Implemented partial simulation and design*

- Implemented partial (step by step) simulation of visually designed
- Implemented moving components in design mode and simulating components
in simulation mode (click inputs to toggle)

- add/remove subcomponents, wires via GUI
- add GUI for step by step simulation
This commit is contained in:
Kenneth Bruen 2022-07-03 05:17:32 +03:00
parent 4a6caee702
commit c2d5d86554
Signed by: kbruen
GPG key ID: C1980A470C3EE5B1
11 changed files with 2035 additions and 99 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hooks/flutter_hooks.dart';
class VisualComponent extends HookWidget {
final String name;
final List<String> inputs;
final List<String> outputs;
final Map<String, Color?> inputColors;
final Map<String, Color?> outputColors;
VisualComponent({super.key, required, required this.inputs, required this.outputs, Map<String, Color?>? inputColors, Map<String, Color?>? outputColors})
: inputColors = inputColors ?? {}
, outputColors = outputColors ?? {};
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final hovered = useState(false);
final inputsWidth = => IOLabel.getNeededWidth(context, input)).fold<double>(0, (previousValue, element) => max(previousValue, element));
final outputsWidth = => IOLabel.getNeededWidth(context, output)).fold<double>(0, (previousValue, element) => max(previousValue, element));
return MouseRegion(
onEnter: (event) => hovered.value = true,
onExit: (event) => hovered.value = false,
child: Row(
children: [
children: [
for (final input in inputs) Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 5.0),
child: IOLabel(
label: input,
input: true,
lineColor: hovered.value
? Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary
: inputColors[input] ??,
width: inputsWidth,
width: 100,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
border: Border.all(
color: hovered.value ? Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary :,
child: Center(
child: Text(
softWrap: true,
children: [
for (final output in outputs) Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 5.0),
child: IOLabel(
label: output,
input: false,
lineColor: hovered.value
? Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary
: outputColors[output] ??,
width: outputsWidth,
static double getNeededWidth(BuildContext context, List<String> inputs, List<String> outputs, [TextStyle? textStyle]) {
final inputsWidth = => IOLabel.getNeededWidth(context, input, textStyle)).fold<double>(0, (previousValue, element) => max(previousValue, element));
final outputsWidth = => IOLabel.getNeededWidth(context, output, textStyle)).fold<double>(0, (previousValue, element) => max(previousValue, element));
return inputsWidth + outputsWidth + 100;
static double getHeightOfIO(BuildContext context, List<String> options, int index, [TextStyle? textStyle]) {
assert(index < options.length);
getHeightOfText(String text) {
final textPainter = TextPainter(
text: TextSpan(
text: text,
style: (textStyle ?? DefaultTextStyle.of(context).style).merge(
const TextStyle(
inherit: true,
fontFeatures: [
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
maxLines: 1,
return textPainter.height;
var result = 0.0;
for (var i = 0; i < index; i++) {
result += 5.0 + getHeightOfText(options[i]) + 5.0;
result += 5.0 + getHeightOfText(options[index]);
return result;
class IOComponent extends HookWidget {
final bool input;
final String name;
final double width;
final double circleDiameter;
final Color? color;
final void Function()? onTap;
const IOComponent({super.key, required, required this.input, this.width = 100, this.circleDiameter = 20, this.color, this.onTap});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final hovered = useState(false);
return MouseRegion(
onEnter: (event) => hovered.value = true,
onExit: (event) => hovered.value = false,
hitTestBehavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
child: GestureDetector(
onTap: onTap,
child: Builder(
builder: (context) {
final lineColor = hovered.value ? Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary : color ??;
return Row(
children: [
if (input) Container(
width: circleDiameter,
height: circleDiameter,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
border: Border.all(color: lineColor),
color: color,
padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: circleDiameter - 2),
child: IOLabel(
label: name,
input: !input,
lineColor: lineColor,
width: width - circleDiameter,
if (!input) Container(
width: circleDiameter,
height: circleDiameter,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
border: Border.all(color: lineColor),
color: color,
static double getNeededWidth(BuildContext context, String name, {double circleDiameter = 20, TextStyle? textStyle}) {
return circleDiameter + IOLabel.getNeededWidth(context, name, textStyle);
class IOLabel extends StatelessWidget {
final bool input;
final String label;
final Color lineColor;
final double width;
const IOLabel({super.key, required this.lineColor, required this.label, required this.input, this.width = 80});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
width: width,
height: 20,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
border: Border(
bottom: BorderSide(color: lineColor),
child: Align(
alignment: input ? Alignment.bottomRight : Alignment.bottomLeft,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 4.0),
child: Text(
style: const TextStyle(
inherit: true,
fontFeatures: [
static double getNeededWidth(BuildContext context, String text, [TextStyle? textStyle]) {
final textPainter = TextPainter(
text: TextSpan(
text: text,
style: (textStyle ?? DefaultTextStyle.of(context).style).merge(
const TextStyle(
inherit: true,
fontFeatures: [
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
maxLines: 1,
return textPainter.width + 10;
class WireWidget extends StatelessWidget {
final Offset from;
final Offset to;
final Color color;
const WireWidget({
required this.from,
this.color =,
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return CustomPaint(
painter: _WireCustomPainter(
color: color,
(from.dx < to.dx && from.dy < to.dy) ||
(from.dx > to.dx && from.dy > to.dy),
child: SizedBox(
height: (to - from).dy.abs(),
width: (to - from).dx.abs(),
class _WireCustomPainter extends CustomPainter {
final Color color;
final bool primaryDiagonal;
const _WireCustomPainter({required this.color, required this.primaryDiagonal});
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
final paint = Paint()
..color = color;
if (primaryDiagonal) {
Offset(size.width, size.height),
else {
Offset(size.width, 0),
Offset(0, size.height),
bool shouldRepaint(covariant CustomPainter oldDelegate) {
return true;

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
export 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/models/projects.dart';
export 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/models/project.dart';
export 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/models/component.dart';
export 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/models/design.dart';
export 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/models/project.dart';
export 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/models/projects.dart';
export 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/models/wiring.dart';

lib/models/design.dart Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
part 'design.freezed.dart';
part 'design.g.dart';
class Design with _$Design {
const factory Design({
required List<DesignComponent> components,
required List<DesignWire> wires,
required List<DesignInput> inputs,
required List<DesignOutput> outputs,
}) = _Design;
factory Design.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$DesignFromJson(json);
class DesignComponent with _$DesignComponent {
const factory DesignComponent({
required String instanceId,
required double x,
required double y,
}) = _DesignComponent;
factory DesignComponent.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$DesignComponentFromJson(json);
class DesignWire with _$DesignWire {
const factory DesignWire({
required String wireId,
required double x,
required double y,
}) = _DesignWire;
factory DesignWire.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$DesignWireFromJson(json);
class DesignInput with _$DesignInput {
const factory DesignInput({
required String name,
required double x,
required double y,
}) = _DesignInput;
factory DesignInput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$DesignInputFromJson(json);
class DesignOutput with _$DesignOutput {
const factory DesignOutput({
required String name,
required double x,
required double y,
}) = _DesignOutput;
factory DesignOutput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$DesignOutputFromJson(json);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,908 @@
// coverage:ignore-file
// ignore_for_file: type=lint
// ignore_for_file: unused_element, deprecated_member_use, deprecated_member_use_from_same_package, use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters, unnecessary_const, avoid_init_to_null, invalid_override_different_default_values_named, prefer_expression_function_bodies, annotate_overrides, invalid_annotation_target
part of 'design.dart';
// **************************************************************************
// FreezedGenerator
// **************************************************************************
T _$identity<T>(T value) => value;
final _privateConstructorUsedError = UnsupportedError(
'It seems like you constructed your class using `MyClass._()`. This constructor is only meant to be used by freezed and you are not supposed to need it nor use it.\nPlease check the documentation here for more information:');
Design _$DesignFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return _Design.fromJson(json);
/// @nodoc
mixin _$Design {
List<DesignComponent> get components => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
List<DesignWire> get wires => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
List<DesignInput> get inputs => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
List<DesignOutput> get outputs => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
$DesignCopyWith<Design> get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $DesignCopyWith<$Res> {
factory $DesignCopyWith(Design value, $Res Function(Design) then) =
$Res call(
{List<DesignComponent> components,
List<DesignWire> wires,
List<DesignInput> inputs,
List<DesignOutput> outputs});
/// @nodoc
class _$DesignCopyWithImpl<$Res> implements $DesignCopyWith<$Res> {
_$DesignCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
final Design _value;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function(Design) _then;
$Res call({
Object? components = freezed,
Object? wires = freezed,
Object? inputs = freezed,
Object? outputs = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(
components: components == freezed
? _value.components
: components // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List<DesignComponent>,
wires: wires == freezed
? _value.wires
: wires // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List<DesignWire>,
inputs: inputs == freezed
? _value.inputs
: inputs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List<DesignInput>,
outputs: outputs == freezed
? _value.outputs
: outputs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List<DesignOutput>,
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$_DesignCopyWith<$Res> implements $DesignCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$_DesignCopyWith(_$_Design value, $Res Function(_$_Design) then) =
$Res call(
{List<DesignComponent> components,
List<DesignWire> wires,
List<DesignInput> inputs,
List<DesignOutput> outputs});
/// @nodoc
class __$$_DesignCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$DesignCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$_DesignCopyWith<$Res> {
__$$_DesignCopyWithImpl(_$_Design _value, $Res Function(_$_Design) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$_Design));
_$_Design get _value => super._value as _$_Design;
$Res call({
Object? components = freezed,
Object? wires = freezed,
Object? inputs = freezed,
Object? outputs = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$_Design(
components: components == freezed
? _value._components
: components // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List<DesignComponent>,
wires: wires == freezed
? _value._wires
: wires // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List<DesignWire>,
inputs: inputs == freezed
? _value._inputs
: inputs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List<DesignInput>,
outputs: outputs == freezed
? _value._outputs
: outputs // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as List<DesignOutput>,
/// @nodoc
class _$_Design implements _Design {
const _$_Design(
{required final List<DesignComponent> components,
required final List<DesignWire> wires,
required final List<DesignInput> inputs,
required final List<DesignOutput> outputs})
: _components = components,
_wires = wires,
_inputs = inputs,
_outputs = outputs;
factory _$_Design.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
final List<DesignComponent> _components;
List<DesignComponent> get components {
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView(_components);
final List<DesignWire> _wires;
List<DesignWire> get wires {
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView(_wires);
final List<DesignInput> _inputs;
List<DesignInput> get inputs {
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView(_inputs);
final List<DesignOutput> _outputs;
List<DesignOutput> get outputs {
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
return EqualUnmodifiableListView(_outputs);
String toString() {
return 'Design(components: $components, wires: $wires, inputs: $inputs, outputs: $outputs)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$_Design &&
const DeepCollectionEquality()
.equals(other._components, _components) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other._wires, _wires) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other._inputs, _inputs) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other._outputs, _outputs));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_components),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_wires),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_inputs),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(_outputs));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_DesignCopyWith<_$_Design> get copyWith =>
__$$_DesignCopyWithImpl<_$_Design>(this, _$identity);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return _$$_DesignToJson(this);
abstract class _Design implements Design {
const factory _Design(
{required final List<DesignComponent> components,
required final List<DesignWire> wires,
required final List<DesignInput> inputs,
required final List<DesignOutput> outputs}) = _$_Design;
factory _Design.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) = _$_Design.fromJson;
List<DesignComponent> get components => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
List<DesignWire> get wires => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
List<DesignInput> get inputs => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
List<DesignOutput> get outputs => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_DesignCopyWith<_$_Design> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
DesignComponent _$DesignComponentFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return _DesignComponent.fromJson(json);
/// @nodoc
mixin _$DesignComponent {
String get instanceId => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
double get x => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
double get y => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
$DesignComponentCopyWith<DesignComponent> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $DesignComponentCopyWith<$Res> {
factory $DesignComponentCopyWith(
DesignComponent value, $Res Function(DesignComponent) then) =
$Res call({String instanceId, double x, double y});
/// @nodoc
class _$DesignComponentCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements $DesignComponentCopyWith<$Res> {
_$DesignComponentCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
final DesignComponent _value;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function(DesignComponent) _then;
$Res call({
Object? instanceId = freezed,
Object? x = freezed,
Object? y = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(
instanceId: instanceId == freezed
? _value.instanceId
: instanceId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
x: x == freezed
? _value.x
: x // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as double,
y: y == freezed
? _value.y
: y // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as double,
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$_DesignComponentCopyWith<$Res>
implements $DesignComponentCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$_DesignComponentCopyWith(
_$_DesignComponent value, $Res Function(_$_DesignComponent) then) =
$Res call({String instanceId, double x, double y});
/// @nodoc
class __$$_DesignComponentCopyWithImpl<$Res>
extends _$DesignComponentCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$_DesignComponentCopyWith<$Res> {
_$_DesignComponent _value, $Res Function(_$_DesignComponent) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$_DesignComponent));
_$_DesignComponent get _value => super._value as _$_DesignComponent;
$Res call({
Object? instanceId = freezed,
Object? x = freezed,
Object? y = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$_DesignComponent(
instanceId: instanceId == freezed
? _value.instanceId
: instanceId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
x: x == freezed
? _value.x
: x // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as double,
y: y == freezed
? _value.y
: y // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as double,
/// @nodoc
class _$_DesignComponent implements _DesignComponent {
const _$_DesignComponent(
{required this.instanceId, required this.x, required this.y});
factory _$_DesignComponent.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
final String instanceId;
final double x;
final double y;
String toString() {
return 'DesignComponent(instanceId: $instanceId, x: $x, y: $y)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$_DesignComponent &&
const DeepCollectionEquality()
.equals(other.instanceId, instanceId) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.x, x) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.y, y));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(instanceId),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(x),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(y));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_DesignComponentCopyWith<_$_DesignComponent> get copyWith =>
__$$_DesignComponentCopyWithImpl<_$_DesignComponent>(this, _$identity);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return _$$_DesignComponentToJson(this);
abstract class _DesignComponent implements DesignComponent {
const factory _DesignComponent(
{required final String instanceId,
required final double x,
required final double y}) = _$_DesignComponent;
factory _DesignComponent.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =
String get instanceId => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
double get x => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
double get y => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_DesignComponentCopyWith<_$_DesignComponent> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
DesignWire _$DesignWireFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return _DesignWire.fromJson(json);
/// @nodoc
mixin _$DesignWire {
String get wireId => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
double get x => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
double get y => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
$DesignWireCopyWith<DesignWire> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $DesignWireCopyWith<$Res> {
factory $DesignWireCopyWith(
DesignWire value, $Res Function(DesignWire) then) =
$Res call({String wireId, double x, double y});
/// @nodoc
class _$DesignWireCopyWithImpl<$Res> implements $DesignWireCopyWith<$Res> {
_$DesignWireCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
final DesignWire _value;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function(DesignWire) _then;
$Res call({
Object? wireId = freezed,
Object? x = freezed,
Object? y = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(
wireId: wireId == freezed
? _value.wireId
: wireId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
x: x == freezed
? _value.x
: x // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as double,
y: y == freezed
? _value.y
: y // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as double,
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$_DesignWireCopyWith<$Res>
implements $DesignWireCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$_DesignWireCopyWith(
_$_DesignWire value, $Res Function(_$_DesignWire) then) =
$Res call({String wireId, double x, double y});
/// @nodoc
class __$$_DesignWireCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$DesignWireCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$_DesignWireCopyWith<$Res> {
_$_DesignWire _value, $Res Function(_$_DesignWire) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$_DesignWire));
_$_DesignWire get _value => super._value as _$_DesignWire;
$Res call({
Object? wireId = freezed,
Object? x = freezed,
Object? y = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$_DesignWire(
wireId: wireId == freezed
? _value.wireId
: wireId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
x: x == freezed
? _value.x
: x // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as double,
y: y == freezed
? _value.y
: y // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as double,
/// @nodoc
class _$_DesignWire implements _DesignWire {
const _$_DesignWire({required this.wireId, required this.x, required this.y});
factory _$_DesignWire.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
final String wireId;
final double x;
final double y;
String toString() {
return 'DesignWire(wireId: $wireId, x: $x, y: $y)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$_DesignWire &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.wireId, wireId) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.x, x) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.y, y));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(wireId),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(x),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(y));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_DesignWireCopyWith<_$_DesignWire> get copyWith =>
__$$_DesignWireCopyWithImpl<_$_DesignWire>(this, _$identity);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return _$$_DesignWireToJson(this);
abstract class _DesignWire implements DesignWire {
const factory _DesignWire(
{required final String wireId,
required final double x,
required final double y}) = _$_DesignWire;
factory _DesignWire.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =
String get wireId => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
double get x => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
double get y => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_DesignWireCopyWith<_$_DesignWire> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
DesignInput _$DesignInputFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return _DesignInput.fromJson(json);
/// @nodoc
mixin _$DesignInput {
String get name => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
double get x => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
double get y => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
$DesignInputCopyWith<DesignInput> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $DesignInputCopyWith<$Res> {
factory $DesignInputCopyWith(
DesignInput value, $Res Function(DesignInput) then) =
$Res call({String name, double x, double y});
/// @nodoc
class _$DesignInputCopyWithImpl<$Res> implements $DesignInputCopyWith<$Res> {
_$DesignInputCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
final DesignInput _value;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function(DesignInput) _then;
$Res call({
Object? name = freezed,
Object? x = freezed,
Object? y = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(
name: name == freezed
: name // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
x: x == freezed
? _value.x
: x // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as double,
y: y == freezed
? _value.y
: y // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as double,
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$_DesignInputCopyWith<$Res>
implements $DesignInputCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$_DesignInputCopyWith(
_$_DesignInput value, $Res Function(_$_DesignInput) then) =
$Res call({String name, double x, double y});
/// @nodoc
class __$$_DesignInputCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$DesignInputCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$_DesignInputCopyWith<$Res> {
_$_DesignInput _value, $Res Function(_$_DesignInput) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$_DesignInput));
_$_DesignInput get _value => super._value as _$_DesignInput;
$Res call({
Object? name = freezed,
Object? x = freezed,
Object? y = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$_DesignInput(
name: name == freezed
: name // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
x: x == freezed
? _value.x
: x // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as double,
y: y == freezed
? _value.y
: y // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as double,
/// @nodoc
class _$_DesignInput implements _DesignInput {
const _$_DesignInput({required, required this.x, required this.y});
factory _$_DesignInput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
final String name;
final double x;
final double y;
String toString() {
return 'DesignInput(name: $name, x: $x, y: $y)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$_DesignInput &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(, name) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.x, x) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.y, y));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(name),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(x),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(y));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_DesignInputCopyWith<_$_DesignInput> get copyWith =>
__$$_DesignInputCopyWithImpl<_$_DesignInput>(this, _$identity);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return _$$_DesignInputToJson(this);
abstract class _DesignInput implements DesignInput {
const factory _DesignInput(
{required final String name,
required final double x,
required final double y}) = _$_DesignInput;
factory _DesignInput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =
String get name => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
double get x => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
double get y => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_DesignInputCopyWith<_$_DesignInput> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
DesignOutput _$DesignOutputFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return _DesignOutput.fromJson(json);
/// @nodoc
mixin _$DesignOutput {
String get name => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
double get x => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
double get y => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
$DesignOutputCopyWith<DesignOutput> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// @nodoc
abstract class $DesignOutputCopyWith<$Res> {
factory $DesignOutputCopyWith(
DesignOutput value, $Res Function(DesignOutput) then) =
$Res call({String name, double x, double y});
/// @nodoc
class _$DesignOutputCopyWithImpl<$Res> implements $DesignOutputCopyWith<$Res> {
_$DesignOutputCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then);
final DesignOutput _value;
// ignore: unused_field
final $Res Function(DesignOutput) _then;
$Res call({
Object? name = freezed,
Object? x = freezed,
Object? y = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(
name: name == freezed
: name // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
x: x == freezed
? _value.x
: x // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as double,
y: y == freezed
? _value.y
: y // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as double,
/// @nodoc
abstract class _$$_DesignOutputCopyWith<$Res>
implements $DesignOutputCopyWith<$Res> {
factory _$$_DesignOutputCopyWith(
_$_DesignOutput value, $Res Function(_$_DesignOutput) then) =
$Res call({String name, double x, double y});
/// @nodoc
class __$$_DesignOutputCopyWithImpl<$Res>
extends _$DesignOutputCopyWithImpl<$Res>
implements _$$_DesignOutputCopyWith<$Res> {
_$_DesignOutput _value, $Res Function(_$_DesignOutput) _then)
: super(_value, (v) => _then(v as _$_DesignOutput));
_$_DesignOutput get _value => super._value as _$_DesignOutput;
$Res call({
Object? name = freezed,
Object? x = freezed,
Object? y = freezed,
}) {
return _then(_$_DesignOutput(
name: name == freezed
: name // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as String,
x: x == freezed
? _value.x
: x // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as double,
y: y == freezed
? _value.y
: y // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as double,
/// @nodoc
class _$_DesignOutput implements _DesignOutput {
const _$_DesignOutput({required, required this.x, required this.y});
factory _$_DesignOutput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
final String name;
final double x;
final double y;
String toString() {
return 'DesignOutput(name: $name, x: $x, y: $y)';
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
(other.runtimeType == runtimeType &&
other is _$_DesignOutput &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(, name) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.x, x) &&
const DeepCollectionEquality().equals(other.y, y));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(name),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(x),
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(y));
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_DesignOutputCopyWith<_$_DesignOutput> get copyWith =>
__$$_DesignOutputCopyWithImpl<_$_DesignOutput>(this, _$identity);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return _$$_DesignOutputToJson(this);
abstract class _DesignOutput implements DesignOutput {
const factory _DesignOutput(
{required final String name,
required final double x,
required final double y}) = _$_DesignOutput;
factory _DesignOutput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =
String get name => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
double get x => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
double get y => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
_$$_DesignOutputCopyWith<_$_DesignOutput> get copyWith =>
throw _privateConstructorUsedError;

lib/models/design.g.dart Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
part of 'design.dart';
// **************************************************************************
// JsonSerializableGenerator
// **************************************************************************
_$_Design _$$_DesignFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$_Design(
components: (json['components'] as List<dynamic>)
.map((e) => DesignComponent.fromJson(e as Map<String, dynamic>))
wires: (json['wires'] as List<dynamic>)
.map((e) => DesignWire.fromJson(e as Map<String, dynamic>))
inputs: (json['inputs'] as List<dynamic>)
.map((e) => DesignInput.fromJson(e as Map<String, dynamic>))
outputs: (json['outputs'] as List<dynamic>)
.map((e) => DesignOutput.fromJson(e as Map<String, dynamic>))
Map<String, dynamic> _$$_DesignToJson(_$_Design instance) => <String, dynamic>{
'components': instance.components,
'wires': instance.wires,
'inputs': instance.inputs,
'outputs': instance.outputs,
_$_DesignComponent _$$_DesignComponentFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
instanceId: json['instanceId'] as String,
x: (json['x'] as num).toDouble(),
y: (json['y'] as num).toDouble(),
Map<String, dynamic> _$$_DesignComponentToJson(_$_DesignComponent instance) =>
<String, dynamic>{
'instanceId': instance.instanceId,
'x': instance.x,
'y': instance.y,
_$_DesignWire _$$_DesignWireFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
wireId: json['wireId'] as String,
x: (json['x'] as num).toDouble(),
y: (json['y'] as num).toDouble(),
Map<String, dynamic> _$$_DesignWireToJson(_$_DesignWire instance) =>
<String, dynamic>{
'wireId': instance.wireId,
'x': instance.x,
'y': instance.y,
_$_DesignInput _$$_DesignInputFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
name: json['name'] as String,
x: (json['x'] as num).toDouble(),
y: (json['y'] as num).toDouble(),
Map<String, dynamic> _$$_DesignInputToJson(_$_DesignInput instance) =>
<String, dynamic>{
'x': instance.x,
'y': instance.y,
_$_DesignOutput _$$_DesignOutputFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
name: json['name'] as String,
x: (json['x'] as num).toDouble(),
y: (json['y'] as num).toDouble(),
Map<String, dynamic> _$$_DesignOutputToJson(_$_DesignOutput instance) =>
<String, dynamic>{
'x': instance.x,
'y': instance.y,

View file

@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hooks/flutter_hooks.dart';
import 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/components/visual_component.dart';
import 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/models.dart';
import 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/pages_arguments/design_component.dart';
import 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/state/component.dart';
import 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/utils/future_call_debounce.dart';
import 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/utils/iterable_extension.dart';
import 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/utils/provider_hook.dart';
import 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/utils/stack_canvas_controller_hook.dart';
import 'package:stack_canvas/stack_canvas.dart';
Key canvasKey = GlobalKey();
class DesignComponentPage extends HookWidget {
final ComponentEntry component;
@ -19,51 +26,378 @@ class DesignComponentPage extends HookWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final componentState = useProvider<ComponentState>();
final canvasController = useStackCanvasController();
final widgets = useState(<CanvasObject<Widget>>[]);
final canvasController = useStackCanvasController(
offsetReference: Reference.Center,
// Simulation vars
final isSimulating = useState(false);
final simulatePartially = useState(false);
final movingWidgetUpdater = useState<void Function(double dx, double dy)?>(null);
final movingWidget = useState<dynamic>(null);
final widgets = useMemoized(() => [
for (final subcomponent in componentState.designDraft.components)
dx: subcomponent.x,
dy: subcomponent.y,
width: VisualComponent.getNeededWidth(
height: max(
) * 30 + 10,
child: Listener(
behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
onPointerDown: (event) {
final debouncer = FutureCallDebounce<List<double>>(
futureCall: (xyList) {
final dx = xyList[0];
final dy = xyList[1];
return componentState.updateDesign(componentState.designDraft.copyWith(
(e) => e.instanceId == subcomponent.instanceId ? e.copyWith(
x: subcomponent.x + dx,
y: subcomponent.y + dy,
) : e,
), commit: false);
combiner: (oldParams, newParams) {
return oldParams.zipWith([newParams], (deltas) => deltas.fold<double>(0.0, (prev, elem) => prev + elem)).toList();
movingWidgetUpdater.value = (dx, dy) {[dx, dy]);
movingWidget.value = subcomponent;
onPointerUp: (event) {
movingWidgetUpdater.value = null;
movingWidget.value = null;
child: MouseRegion(
cursor: movingWidget.value == subcomponent ? SystemMouseCursors.move : MouseCursor.defer,
child: VisualComponent(
name: componentState.getMetaByInstance(subcomponent.instanceId).item2.componentName,
inputs: componentState.getMetaByInstance(subcomponent.instanceId).item2.inputs,
outputs: componentState.getMetaByInstance(subcomponent.instanceId).item2.outputs,
inputColors: isSimulating.value ? {
for (final input in componentState.getMetaByInstance(subcomponent.instanceId).item2.inputs)
input: componentState.partialVisualSimulation!.inputsValues['${subcomponent.instanceId}/$input'] == true ?
: componentState.partialVisualSimulation!.inputsValues['${subcomponent.instanceId}/$input'] == false ?
} : null,
outputColors: isSimulating.value ? {
for (final output in componentState.getMetaByInstance(subcomponent.instanceId).item2.outputs)
output: componentState.partialVisualSimulation!.outputsValues['${subcomponent.instanceId}/$output'] == true ?
: componentState.partialVisualSimulation!.outputsValues['${subcomponent.instanceId}/$output'] == false ?
} : null,
for (final input in componentState.designDraft.inputs)
dx: input.x,
dy: input.y,
width: IOComponent.getNeededWidth(context,, textStyle: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyMedium),
height: 40,
child: Listener(
behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
onPointerDown: (event) {
final debouncer = FutureCallDebounce<List<double>>(
futureCall: (xyList) {
final dx = xyList[0];
final dy = xyList[1];
return componentState.updateDesign(componentState.designDraft.copyWith(
(e) => == ? e.copyWith(
x: input.x + dx,
y: input.y + dy,
) : e,
), commit: false);
combiner: (oldParams, newParams) {
return oldParams.zipWith([newParams], (deltas) => deltas.fold<double>(0.0, (prev, elem) => prev + elem)).toList();
movingWidgetUpdater.value = (dx, dy) {[dx, dy]);
onPointerUp: (event) {
movingWidgetUpdater.value = null;
child: IOComponent(
input: true,
width: IOComponent.getNeededWidth(context,, textStyle: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyMedium),
color: isSimulating.value
? (componentState.partialVisualSimulation!.outputsValues['self/${}']!
: null,
onTap: isSimulating.value ? () {
} : null,
for (final output in componentState.designDraft.outputs)
dx: output.x,
dy: output.y,
width: IOComponent.getNeededWidth(context,, textStyle: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyMedium),
height: 40,
child: Listener(
behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
onPointerDown: (event) {
final debouncer = FutureCallDebounce<List<double>>(
futureCall: (xyList) {
final dx = xyList[0];
final dy = xyList[1];
return componentState.updateDesign(componentState.designDraft.copyWith(
(e) => == ? e.copyWith(
x: output.x + dx,
y: output.y + dy,
) : e,
), commit: false);
combiner: (oldParams, newParams) {
return oldParams.zipWith([newParams], (deltas) => deltas.fold<double>(0.0, (prev, elem) => prev + elem)).toList();
movingWidgetUpdater.value = (dx, dy) {[dx, dy]);
onPointerUp: (event) {
movingWidgetUpdater.value = null;
child: IOComponent(
input: false,
width: IOComponent.getNeededWidth(context,, textStyle: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyMedium),
color: isSimulating.value
? (componentState.partialVisualSimulation!.inputsValues['self/${}'] == true ?
: componentState.partialVisualSimulation!.inputsValues['self/${}'] == false ?
: null)
: null,
for (final wire in componentState.wiring.wires)
(() {
const ioCircleDiameter = 20;
Offset from, to;
if (wire.output.split('/')[0] == 'self') {
// It's a component input
// Find input
final inputName = wire.output.split('/')[1];
final design = componentState.designDraft.inputs.where((i) => == inputName).first;
from = Offset(
// Take into account widget length
design.x +
textStyle: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyMedium,
design.y + ioCircleDiameter + 1,
else {
// It's a subcomponent output
// Find subcomponent
final split = wire.output.split('/');
final subcomponentId = split[0];
final outputName = split[1];
final design = componentState.designDraft.components.where((c) => c.instanceId == subcomponentId).first;
final subcomponent = componentState.getMetaByInstance(subcomponentId).item2;
from = Offset(
// Take into account widget length
design.x +
design.y +
if (wire.input.split('/')[0] == 'self') {
// It's a component output
// Find output
final outputName = wire.input.split('/')[1];
final design = componentState.designDraft.outputs.where((o) => == outputName).first;
to = Offset(
design.y + ioCircleDiameter + 1,
else {
// It's a subcomponent input
// Find subcomponent
final split = wire.input.split('/');
final subcomponentId = split[0];
final inputName = split[1];
final design = componentState.designDraft.components.where((c) => c.instanceId == subcomponentId).first;
final subcomponent = componentState.getMetaByInstance(subcomponentId).item2;
to = Offset(
// Take into account widget length
design.y +
var wireColor =;
if (isSimulating.value) {
final wireValue = componentState.partialVisualSimulation!.outputsValues[wire.output];
if (wireValue == true) {
wireColor =;
else if (wireValue == false) {
wireColor =;
return CanvasObject(
dx: min(from.dx, to.dx),
dy: min(from.dy, to.dy),
width: (to - from).dx.abs(),
height: (to - from).dy.abs(),
child: IgnorePointer(
child: WireWidget(
from: from,
to: to,
color: wireColor,
], [componentState.designDraft, isSimulating.value, componentState.partialVisualSimulation!.outputsValues]);
useEffect(() {
final wList = widgets;
return () {
// Cleanup
for (final obj in wList) {
}, [widgets]);
useEffect(() {
if (isSimulating.value && !simulatePartially.value && componentState.partialVisualSimulation!.nextToSimulate.isNotEmpty) {
return null;
}, [componentState.partialVisualSimulation! => '${e.key}:${e.value}').join(';'), simulatePartially.value, isSimulating.value]);
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
centerTitle: true,
title: Text('Design - ${component.componentName}'),
title: Text('${isSimulating.value ? 'Simulation' : 'Design'} - ${component.componentName}'),
actions: [
icon: Icon(isSimulating.value ? Icons.stop : Icons.start),
tooltip: isSimulating.value ? 'Stop Simulation' : 'Start Simulation',
onPressed: () {
isSimulating.value = !isSimulating.value;
body: OrientationBuilder(
builder: (context, orientation) {
if (orientation == Orientation.portrait) {
return Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
children: [
child: StackCanvas(
canvasController: canvasController,
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.background,
body: GestureDetector(
onPanUpdate: (update) {
final hw = movingWidgetUpdater.value;
if (hw == null || isSimulating.value) {
canvasController.offset = canvasController.offset.translate(,;
else {
return Row(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
children: [
child: StackCanvas(
canvasController: canvasController,
child: OrientationBuilder(
builder: (context, orientation) {
if (orientation == Orientation.portrait) {
return Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
children: [
child: StackCanvas(
key: canvasKey,
canvasController: canvasController,
animationDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 50),
// disposeController: false,
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.background,
else {
return Row(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
children: [
child: StackCanvas(
key: canvasKey,
canvasController: canvasController,
animationDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 50),
// disposeController: false,
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.background,

View file

@ -12,13 +12,41 @@ class ComponentState extends ChangeNotifier {
ProjectEntry? _currentProject;
ComponentEntry? _currentComponent;
Wiring _wiring = const Wiring(instances: [], wires: []);
Wiring? _wiringDraft;
Design _design = const Design(components: [], wires: [], inputs: [], outputs: []);
Design? _designDraft;
SimulatedComponent? _simulatedComponent;
PartialVisualSimulation? _partialVisualSimulation;
final Map<String, Tuple2<ProjectEntry, ComponentEntry>> _dependenciesMap = {};
ProjectEntry? get currentProject => _currentProject;
ComponentEntry? get currentComponent => _currentComponent;
Wiring get wiring => _wiring;
Wiring get wiringDraft => _wiringDraft ?? _wiring;
Design get design => _design;
Design get designDraft => _designDraft ?? _design;
PartialVisualSimulation? get partialVisualSimulation => _partialVisualSimulation;
Future<SimulatedComponent> _onRequiredDependency(String depId) async {
final t = _dependenciesMap[depId]!;
final proj = t.item1;
final comp = t.item2;
final state = comp.visualDesigned ? ComponentState() : null;
if (state != null) {
await state.setCurrentComponent(
project: proj,
component: comp,
onDependencyNeeded: (projId, compId) async => _dependenciesMap['$projId/$compId'],
return SimulatedComponent(
project: proj,
component: comp,
onRequiredDependency: _onRequiredDependency,
state: state,
Future<Directory> _getComponentDir() async {
if (_currentProject == null) {
@ -40,6 +68,11 @@ class ComponentState extends ChangeNotifier {
return result;
Future<File> _getDesignFile() async {
final result = File(path.join((await _getComponentDir()).path, 'design.json'));
return result;
Future<void> _loadComponentFiles() async {
final wiringFile = await _getWiringFile();
if (!await wiringFile.exists()) {
@ -49,6 +82,17 @@ class ComponentState extends ChangeNotifier {
else {
_wiring = Wiring.fromJson(jsonDecode(await wiringFile.readAsString()));
_wiringDraft = null;
final designFile = await _getDesignFile();
if (!await designFile.exists()) {
_design = const Design(components: [], wires: [], inputs: [], outputs: []);
await designFile.writeAsString(jsonEncode(_design));
else {
_design = Design.fromJson(jsonDecode(await designFile.readAsString()));
_designDraft = null;
Future<void> setCurrentComponent({
@ -78,7 +122,18 @@ class ComponentState extends ChangeNotifier {
throw DependenciesNotSatisfiedException(dependencies: unsatisfiedDependencies);
return _loadComponentFiles().then((_) => notifyListeners());
await _loadComponentFiles();
if (component.visualDesigned) {
_partialVisualSimulation = await PartialVisualSimulation.init(
project: project,
component: component,
state: this,
onRequiredDependency: _onRequiredDependency,
void noComponent() {
@ -86,41 +141,63 @@ class ComponentState extends ChangeNotifier {
_currentProject = null;
_currentComponent = null;
_wiring = const Wiring(instances: [], wires: []);
_design = const Design(components: [], wires: [], inputs: [], outputs: []);
_wiringDraft = _designDraft = null;
_simulatedComponent = null;
_partialVisualSimulation = null;
Future<Map<String, bool>> simulate(Map<String, bool> inputs) async {
Future<SimulatedComponent> onRequiredDependency(String depId) async {
final t = _dependenciesMap[depId]!;
final proj = t.item1;
final comp = t.item2;
final state = comp.visualDesigned ? ComponentState() : null;
if (state != null) {
await state.setCurrentComponent(
project: proj,
component: comp,
onDependencyNeeded: (projId, compId) async => _dependenciesMap['$projId/$compId'],
Tuple2<ProjectEntry, ComponentEntry> getMetaByInstance(String instanceId) {
for (final instance in wiring.instances) {
if (instance.instanceId == instanceId) {
return _dependenciesMap[instance.componentId]!;
return SimulatedComponent(
project: proj,
component: comp,
onRequiredDependency: onRequiredDependency,
state: state,
throw Exception('Instance $instanceId not found in the dependencies map');
Future<Map<String, bool>> simulate(Map<String, bool> inputs) async {
_simulatedComponent ??= SimulatedComponent(
project: _currentProject!,
component: _currentComponent!,
onRequiredDependency: onRequiredDependency,
onRequiredDependency: _onRequiredDependency,
state: this,
return _simulatedComponent!.simulate(inputs);
Future<Design> updateDesign(Design newDesign, {bool commit = true}) async {
if (commit) {
_design = newDesign;
_designDraft = null;
final designFile = await _getDesignFile();
await designFile.writeAsString(jsonEncode(newDesign));
else {
_designDraft = newDesign;
return designDraft;
Future<Wiring> updateWiring(Wiring newWiring, {bool commit = true}) async {
if (commit) {
_wiring = newWiring;
_wiringDraft = null;
final wiringFile = await _getWiringFile();
await wiringFile.writeAsString(jsonEncode(newWiring));
else {
_wiringDraft = newWiring;
return wiringDraft;
class DependenciesNotSatisfiedException with Exception {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
class FutureCallDebounce<TParams extends Object> {
TParams? _params;
Future? _awaited;
final Future Function(TParams) futureCall;
final TParams Function(TParams oldParams, TParams newParams) combiner;
static TParams _defaultCombiner<TParams>(TParams _, TParams newParams) => newParams;
FutureCallDebounce({required this.futureCall, required this.combiner});
FutureCallDebounce.replaceCombiner({required this.futureCall}) : combiner = _defaultCombiner;
void call(TParams newParams) {
if (_params != null) {
_params = combiner(_params!, newParams);
else {
_params = newParams;
_awaited ??= futureCall(_params!).then((value) => _awaited = null);

View file

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/models.dart';
import 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/state/component.dart';
import 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/utils/iterable_extension.dart';
@ -10,19 +12,18 @@ class SimulatedComponent {
final Future<SimulatedComponent> Function(String depId) onRequiredDependency;
final _instances = <String, SimulatedComponent>{};
required this.project,
required this.component,
required this.onRequiredDependency,
{required this.project,
required this.component,
required this.onRequiredDependency,
Future<SimulatedComponent> _getInstance(String instanceId, String? depId) async {
Future<SimulatedComponent> _getInstance(
String instanceId, String? depId) async {
if (!_instances.containsKey(instanceId)) {
if (depId != null) {
_instances[instanceId] = await onRequiredDependency(depId);
else {
} else {
throw Exception('Attempted to get instance of unknown component');
@ -31,39 +32,32 @@ class SimulatedComponent {
Future<Map<String, bool>> simulate(Map<String, bool> inputs) async {
final input = int.parse( => inputs[input]! ? '1' : '0').join(), => inputs[input]! ? '1' : '0').join(),
radix: 2,
if (component.truthTable != null) {
final output = component.truthTable![input];
return {
for (final it in component.outputs.indexedMap(
(index, outName) => [outName, output[index]]
it[0] : it[1] == '1'
return {
for (final it in component.outputs
.indexedMap((index, outName) => [outName, output[index]]))
it[0]: it[1] == '1'
else if (component.logicExpression != null) {
} else if (component.logicExpression != null) {
// Somehow?
// A truth table should be automatically generated for every logic expression component.
// Might as well handle cases where that isn't done anyway.
final results = component.outputs.zipWith(
(zips) {
final output = zips[0];
final le = LogicExpression.parse(zips[1]);
return [output, le.evaluate(inputs)];
return {
for (final it in results)
it[0] as String : it[1] as bool
else if (state == null) {
return {for (final it in results) it[0] as String: it[1] as bool};
} else if (state == null) {
throw Exception('Cannot simulate designed component without its state');
else {
} else {
// Create instances
final wiring = state!.wiring;
for (final instance in wiring.instances) {
@ -75,8 +69,7 @@ class SimulatedComponent { => 'self/$output'),
final knownSources = {
for (final entry in inputs.entries)
'self/${entry.key}': entry.value
for (final entry in inputs.entries) 'self/${entry.key}': entry.value
final knownSinks = <String, bool>{};
@ -86,37 +79,40 @@ class SimulatedComponent {
if (knownSinks.containsKey(sink)) {
// Requirement satisfied
else {
} else {
// Find wire that provides sink
final wire = wiring.wires.where((wire) => wire.input == sink).first;
if (knownSources.containsKey(wire.output)) {
// If we know the output provided through the wire,
// If we know the output provided through the wire,
// we know the input provided to the sink
knownSinks[sink] = knownSources[wire.output]!;
else {
} else {
// The instance providing the source for the wire has not been simulated.
// See if all its sinks are known:
final instanceId = wire.output.split('/')[0];
final instance = await _getInstance(instanceId, null);
final depSinks = => '$instanceId/$input').toList();
if ( => !knownSinks.containsKey(depSink)).where((cond) => cond).isEmpty) {
final depSinks = instance.component.inputs
.map((input) => '$instanceId/$input')
if (depSinks
.map((depSink) => !knownSinks.containsKey(depSink))
.where((cond) => cond)
.isEmpty) {
// If so, then simulate
final results = await instance.simulate({
for (final depSink in depSinks)
depSink.split('/')[1] : knownSinks[depSink]!
depSink.split('/')[1]: knownSinks[depSink]!
for (final result in results.entries)
'$instanceId/${result.key}' : result.value
'$instanceId/${result.key}': result.value
// And resolve needed sink
knownSinks[sink] = knownSources[wire.output]!;
else {
} else {
// Otherwise, require the sinks and reschedule the current one
requiredSinks.addAll(depSinks.where((depSink) => !knownSinks.containsKey(depSink)));
.where((depSink) => !knownSinks.containsKey(depSink)));
@ -125,8 +121,162 @@ class SimulatedComponent {
return {
for (final output in component.outputs)
output : knownSinks['self/$output']!
output: knownSinks['self/$output']!
class PartialVisualSimulation with ChangeNotifier {
final Map<String, bool?> _outputsValues = {};
final List<String> nextToSimulate = [];
final List<String> _alreadySimulated = [];
UnmodifiableMapView<String, bool?> get outputsValues => UnmodifiableMapView(_outputsValues);
UnmodifiableMapView<String, bool?> get inputsValues => UnmodifiableMapView({
for (final entry in outputsValues.entries)
if (entry.value != null)
for (final wire in state.wiringDraft.wires.where((w) => w.output == entry.key))
wire.input: entry.value
final ProjectEntry project;
final ComponentEntry component;
final ComponentState state;
final Future<SimulatedComponent> Function(String depId) onRequiredDependency;
final _instances = <String, SimulatedComponent>{};
{required this.project,
required this.component,
required this.state,
required this.onRequiredDependency});
Future<SimulatedComponent> _getInstance(
String instanceId, String? depId) async {
if (!_instances.containsKey(instanceId)) {
if (depId != null) {
_instances[instanceId] = await onRequiredDependency(depId);
} else {
throw Exception('Attempted to get instance of unknown component');
return _instances[instanceId]!;
static Future<PartialVisualSimulation> init({
required ProjectEntry project,
required ComponentEntry component,
required ComponentState state,
required Future<SimulatedComponent> Function(String depId) onRequiredDependency,
Map<String, bool>? inputs,
}) async {
final sim = PartialVisualSimulation._(project: project, component: component, state: state, onRequiredDependency: onRequiredDependency);
// Create instances
final wiring = state.wiring;
for (final instance in wiring.instances) {
await sim._getInstance(instance.instanceId, instance.componentId);
// Populate inputs
inputs ??= {};
for (final input in component.inputs) {
if (!inputs.containsKey(input)) {
inputs[input] = false;
await sim.provideInputs(inputs);
return sim;
Future<void> toggleInput(String inputName) {
final inputValue = _outputsValues['self/$inputName']!;
return modifyInput(inputName, !inputValue);
Future<void> modifyInput(String inputName, bool newValue) {
_outputsValues['self/$inputName'] = newValue;
for (final key in _outputsValues.keys.toList()) {
if (!key.startsWith('self/')) {
return reset();
Future<void> provideInputs(Map<String, bool> inputs) {
for (final entry in inputs.entries) {
_outputsValues['self/${entry.key}'] = entry.value;
return reset();
Future<void> reset() async {
final neededToBeNext = <String, List<String>>{};
for (final wire in state.wiringDraft.wires) {
if (_outputsValues.containsKey(wire.output)) {
final subcomponentId = wire.input.split('/')[0];
// Ignore component outputs, they require no computation
if (subcomponentId == 'self') {
// Skip already simulated subcomponents
if (_alreadySimulated.contains(subcomponentId)) {
if (neededToBeNext.containsKey(subcomponentId)) {
if (neededToBeNext[subcomponentId]!.isEmpty) {
else {
neededToBeNext[subcomponentId] =
(await _getInstance(subcomponentId, null))
.whereNot((e) => e == wire.input.split('/')[1])
if (neededToBeNext[subcomponentId]!.isEmpty) {
Future<void> nextStep() async {
if (nextToSimulate.isEmpty) {
final currentlySimulating = nextToSimulate.toList();
for (final subcomponentId in currentlySimulating) {
final sim = await _getInstance(subcomponentId, null);
final outputs = await sim.simulate({
for (final input in sim.component.inputs)
input: inputsValues['$subcomponentId/$input']!
for (final entry in outputs.entries) {
_outputsValues['$subcomponentId/${entry.key}'] = entry.value;
return reset();

View file

@ -633,9 +633,11 @@ packages:
dependency: "direct main"
name: stack_canvas
url: ""
source: hosted
path: "."
ref: HEAD
resolved-ref: "83e1032940e9424572c60ddad397f38320ee9cd4"
url: ""
source: git
version: "0.2.0+2"
dependency: transitive

View file

@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ dependencies:
archive: ^3.3.0
file_picker: ^4.6.1
share_plus: ^4.0.8
stack_canvas: ^0.2.0+2
tuple: ^2.0.0