2022-06-20 12:35:46 +03:00
import 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/models.dart';
import 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/state/component.dart';
import 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/utils/iterable_extension.dart';
import 'package:logic_circuits_simulator/utils/logic_expressions.dart';
class SimulatedComponent {
final ProjectEntry project;
final ComponentEntry component;
final ComponentState? state;
final Future<SimulatedComponent> Function(String depId) onRequiredDependency;
final _instances = <String, SimulatedComponent>{};
required this.project,
required this.component,
required this.onRequiredDependency,
Future<SimulatedComponent> _getInstance(String instanceId, String? depId) async {
if (!_instances.containsKey(instanceId)) {
if (depId != null) {
_instances[instanceId] = await onRequiredDependency(depId);
else {
throw Exception('Attempted to get instance of unknown component');
return _instances[instanceId]!;
Future<Map<String, bool>> simulate(Map<String, bool> inputs) async {
2022-06-22 06:24:53 +03:00
final input = int.parse(
component.inputs.map((input) => inputs[input]! ? '1' : '0').join(),
radix: 2,
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if (component.truthTable != null) {
final output = component.truthTable![input];
return {
2022-06-22 06:24:53 +03:00
for (final it in component.outputs.indexedMap(
(index, outName) => [outName, output[index]]
2022-06-20 12:35:46 +03:00
it[0] : it[1] == '1'
else if (component.logicExpression != null) {
// Somehow?
// A truth table should be automatically generated for every logic expression component.
// Might as well handle cases where that isn't done anyway.
final results = component.outputs.zipWith(
(zips) {
final output = zips[0];
final le = LogicExpression.parse(zips[1]);
return [output, le.evaluate(inputs)];
return {
for (final it in results)
it[0] as String : it[1] as bool
else if (state == null) {
throw Exception('Cannot simulate designed component without its state');
else {
// Create instances
final wiring = state!.wiring;
for (final instance in wiring.instances) {
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await _getInstance(instance.instanceId, instance.componentId);
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// Simulate
final requiredSinks = <String>[
...component.outputs.map((output) => 'self/$output'),
final knownSources = {
for (final entry in inputs.entries)
'self/${entry.key}': entry.value
final knownSinks = <String, bool>{};
while (requiredSinks.isNotEmpty) {
final sink = requiredSinks.removeAt(0);
if (knownSinks.containsKey(sink)) {
// Requirement satisfied
else {
// Find wire that provides sink
final wire = wiring.wires.where((wire) => wire.input == sink).first;
if (knownSources.containsKey(wire.output)) {
// If we know the output provided through the wire,
// we know the input provided to the sink
knownSinks[sink] = knownSources[wire.output]!;
else {
// The instance providing the source for the wire has not been simulated.
// See if all its sinks are known:
final instanceId = wire.output.split('/')[0];
final instance = await _getInstance(instanceId, null);
final depSinks = instance.component.inputs.map((input) => '$instanceId/$input').toList();
if (depSinks.map((depSink) => !knownSinks.containsKey(depSink)).where((cond) => cond).isEmpty) {
// If so, then simulate
final results = await instance.simulate({
for (final depSink in depSinks)
depSink.split('/')[1] : knownSinks[depSink]!
for (final result in results.entries)
'$instanceId/${result.key}' : result.value
// And resolve needed sink
knownSinks[sink] = knownSources[wire.output]!;
else {
// Otherwise, require the sinks and reschedule the current one
requiredSinks.addAll(depSinks.where((depSink) => !knownSinks.containsKey(depSink)));
return {
for (final output in component.outputs)
output : knownSinks['self/$output']!