2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
import ' package:info_tren/train_info_page/train_info_animation_helpers.dart ' ;
2019-09-16 00:03:31 +03:00
import ' package:info_tren/train_info_page/train_info_material_DisplayTrainStation.dart ' ;
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
import ' package:info_tren/utils/stream_list.dart ' ;
import ' ../models/train_data.dart ' ;
import ' ./train_info.dart ' ;
import ' package:flutter/material.dart ' ;
class TrainInfoMaterial extends StatefulWidget {
final int trainNumber ;
TrainInfoMaterial ( { @ required this . trainNumber } ) ;
@ override
_TrainInfoMaterialState createState ( ) = > _TrainInfoMaterialState ( ) ;
class _TrainInfoMaterialState extends State < TrainInfoMaterial > with TrainInfoMixin {
@ override
void initState ( ) {
super . initState ( ) ;
title = widget . trainNumber . toString ( ) ;
showTrainData = false ;
requestedData = false ;
@ override
void didChangeDependencies ( ) {
super . didChangeDependencies ( ) ;
if ( ! requestedData ) {
requestedData = true ;
TrainDataWebViewAdapter . of ( context ) . loadTrain ( widget . trainNumber ) . then ( ( value ) {
setState ( ( ) {
lookupResult = value ;
} ) ;
if ( lookupResult = = TrainLookupResult . NOT_FOUND ) {
Future . delayed ( Duration ( seconds: 5 ) , ( ) {
Navigator . of ( context ) . pop ( ) ;
} ) ;
else if ( lookupResult = = TrainLookupResult . FOUND ) {
Future . delayed ( Duration ( seconds: 1 , milliseconds: 500 ) , ( ) {
setState ( ( ) {
showTrainData = true ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
if ( ! showTrainData ) {
return _TrainInfoMaterialBefore (
title: title ,
lookupResult: lookupResult ,
) ;
else {
return _TrainDataMaterialAfter (
title: title ,
) ;
class _TrainInfoMaterialBefore extends StatefulWidget {
final String title ;
final TrainLookupResult lookupResult ;
_TrainInfoMaterialBefore ( { @ required this . title , @ required this . lookupResult } ) ;
@ override
_TrainInfoMaterialBeforeState createState ( ) = > _TrainInfoMaterialBeforeState ( ) ;
class _TrainInfoMaterialBeforeState extends State < _TrainInfoMaterialBefore > {
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return Scaffold (
appBar: AppBar (
centerTitle: true ,
title: Text ( widget . title ? ? " " ) ,
) ,
body: SafeArea (
bottom: false ,
child: StreamBuilder < ProgressReport > (
stream: TrainDataWebViewAdapter . of ( context ) . progressStream ,
builder: ( context , snapshot ) {
switch ( snapshot . connectionState ) {
case ConnectionState . none:
return Container ( ) ;
case ConnectionState . waiting:
return Center (
child: Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
children: < Widget > [
CircularProgressIndicator ( ) ,
Text (
" Conectare... " ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . headline6 ,
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
) ,
] ,
) ,
) ;
case ConnectionState . active:
break ;
case ConnectionState . done:
Navigator . of ( context ) . pop ( ) ;
return Container ( ) ;
return Center (
child: Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
children: < Widget > [
ProgressReportDisplayEntry (
key: ValueKey ( 1 ) ,
completed: 1 < = snapshot . data . current ,
waitingText: " Se crează WebView " ,
completedText: " WebView a fost creat " ,
) ,
ProgressReportDisplayEntry (
key: ValueKey ( 2 ) ,
completed: 2 < = snapshot . data . current ,
waitingText: " Se încarcă pagina Informatica Feroviară " ,
completedText: " Pagina Informatica Feroviară a fost încărcată " ,
) ,
ProgressReportDisplayEntry (
key: ValueKey ( 3 ) ,
completed: 3 < = snapshot . data . current ,
waitingText: " Se încarcă informațiile despre tren " ,
completedText: " Informațiile despre tren au fost încărcate " ,
) ,
if ( widget . lookupResult ! = null )
. . . [
Container ( height: 20 , ) ,
SizedBox (
width: double . infinity ,
child: AnimatedBackground (
animationDuration: Duration ( milliseconds: 250 ) ,
initialColor: Theme . of ( context ) . scaffoldBackgroundColor ,
widget . lookupResult = = TrainLookupResult . FOUND
? Colors . green
: Colors . red ,
child: Center (
child: Row (
children: < Widget > [
Expanded ( child: Container ( ) , ) ,
if ( widget . lookupResult = = TrainLookupResult . FOUND )
Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . fromLTRB ( 8 , 8 , 0 , 8 ) ,
child: Center (
child: CircularProgressIndicator (
strokeWidth: 2 ,
valueColor: AlwaysStoppedAnimation ( Colors . greenAccent ) ,
) ,
) ,
Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 8.0 ) ,
child: Text (
widget . lookupResult = = TrainLookupResult . FOUND
? " Trenul a fost găsit "
: widget . lookupResult = = TrainLookupResult . NOT_FOUND
? " Trenul nu a fost găsit "
: " A apărut o eroare în căutarea trenului " ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . headline6 ,
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
) ,
) ,
Expanded ( child: Container ( ) , ) ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
] ,
] ,
) ,
) ;
} ,
) ,
) ,
) ;
bool isSmallScreen ( BuildContext context ) = > MediaQuery . of ( context ) . size . height < = 425 ;
class _TrainDataMaterialAfter extends StatefulWidget {
final String title ;
_TrainDataMaterialAfter ( { @ required this . title } ) ;
@ override
_TrainDataMaterialAfterState createState ( ) = > _TrainDataMaterialAfterState ( ) ;
class _TrainDataMaterialAfterState extends State < _TrainDataMaterialAfter > {
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return FutureBuilder < OnDemandTrainData > (
future: TrainDataWebViewAdapter . of ( context ) . trainData ( onInvalidation: ( ) {
Navigator . of ( context ) . pop ( ) ;
} ) ,
builder: ( context , snapshot ) {
if ( ! snapshot . hasData ) {
return Scaffold (
appBar: AppBar (
centerTitle: true ,
title: Text ( widget . title ? ? " " ) ,
) ,
body: SafeArea (
child: Center (
child: CircularProgressIndicator ( ) ,
) ,
) ,
) ;
return Scaffold (
appBar: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? null : AppBar (
centerTitle: true ,
title: FutureBuilder < List < String > > (
future: Future . wait ( [
snapshot . data . rang ,
snapshot . data . trainNumber
] ) ,
builder: ( context , snapshot ) {
if ( snapshot . hasData ) {
return Text ( " Informații despre ${ snapshot . data [ 0 ] } ${ snapshot . data [ 1 ] } " ) ;
else {
return Text ( widget . title ? ? " " ) ;
} ,
) ,
) ,
body: Column (
children: < Widget > [
if ( isSmallScreen ( context ) )
FutureBuilder < List < String > > (
future: Future . wait ( [
snapshot . data . rang ,
snapshot . data . trainNumber ,
] ) ,
builder: ( context , snapshot ) {
var title = " INFO TREN " ;
if ( snapshot . hasData ) title = " INFO TREN ─ ${ snapshot . data [ 0 ] } ${ snapshot . data [ 1 ] } " ;
return SlimAppBar (
title: title ,
) ;
) ,
Expanded (
child: SafeArea (
bottom: false ,
child: CustomScrollView (
slivers: < Widget > [
SliverToBoxAdapter (
child: DisplayTrainID ( trainData: snapshot . data , ) ,
) ,
SliverToBoxAdapter (
child: DisplayTrainOperator ( trainData: snapshot . data , ) ,
) ,
SliverPadding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . only ( left: 2 , right: 2 ) ,
sliver: SliverToBoxAdapter (
child: DisplayTrainRoute ( trainData: snapshot . data , ) ,
) ,
) ,
SliverToBoxAdapter (
child: DisplayTrainDeparture ( trainData: snapshot . data , ) ,
) ,
SliverToBoxAdapter (
child: Divider (
color: Colors . white70 ,
height: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? 8 : 16 ,
) ,
) ,
SliverToBoxAdapter (
child: DisplayTrainLastInfo ( trainData: snapshot . data , ) ,
) ,
SliverToBoxAdapter (
child: IntrinsicHeight (
child: Row (
children: < Widget > [
Expanded ( child: DisplayTrainNextStop ( trainData: snapshot . data , ) ) ,
Expanded ( child: DisplayTrainDestination ( trainData: snapshot . data , ) ) ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
SliverToBoxAdapter (
child: IntrinsicHeight (
child: Row (
children: < Widget > [
Expanded ( child: DisplayTrainRouteDuration ( trainData: snapshot . data , ) ) ,
Expanded ( child: DisplayTrainRouteDistance ( trainData: snapshot . data , ) ) ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
SliverToBoxAdapter (
child: Divider (
color: Colors . white70 ,
height: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? 8 : 16 ,
) ,
) ,
DisplayTrainStations (
trainData: snapshot . data ,
pageLoadFuture: TrainDataWebViewAdapter . of ( context ) . nextLoadFuture ,
) ,
SliverToBoxAdapter (
child: Container (
height: MediaQuery . of ( context ) . viewPadding . bottom ,
) ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
) ;
} ,
) ;
class DisplayTrainID extends StatelessWidget {
final OnDemandTrainData trainData ;
DisplayTrainID ( { @ required this . trainData } ) ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return FutureDisplay < List < String > > (
future: Future . wait ( [
trainData . rang ,
trainData . trainNumber ,
] ) ,
builder: ( context , list ) {
return Text (
" ${ list [ 0 ] } ${ list [ 1 ] } " ,
style: ( isSmallScreen ( context )
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
? Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . headline4
: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . headline3 ) . copyWith (
color: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . color ,
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontWeight: FontWeight . bold ,
) ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
) ;
} ,
) ;
class DisplayTrainOperator extends StatelessWidget {
final OnDemandTrainData trainData ;
DisplayTrainOperator ( { @ required this . trainData } ) ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return FutureDisplay < String > (
future: trainData . operator ,
builder: ( context , op ) {
return Text (
op ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontStyle: FontStyle . italic ,
fontSize: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? 12 : 14 ,
) ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
) ;
} ,
) ;
class DisplayTrainRoute extends StatelessWidget {
final OnDemandTrainData trainData ;
DisplayTrainRoute ( { @ required this . trainData } ) ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return FutureDisplay (
future: Future . wait ( [ trainData . route . from , trainData . route . to ] ) ,
builder: ( context , routePieces ) {
return Row (
children: < Widget > [
Center (
child: Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 4 ) ,
child: Text (
routePieces [ 0 ] ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontSize: 16 ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
Expanded ( child: Container ( ) , ) ,
Center ( child: Text ( " - " ) ) ,
Expanded ( child: Container ( ) , ) ,
Center (
child: Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 4 ) ,
child: Text (
routePieces [ 1 ] ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontSize: 16 ,
) ,
textAlign: TextAlign . right ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
] ,
) ;
} ,
) ;
class DisplayTrainDeparture extends StatelessWidget {
final OnDemandTrainData trainData ;
DisplayTrainDeparture ( { @ required this . trainData } ) ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 2 ) ,
child: FutureDisplay < DateTime > (
future: trainData . departureDate ,
builder: ( context , dataPlecare ) {
return Text (
" Plecare în ${ dataPlecare . day . toString ( ) . padLeft ( 2 , ' 0 ' ) } . ${ dataPlecare . month . toString ( ) . padLeft ( 2 , ' 0 ' ) } . ${ dataPlecare . year . toString ( ) . padLeft ( 4 , ' 0 ' ) } " ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontStyle: FontStyle . italic ,
fontWeight: FontWeight . w200 ,
fontSize: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? 12 : 14 ,
) ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
) ;
} ,
) ,
) ;
class DisplayTrainLastInfo extends StatelessWidget {
final OnDemandTrainData trainData ;
DisplayTrainLastInfo ( { @ required this . trainData } ) ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return Card (
child: Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 2 ) ,
child: Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
children: < Widget > [
Center (
child: Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 2 ) ,
child: Text (
" Ultima informație " ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontSize: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? 18 : 20 ,
fontWeight: FontWeight . bold ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
Row (
children: < Widget > [
Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 4 ) ,
child: FutureDisplay (
future: trainData . lastInfo . station ,
builder: ( context , station ) {
return Text (
station ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 ,
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
textAlign: TextAlign . left ,
) ;
} ,
) ,
) ,
Expanded ( child: Container ( ) , ) ,
Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 4 ) ,
child: FutureDisplay (
future: trainData . lastInfo . event ,
builder: ( context , event ) {
return Text (
event ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 ,
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
textAlign: TextAlign . right ,
) ;
} ,
) ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 2 ) ,
child: Row (
children: < Widget > [
FutureDisplay < DateTime > (
future: trainData . lastInfo . dateAndTime ,
builder: ( context , dt ) {
return Text (
" Raportat în ${ dt . day . toString ( ) . padLeft ( 2 , ' 0 ' ) } . ${ dt . month . toString ( ) . padLeft ( 2 , ' 0 ' ) } . ${ dt . year . toString ( ) . padLeft ( 4 , ' 0 ' ) } , la ${ dt . hour . toString ( ) . padLeft ( 2 , ' 0 ' ) } : ${ dt . minute . toString ( ) . padLeft ( 2 , ' 0 ' ) } " ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
) ;
} ,
) ,
Expanded ( child: Container ( ) , ) ,
FutureBuilder (
initialData: 0 ,
future: trainData . lastInfo . delay ,
builder: ( context , snapshot ) {
if ( snapshot . data = = 0 ) {
return Container ( ) ;
if ( snapshot . data > 0 ) {
return Text (
" ${ snapshot . data } minute întârziere " ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontSize: 14 ,
color: Color . fromRGBO ( 200 , 30 , 15 , 1 ) ,
) ,
) ;
else {
return Text (
" ${ - snapshot . data } minute mai devreme " ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontSize: 12 ,
color: Color . fromRGBO ( 15 , 200 , 15 , 1 ) ,
) ,
) ;
} ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
) ;
class DisplayTrainNextStop extends StatelessWidget {
final OnDemandTrainData trainData ;
DisplayTrainNextStop ( { @ required this . trainData } ) ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return FutureBuilder (
future: trainData . nextStop . stationName ,
builder: ( context , snapshot ) {
if ( ! snapshot . hasData ) return Container ( height: 0 , ) ;
return Card (
child: Center (
child: Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 2 ) ,
child: Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
children: < Widget > [
Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 4 ) ,
child: Text (
" Următoarea oprire " ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontSize: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? 18 : 20 ,
fontWeight: FontWeight . bold ,
) ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
) ,
) ,
FutureDisplay (
future: trainData . nextStop . stationName ,
builder: ( context , station ) {
return Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . fromLTRB ( 4 , 0 , 4 , 0 ) ,
child: Text (
station ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontSize: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? 16 : 18 ,
fontWeight: FontWeight . w500 ,
) ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
) ,
) ;
} ,
) ,
FutureDisplay < DateTime > (
future: trainData . nextStop . arrival ,
builder: ( context , arrival ) {
const months = [ " ian " , " feb " , " mar " , " apr " , " mai " , " iun " , " iul " , " aug " , " sep " , " oct " , " noi " , " dec " ] ;
return Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
children: < Widget > [
Text (
" în ${ arrival . day } ${ months [ arrival . month - 1 ] } ${ arrival . year } " ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontSize: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? 12 : 14 ,
) ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
) ,
Text (
" la ${ arrival . hour . toString ( ) . padLeft ( 2 , ' 0 ' ) } : ${ arrival . minute . toString ( ) . padLeft ( 2 , ' 0 ' ) } " ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontSize: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? 12 : 14 ,
) ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
) ,
] ,
) ;
} ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
) ;
) ;
class DisplayTrainDestination extends StatelessWidget {
final OnDemandTrainData trainData ;
DisplayTrainDestination ( { @ required this . trainData } ) ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return FutureBuilder (
future: trainData . destination . stationName ,
builder: ( context , snapshot ) {
if ( ! snapshot . hasData ) return Container ( height: 0 , ) ;
return Card (
child: Center (
child: Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 2 ) ,
child: Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
children: < Widget > [
Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 4 ) ,
child: Text (
" Destinația " ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontSize: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? 18 : 20 ,
fontWeight: FontWeight . bold ,
) ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
) ,
) ,
FutureDisplay (
future: trainData . destination . stationName ,
builder: ( context , station ) {
return Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . fromLTRB ( 4 , 0 , 4 , 0 ) ,
child: Text (
station ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontSize: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? 16 : 18 ,
fontWeight: FontWeight . w500 ,
) ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
) ,
) ;
} ,
) ,
FutureDisplay < DateTime > (
future: trainData . destination . arrival ,
builder: ( context , arrival ) {
const months = [ " ian " , " feb " , " mar " , " apr " , " mai " , " iun " , " iul " , " aug " , " sep " , " oct " , " noi " , " dec " ] ;
return Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
children: < Widget > [
Text (
" în ${ arrival . day } ${ months [ arrival . month - 1 ] } ${ arrival . year } " ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontSize: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? 12 : 14 ,
) ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
) ,
Text (
" la ${ arrival . hour . toString ( ) . padLeft ( 2 , ' 0 ' ) } : ${ arrival . minute . toString ( ) . padLeft ( 2 , ' 0 ' ) } " ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontSize: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? 12 : 14 ,
) ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
) ,
] ,
) ;
} ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
) ;
) ;
class DisplayTrainRouteDistance extends StatelessWidget {
final OnDemandTrainData trainData ;
DisplayTrainRouteDistance ( { @ required this . trainData } ) ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return Card (
child: Center (
child: Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 2 ) ,
child: Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
children: < Widget > [
Text (
" Distanța rutei " ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontSize: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? 16 : 18 ,
fontWeight: FontWeight . bold ,
) ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
) ,
FutureDisplay (
future: trainData . routeDistance ,
builder: ( context , distance ) {
return Text (
" $ distance km " ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontSize: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? 14 : 16 ,
) ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
) ;
} ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
) ;
class DisplayTrainRouteDuration extends StatelessWidget {
final OnDemandTrainData trainData ;
DisplayTrainRouteDuration ( { @ required this . trainData } ) ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return Card (
child: Center (
child: Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 2 ) ,
child: Column (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . min ,
children: < Widget > [
Text (
" Durata rutei " ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontSize: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? 16 : 18 ,
fontWeight: FontWeight . bold ,
) ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
) ,
FutureDisplay < Duration > (
future: trainData . routeDuration ,
builder: ( context , duration ) {
var durationString = StringBuffer ( ) ;
bool firstWritten = false ;
if ( duration . inDays > 0 ) {
firstWritten = true ;
if ( duration . inDays = = 1 ) durationString . write ( " 1 zi " ) ;
else durationString . write ( " ${ duration . inDays } zile " ) ;
duration - = Duration ( days: duration . inDays ) ;
if ( duration . inHours > 0 ) {
if ( firstWritten ) {
durationString . write ( " , " ) ;
firstWritten = true ;
if ( duration . inHours = = 1 ) durationString . write ( " 1 oră " ) ;
else durationString . write ( " ${ duration . inHours } ore " ) ;
duration - = Duration ( hours: duration . inHours ) ;
if ( duration . inMinutes > 0 ) {
if ( firstWritten ) {
durationString . write ( " , " ) ;
firstWritten = true ;
if ( duration . inMinutes = = 1 ) durationString . write ( " 1 minut " ) ;
else durationString . write ( " ${ duration . inMinutes } minute " ) ;
duration - = Duration ( minutes: duration . inMinutes ) ;
return Text (
durationString . toString ( ) ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
style: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . copyWith (
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
fontSize: isSmallScreen ( context ) ? 14 : 16 ,
) ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
) ;
} ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
) ;
class DisplayTrainStations extends StatelessWidget {
final OnDemandTrainData trainData ;
final Future pageLoadFuture ;
DisplayTrainStations ( { @ required this . trainData , @ required this . pageLoadFuture } ) ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return StreamBuilder < List < OnDemandStation > > (
stream: listifyStream ( trainData . stations ( pageLoadFuture: pageLoadFuture ) ) ,
builder: ( context , snapshot ) {
if ( ! snapshot . hasData ) {
return SliverToBoxAdapter (
child: Container ( ) ,
) ;
return SliverList (
delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate (
( context , index ) {
return IndexedSemantics (
child: DisplayTrainStation (
station: snapshot . data [ index ] ,
) ,
index: index ,
) ;
} ,
childCount: snapshot . data . length ,
addSemanticIndexes: true ,
) ,
) ;
} ,
) ;
class SlimAppBar extends StatelessWidget {
final String title ;
final double size ;
// final Function onBackTap;
SlimAppBar ( {
@ required this . title ,
this . size = 24 ,
// this.onBackTap,
} ) ;
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return SizedBox (
width: double . infinity ,
height: size ,
child: Container (
Theme . of ( context ) . appBarTheme ? . color ? ?
Theme . of ( context ) . primaryColor ,
child: InkWell (
onTap: ( ModalRoute . of ( context ) ? . canPop ? ? false )
? ( ) = > Navigator . of ( context ) . pop ( )
: null ,
child: Row (
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize . max ,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment . stretch ,
children: < Widget > [
Container (
height: size ,
width: size ,
child: ( ModalRoute . of ( context ) ? . canPop ? ? false )
? BackButtonIcon ( )
: null ,
) ,
Expanded (
child: Center (
child: Padding (
padding: const EdgeInsets . all ( 2 ) ,
child: Text (
title ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
2021-08-22 17:18:55 +03:00
Theme . of ( context ) . appBarTheme . textTheme ? . caption ? . copyWith ( color: Theme . of ( context ) . appBarTheme . textTheme ? . bodyText2 ? . color ) ? ?
Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . caption . copyWith ( color: Theme . of ( context ) . textTheme . bodyText2 . color ) ,
2019-09-15 02:33:07 +03:00
) ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
Container (
height: size ,
width: size ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
) ;
2019-09-16 00:03:31 +03:00