else ns_fg1,
y += line1h + 4;
const cancelled_h = raylib.DrawAndMeasureTextEx(state.font, if (cancelled) (if (language == 0) "Rijdt niet" else "Cancelled") else " ", 8 + col1w + 8, y, cancel_fs, 1, ns_fg3).y;
y += cancelled_h + 4;
pub fn render(state: *AppState) !void {
var ds = &state.departure_screen_state;
if (ds.fetch_thread == null) {
ds.fetch_thread = std.Thread.spawn(.{}, fetchThread, .{state}) catch null;
while (raylib.GetKeyPressed()) |key| {
switch (key) {
rl.KEY_LEFT => {
state.screen = .home;
rl.KEY_R => {
ds.should_refresh = true;
ds.max_next_trains = @max(1, ds.max_next_trains - 1);
ds.max_next_trains = @min(ds.max_next_trains + 1, if (ds.fetch_result) |fr| @as(c_int, @intCast(fr.value.object.get("departures").?.array.items.len)) else 5);
rl.KEY_T => {
ds.include_tram = !ds.include_tram;
rl.KEY_ONE => {
ds.render_style = .db1;
rl.KEY_THREE => {
ds.render_style = .ns;
else => {},
defer rl.EndDrawing();
switch (ds.render_style) {
.db1 => try draw_db1(state),
.ns => try draw_ns(state),
state.close_app = rl.WindowShouldClose(); state.close_app = rl.WindowShouldClose();
} }

View file

@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ pub const HomeScreenState = struct {
selection_idx: i8 = 0, selection_idx: i8 = 0,
}; };
pub const RenderStyle = enum(u8) {
db1 = 1,
ns = 3,
pub const DepartureScreenState = struct { pub const DepartureScreenState = struct {
station_id: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8), station_id: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8),
platform: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8), platform: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8),
@ -29,6 +34,7 @@ pub const DepartureScreenState = struct {
should_refresh: bool = false, should_refresh: bool = false,
max_next_trains: c_int = 5, max_next_trains: c_int = 5,
include_tram: bool = false, include_tram: bool = false,
render_style: RenderStyle = .db1,
}; };
allocator: std.mem.Allocator, allocator: std.mem.Allocator,