diff --git a/ConsoleTest/ConsoleTest.csproj b/ConsoleTest/ConsoleTest.csproj
index 4df0a6c..7c6a3da 100644
--- a/ConsoleTest/ConsoleTest.csproj
+++ b/ConsoleTest/ConsoleTest.csproj
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- net6.0
+ net6.0;net7.0
diff --git a/ConsoleTest/Program.cs b/ConsoleTest/Program.cs
index 470e4f0..c4d66da 100644
--- a/ConsoleTest/Program.cs
+++ b/ConsoleTest/Program.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using System;
+using System.Linq;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using InfoferScraper;
@@ -7,6 +8,7 @@ using InfoferScraper.Scrapers;
while (true) {
Console.WriteLine("1. Scrape Train");
Console.WriteLine("2. Scrape Station");
+ Console.WriteLine("3. Scrape Itineraries");
Console.WriteLine("0. Exit");
var input = Console.ReadLine()?.Trim();
@@ -17,6 +19,9 @@ while (true) {
case "2":
await PrintStation();
+ case "3":
+ await ScrapeItineraries();
+ break;
case null:
case "0":
@@ -61,3 +66,30 @@ async Task PrintStation() {
+async Task ScrapeItineraries() {
+ Console.Write("From station: ");
+ var from = Console.ReadLine();
+ Console.Write("To station: ");
+ var to = Console.ReadLine();
+ if (from == null || to == null) return;
+ var data = await RouteScraper.Scrape(from, to);
+ Console.WriteLine($"{data.Count} itineraries:");
+ Console.WriteLine();
+ void PrintArrDepLine(DateTimeOffset date, string station) {
+ Console.WriteLine($"{date:HH:mm} {station}");
+ }
+ foreach (var itinerary in data) {
+ foreach (var train in itinerary.Trains) {
+ PrintArrDepLine(train.DepartureDate, train.From);
+ Console.WriteLine($" {train.TrainRank,-4} {train.TrainNumber,-5} ({train.Operator}), {train.Km,3} km via {string.Join(", ", train.IntermediateStops)}");
+ PrintArrDepLine(train.ArrivalDate, train.To);
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine();
+ }
diff --git a/scraper/src/Models/Itinerary.cs b/scraper/src/Models/Itinerary.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..521389b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scraper/src/Models/Itinerary.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+namespace scraper.Models.Itinerary;
+#region Interfaces
+public interface IItinerary {
+ public IReadOnlyList Trains { get; }
+public interface IItineraryTrain {
+ public string From { get; }
+ public string To { get; }
+ public IReadOnlyList IntermediateStops { get; }
+ public DateTimeOffset DepartureDate { get; }
+ public DateTimeOffset ArrivalDate { get; }
+ public int Km { get; }
+ public string Operator { get; }
+ public string TrainRank { get; }
+ public string TrainNumber { get; }
+#region Implementations
+internal record Itinerary : IItinerary {
+ private List ModifyableTrains { get; set; } = new();
+ public IReadOnlyList Trains => ModifyableTrains;
+ internal void AddTrain(IItineraryTrain train) {
+ ModifyableTrains.Add(train);
+ }
+ internal void AddTrain(Action configurator) {
+ ItineraryTrain newTrain = new();
+ configurator(newTrain);
+ AddTrain(newTrain);
+ }
+internal record ItineraryTrain : IItineraryTrain {
+ private List ModifyableIntermediateStops { get; set; } = new();
+ public string From { get; internal set; } = "";
+ public string To { get; internal set; } = "";
+ public IReadOnlyList IntermediateStops => ModifyableIntermediateStops;
+ public DateTimeOffset DepartureDate { get; internal set; } = new();
+ public DateTimeOffset ArrivalDate { get; internal set; } = new();
+ public int Km { get; internal set; } = 0;
+ public string Operator { get; internal set; } = "";
+ public string TrainRank { get; internal set; } = "";
+ public string TrainNumber { get; internal set; } = "";
+ internal void AddIntermediateStop(string stop) {
+ ModifyableIntermediateStops.Add(stop);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scraper/src/Scrapers/Route.cs b/scraper/src/Scrapers/Route.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab07a3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scraper/src/Scrapers/Route.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Net.Http;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using AngleSharp;
+using AngleSharp.Dom;
+using AngleSharp.Html.Dom;
+using Flurl;
+using InfoferScraper.Models.Train;
+using NodaTime;
+using NodaTime.Extensions;
+using scraper.Models.Itinerary;
+namespace InfoferScraper.Scrapers;
+public static class RouteScraper {
+ private const string BaseUrl = "https://mersultrenurilor.infofer.ro/ro-RO/";
+ private static readonly DateTimeZone BucharestTz = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb["Europe/Bucharest"];
+ private static readonly CookieContainer CookieContainer = new();
+ private static readonly HttpClient HttpClient = new(new HttpClientHandler {
+ CookieContainer = CookieContainer,
+ UseCookies = true,
+ }) {
+ BaseAddress = new Uri(BaseUrl),
+ DefaultRequestVersion = new Version(2, 0),
+ };
+ private static readonly Regex KmTrainRankNoRegex = new(@"^([0-9]+)\skm\scu\s([A-Z-]+)\s([0-9]+)$");
+ private static readonly Regex OperatorRegex = new(@$"^Operat\sde\s([{Utils.RoLetters}\s]+)$");
+ private static readonly Regex DepArrRegex = new(@"^(Ple|Sos)\s([0-9]+)\s([a-z]+)\.?\s([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$");
+ private static readonly Dictionary Months = new Dictionary() {
+ ["ian"] = 1,
+ ["feb"] = 2,
+ ["mar"] = 3,
+ ["apr"] = 4,
+ ["mai"] = 5,
+ ["iun"] = 6,
+ ["iul"] = 7,
+ ["aug"] = 8,
+ ["sep"] = 9,
+ ["oct"] = 10,
+ ["noi"] = 11,
+ ["dec"] = 12,
+ };
+ public static async Task?> Scrape(string from, string to, DateTimeOffset? dateOverride = null) {
+ var dateOverrideInstant = dateOverride?.ToInstant().InZone(BucharestTz);
+ dateOverride = dateOverrideInstant?.ToDateTimeOffset();
+ TrainScrapeResult result = new();
+ var asConfig = Configuration.Default;
+ var asContext = BrowsingContext.New(asConfig);
+ var firstUrl = "Rute-trenuri"
+ .AppendPathSegment(from)
+ .AppendPathSegment(to);
+ if (dateOverride != null) {
+ firstUrl = firstUrl.SetQueryParam("DepartureDate", $"{dateOverride:d.MM.yyyy}");
+ }
+ firstUrl = firstUrl.SetQueryParam("OrderingTypeId", "0");
+ firstUrl = firstUrl.SetQueryParam("TimeSelectionId", "0");
+ firstUrl = firstUrl.SetQueryParam("MinutesInDay", "0");
+ firstUrl = firstUrl.SetQueryParam("ConnectionsTypeId", "1");
+ firstUrl = firstUrl.SetQueryParam("BetweenTrainsMinimumMinutes", "5");
+ firstUrl = firstUrl.SetQueryParam("ChangeStationName", "");
+ var firstResponse = await HttpClient.GetStringAsync(firstUrl);
+ var firstDocument = await asContext.OpenAsync(req => req.Content(firstResponse));
+ var firstForm = firstDocument.GetElementById("form-search")!;
+ var firstResult = firstForm
+ .QuerySelectorAll("input")
+ .Where(elem => elem.Name != null)
+ .ToDictionary(elem => elem.Name!, elem => elem.Value);
+ var secondUrl = "".AppendPathSegments("Itineraries", "GetItineraries");
+ var secondResponse = await HttpClient.PostAsync(
+ secondUrl,
+#pragma warning disable CS8620
+ new FormUrlEncodedContent(firstResult)
+#pragma warning restore CS8620
+ );
+ var secondResponseContent = await secondResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
+ var secondDocument = await asContext.OpenAsync(
+ req => req.Content(secondResponseContent)
+ );
+ var (itineraryInfoDiv, _) = secondDocument
+ .QuerySelectorAll("body > div");
+ if (itineraryInfoDiv == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var itinerariesLi = secondDocument
+ .QuerySelectorAll("body > ul > li");
+ var itineraries = new List();
+ foreach (var itineraryLi in itinerariesLi) {
+ var itinerary = new Itinerary();
+ var cardDivs = itineraryLi.QuerySelectorAll(":scope > div > div > div > div");
+ var detailsDivs = cardDivs[3]
+ .QuerySelectorAll(":scope > div > div")[1]
+ .QuerySelectorAll(":scope > div");
+ var trainItineraryAndDetailsLis = detailsDivs[0]
+ .QuerySelectorAll(":scope > ul > li");
+ var stations = new List();
+ var details = new List();
+ foreach (var (idx, li) in trainItineraryAndDetailsLis.Select((li, idx) => (idx, li))) {
+ if (idx % 2 == 0) {
+ // Station
+ stations.Add(
+ li
+ .QuerySelectorAll(":scope > div > div > div > div")[1]
+ .Text()
+ .WithCollapsedSpaces()
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ var now = LocalDateTime.FromDateTime(DateTime.Now);
+ // Detail
+ var detailColumns = li.QuerySelectorAll(":scope > div > div");
+ var leftSideDivs = detailColumns[0].QuerySelectorAll(":scope > div");
+ var departureDateText = leftSideDivs[0]
+ .QuerySelectorAll(":scope > div")[1]
+ .Text()
+ .WithCollapsedSpaces();
+ var departureDateMatch = DepArrRegex.Match(departureDateText);
+ var departureDate = new LocalDateTime(
+ now.Year,
+ Months[departureDateMatch.Groups[3].Value],
+ int.Parse(departureDateMatch.Groups[2].Value),
+ int.Parse(departureDateMatch.Groups[4].Value),
+ int.Parse(departureDateMatch.Groups[5].Value),
+ 0
+ );
+ if (departureDate < now.PlusDays(-1)) {
+ departureDate = departureDate.PlusYears(1);
+ }
+ var arrivalDateText = leftSideDivs[3]
+ .QuerySelectorAll(":scope > div")[1]
+ .Text()
+ .WithCollapsedSpaces();
+ var arrivalDateMatch = DepArrRegex.Match(arrivalDateText);
+ var arrivalDate = new LocalDateTime(
+ now.Year,
+ Months[arrivalDateMatch.Groups[3].Value],
+ int.Parse(arrivalDateMatch.Groups[2].Value),
+ int.Parse(arrivalDateMatch.Groups[4].Value),
+ int.Parse(arrivalDateMatch.Groups[5].Value),
+ 0
+ );
+ if (arrivalDate < now.PlusDays(-1)) {
+ arrivalDate = arrivalDate.PlusYears(1);
+ }
+ var rightSideDivs = detailColumns[1].QuerySelectorAll(":scope > div > div");
+ var kmRankNumberText = rightSideDivs[0]
+ .QuerySelectorAll(":scope > div > div")[0]
+ .Text()
+ .WithCollapsedSpaces();
+ var kmRankNumberMatch = KmTrainRankNoRegex.Match(kmRankNumberText);
+ var operatorText = rightSideDivs[0]
+ .QuerySelectorAll(":scope > div > div")[1]
+ .Text()
+ .WithCollapsedSpaces();
+ var operatorMatch = OperatorRegex.Match(operatorText);
+ var train = new ItineraryTrain {
+ ArrivalDate = BucharestTz.AtLeniently(arrivalDate).ToDateTimeOffset(),
+ DepartureDate = BucharestTz.AtLeniently(departureDate).ToDateTimeOffset(),
+ Km = int.Parse(kmRankNumberMatch.Groups[1].Value),
+ TrainRank = kmRankNumberMatch.Groups[2].Value,
+ TrainNumber = kmRankNumberMatch.Groups[3].Value,
+ Operator = operatorMatch.Groups[1].Value,
+ };
+ foreach (var div in leftSideDivs[2]
+ .QuerySelectorAll(":scope > div")
+ .Where((_, i) => i % 2 != 0)) {
+ train.AddIntermediateStop(div.Text().WithCollapsedSpaces());
+ }
+ details.Add(train);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (var ((iFrom, iTo), detail) in stations.Zip(stations.Skip(1)).Zip(details)) {
+ detail.From = iFrom;
+ detail.To = iTo;
+ itinerary.AddTrain(detail);
+ }
+ itineraries.Add(itinerary);
+ }
+ return itineraries;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file