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synced 2025-02-23 07:09:35 +02:00
258 lines
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258 lines
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'use strict'
const minBy = require('lodash/minBy')
const maxBy = require('lodash/maxBy')
const validateProfile = require('./lib/validate-profile')
const defaultProfile = require('./lib/default-profile')
const _request = require('./lib/request')
const createClient = (profile, request = _request) => {
profile = Object.assign({}, defaultProfile, profile)
const departures = (station, opt = {}) => {
if ('object' === typeof station) station = profile.formatStation(station.id)
else if ('string' === typeof station) station = profile.formatStation(station)
else throw new Error('station must be an object or a string.')
opt = Object.assign({
direction: null, // only show departures heading to this station
duration: 10 // show departures for the next n minutes
}, opt)
opt.when = opt.when || new Date()
const products = profile.formatProducts(opt.products || {})
const dir = opt.direction ? profile.formatStation(opt.direction) : null
return request(profile, {
meth: 'StationBoard',
req: {
type: 'DEP',
date: profile.formatDate(profile, opt.when),
time: profile.formatTime(profile, opt.when),
stbLoc: station,
dirLoc: dir,
jnyFltrL: [products],
dur: opt.duration,
getPasslist: false
.then((d) => {
if (!Array.isArray(d.jnyL)) return [] // todo: throw err?
const parse = profile.parseDeparture(profile, d.locations, d.lines, d.remarks)
return d.jnyL.map(parse)
.sort((a, b) => new Date(a.when) - new Date(b.when))
const journeys = (from, to, opt = {}) => {
from = profile.formatLocation(profile, from)
to = profile.formatLocation(profile, to)
opt = Object.assign({
results: 5, // how many journeys?
via: null, // let journeys pass this station?
passedStations: false, // return stations on the way?
transfers: 5, // maximum of 5 transfers
transferTime: 0, // minimum time for a single transfer in minutes
// todo: does this work with every endpoint?
accessibility: 'none', // 'none', 'partial' or 'complete'
bike: false, // only bike-friendly journeys
tickets: false, // return tickets?
}, opt)
if (opt.via) opt.via = profile.formatLocation(profile, opt.via)
opt.when = opt.when || new Date()
const filters = [
profile.formatProducts(opt.products || {})
if (
opt.accessibility &&
profile.filters &&
profile.filters.accessibility &&
) {
const query = profile.transformJourneysQuery({
outDate: profile.formatDate(profile, opt.when),
outTime: profile.formatTime(profile, opt.when),
numF: opt.results,
getPasslist: !!opt.passedStations,
maxChg: opt.transfers,
minChgTime: opt.transferTime,
depLocL: [from],
viaLocL: opt.via ? [{loc: opt.via}] : null,
arrLocL: [to],
jnyFltrL: filters,
getTariff: !!opt.tickets,
// todo: what is req.gisFltrL?
getPT: true, // todo: what is this?
outFrwd: true, // todo: what is this?
getIV: false, // todo: walk & bike as alternatives?
getPolyline: false // todo: shape for displaying on a map?
}, opt)
return request(profile, {
cfg: {polyEnc: 'GPA'},
meth: 'TripSearch',
req: query
.then((d) => {
if (!Array.isArray(d.outConL)) return []
const parse = profile.parseJourney(profile, d.locations, d.lines, d.remarks)
return d.outConL.map(parse)
const locations = (query, opt = {}) => {
if ('string' !== typeof query) throw new Error('query must be a string.')
opt = Object.assign({
fuzzy: true, // find only exact matches?
results: 10, // how many search results?
stations: true,
addresses: true,
poi: true // points of interest
}, opt)
const f = profile.formatLocationFilter(opt.stations, opt.addresses, opt.poi)
return request(profile, {
cfg: {polyEnc: 'GPA'},
meth: 'LocMatch',
req: {input: {
loc: {
type: f,
name: opt.fuzzy ? query + '?' : query
maxLoc: opt.results,
field: 'S' // todo: what is this?
.then((d) => {
if (!d.match || !Array.isArray(d.match.locL)) return []
const parse = profile.parseLocation
return d.match.locL.map(loc => parse(profile, loc, d.lines))
const nearby = (location, opt = {}) => {
if ('object' !== typeof location || Array.isArray(location)) {
throw new Error('location must be an object.')
} else if (location.type !== 'location') {
throw new Error('invalid location object.')
} else if ('number' !== typeof location.latitude) {
throw new Error('location.latitude must be a number.')
} else if ('number' !== typeof location.longitude) {
throw new Error('location.longitude must be a number.')
opt = Object.assign({
results: 8, // maximum number of results
distance: null, // maximum walking distance in meters
poi: false, // return points of interest?
stations: true, // return stations?
}, opt)
return request(profile, {
cfg: {polyEnc: 'GPA'},
meth: 'LocGeoPos',
req: {
ring: {
cCrd: {
x: profile.formatCoord(location.longitude),
y: profile.formatCoord(location.latitude)
maxDist: opt.distance || -1,
minDist: 0
getPOIs: !!opt.poi,
getStops: !!opt.stations,
maxLoc: opt.results
.then((d) => {
if (!Array.isArray(d.locL)) return []
const parse = profile.parseNearby
return d.locL.map(loc => parse(profile, loc))
const journeyLeg = (ref, lineName, opt = {}) => {
opt = Object.assign({
passedStations: true // return stations on the way?
}, opt)
opt.when = opt.when || new Date()
return request(profile, {
cfg: {polyEnc: 'GPA'},
meth: 'JourneyDetails',
req: {
jid: ref,
name: lineName,
date: profile.formatDate(profile, opt.when)
.then((d) => {
const parse = profile.parseJourneyLeg(profile, d.locations, d.lines, d.remarks)
const leg = { // pretend the leg is contained in a journey
type: 'JNY',
dep: minBy(d.journey.stopL, 'idx'),
arr: maxBy(d.journey.stopL, 'idx'),
jny: d.journey
return parse(d.journey, leg, !!opt.passedStations)
const radar = (north, west, south, east, opt) => {
if ('number' !== typeof north) throw new Error('north must be a number.')
if ('number' !== typeof west) throw new Error('west must be a number.')
if ('number' !== typeof south) throw new Error('south must be a number.')
if ('number' !== typeof east) throw new Error('east must be a number.')
opt = Object.assign({
results: 256, // maximum number of vehicles
duration: 30, // compute frames for the next n seconds
frames: 3, // nr of frames to compute
products: null // optionally an object of booleans
}, opt || {})
opt.when = opt.when || new Date()
const durationPerStep = opt.duration / Math.max(opt.frames, 1) * 1000
return request(profile, {
meth: 'JourneyGeoPos',
req: {
maxJny: opt.results,
onlyRT: false, // todo: does this mean "only realtime"?
date: profile.formatDate(profile, opt.when),
time: profile.formatTime(profile, opt.when),
// todo: would a ring work here as well?
rect: profile.formatRectangle(profile, north, west, south, east),
perSize: opt.duration * 1000,
perStep: Math.round(durationPerStep),
ageOfReport: true, // todo: what is this?
jnyFltrL: [
profile.formatProducts(opt.products || {})
trainPosMode: 'CALC' // todo: what is this? what about realtime?
.then((d) => {
if (!Array.isArray(d.jnyL)) return []
const parse = profile.parseMovement(profile, d.locations, d.lines, d.remarks)
return d.jnyL.map(parse)
const client = {departures, journeys, locations, nearby}
if (profile.journeyLeg) client.journeyLeg = journeyLeg
if (profile.radar) client.radar = radar
Object.defineProperty(client, 'profile', {value: profile})
return client
module.exports = createClient