mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 17:19:36 +02:00
For now just the code, without UI that shows the simulation. However, the code works. Also added ground work for visual designer.
135 lines
4.3 KiB
135 lines
4.3 KiB
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/models.dart';
import 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/utils/simulation.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
class ComponentState extends ChangeNotifier {
ProjectEntry? _currentProject;
ComponentEntry? _currentComponent;
Wiring _wiring = const Wiring(instances: [], wires: []);
SimulatedComponent? _simulatedComponent;
final Map<String, Tuple2<ProjectEntry, ComponentEntry>> _dependenciesMap = {};
ProjectEntry? get currentProject => _currentProject;
ComponentEntry? get currentComponent => _currentComponent;
Wiring get wiring => _wiring;
Future<Directory> _getComponentDir() async {
if (_currentProject == null) {
throw Exception('Cannot get component directory without knowing project');
if (_currentComponent == null) {
throw Exception('Cannot get component directory of null');
final appDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final result = Directory(path.join(appDir.path, 'LogicCircuitsSimulator', 'projects', _currentProject!.projectId, 'components', _currentComponent!.componentId));
if (!await result.exists()) {
await result.create(recursive: true);
return result;
Future<File> _getWiringFile() async {
final result = File(path.join((await _getComponentDir()).path, 'wiring.json'));
return result;
Future<void> _loadComponentFiles() async {
final wiringFile = await _getWiringFile();
if (!await wiringFile.exists()) {
_wiring = const Wiring(instances: [], wires: []);
await wiringFile.writeAsString(jsonEncode(_wiring));
else {
_wiring = Wiring.fromJson(jsonDecode(await wiringFile.readAsString()));
Future<void> setCurrentComponent({
required ProjectEntry project,
required ComponentEntry component,
required Future<Tuple2<ProjectEntry, ComponentEntry>?> Function(String projectId, String componentId) onDependencyNeeded,
}) async {
_simulatedComponent = null;
_currentProject = project;
_currentComponent = component;
// Load dependencies
final unsatisfiedDependencies = <String>[];
for (final depId in component.dependencies) {
final splitted = depId.split('/');
final maybeDep = await onDependencyNeeded(splitted[0], splitted[1]);
if (maybeDep == null) {
else {
_dependenciesMap[depId] = maybeDep;
if (unsatisfiedDependencies.isNotEmpty) {
throw DependenciesNotSatisfiedException(dependencies: unsatisfiedDependencies);
return _loadComponentFiles().then((_) => notifyListeners());
void noComponent() {
_currentProject = null;
_currentComponent = null;
_wiring = const Wiring(instances: [], wires: []);
_simulatedComponent = null;
Future<Map<String, bool>> simulate(Map<String, bool> inputs) async {
Future<SimulatedComponent> onRequiredDependency(String depId) async {
final t = _dependenciesMap[depId]!;
final proj = t.item1;
final comp = t.item2;
final state = comp.visualDesigned ? ComponentState() : null;
if (state != null) {
await state.setCurrentComponent(
project: proj,
component: comp,
onDependencyNeeded: (projId, compId) async => _dependenciesMap['$projId/$compId'],
return SimulatedComponent(
project: proj,
component: comp,
onRequiredDependency: onRequiredDependency,
state: state,
_simulatedComponent ??= SimulatedComponent(
project: _currentProject!,
component: _currentComponent!,
onRequiredDependency: onRequiredDependency,
state: this,
return _simulatedComponent!.simulate(inputs);
class DependenciesNotSatisfiedException with Exception {
final List<String> dependencies;
const DependenciesNotSatisfiedException({required this.dependencies});
String toString() {
return 'DependenciesNotSatisfiedException(${dependencies.join(", ")})';