tdlib Docker builds
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2021-05-21 01:22:41 +03:00
alpine Made build scripts work regardless of cwd 2021-05-21 01:00:03 +03:00
debian Made build scripts work regardless of cwd 2021-05-21 01:00:03 +03:00
ubuntu Made build scripts work regardless of cwd 2021-05-21 01:00:03 +03:00
.gitignore Initial commit 2021-05-21 00:03:18 +03:00 Added buster and focal images 2021-05-21 01:22:41 +03:00


tdlib builds in a Docker container.

Also available on DockerHub.


The currently built versions are:

  • 1.7.0-buster, buster, 1.7.0, latest
  • 1.7.0-buster-slim, 1.7.0-slim, buster-slim, slim
  • 1.7.0-alpine3.13, 1.7.0-alpine3, 1.7.0-alpine, alpine3.13, alpine3, alpine
  • 1.7.0-focal, focal

How to use

The outputs of the build process are placed in the /tdlib folder in the image.

The best way to use the images is in a multi-stage build:

FROM AS tdlib

FROM alpine:3
COPY --from=tdlib /tdlib /tdlib/

How to build

The files used to build the images are located in the GitHub repository.

To build an image, run one of the following commands:

  • env ALPINE_VERSION=3 alpine/ 1.7.0
  • env DEBIAN_VERSION=buster-slim debian/ 1.7.0
  • env UBUNTU_VERSION=focal ubuntu/ 1.7.0

The *_VERSION environment variable selects which Docker image version to base the build on.

The 1.7.0 parameter to the script specifies the tdlib version tag.