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import tap from 'tap'
import isRoughlyEqual from 'is-roughly-equal'
import maxBy from 'lodash/maxBy.js'
import flatMap from 'lodash/flatMap.js'
import last from 'lodash/last.js'
import {createWhen} from './lib/util.js'
import {createClient} from '../../index.js'
import {profile as dbProfile} from '../../p/db/index.js'
import {
} from './lib/validators.js'
import {createValidateFptfWith as createValidate} from './lib/validate-fptf-with.js'
import {testJourneysStationToStation} from './lib/journeys-station-to-station.js'
import {testJourneysStationToAddress} from './lib/journeys-station-to-address.js'
import {testJourneysStationToPoi} from './lib/journeys-station-to-poi.js'
import {testEarlierLaterJourneys} from './lib/earlier-later-journeys.js'
import {testLegCycleAlternatives} from './lib/leg-cycle-alternatives.js'
import {testRefreshJourney} from './lib/refresh-journey.js'
import {journeysFailsWithNoProduct} from './lib/journeys-fails-with-no-product.js'
import {testDepartures} from './lib/departures.js'
import {testDeparturesInDirection} from './lib/departures-in-direction.js'
import {testArrivals} from './lib/arrivals.js'
import {testJourneysWithDetour} from './lib/journeys-with-detour.js'
import {testReachableFrom} from './lib/reachable-from.js'
import {testServerInfo} from './lib/server-info.js'
const isObj = o => o !== null && 'object' === typeof o && !Array.isArray(o)
const minute = 60 * 1000
const T_MOCK = 1657618200 * 1000 // 2022-07-12T11:30+02:00
const when = createWhen(dbProfile.timezone, dbProfile.locale, T_MOCK)
const cfg = {
stationCoordsOptional: false,
products: dbProfile.products,
minLatitude: 46.673100,
maxLatitude: 55.030671,
minLongitude: 6.896517,
maxLongitude: 16.180237
const validate = createValidate(cfg)
const assertValidPrice = (t, p) => {
if (p.amount !== null) {
t.equal(typeof p.amount, 'number')
t.ok(p.amount > 0)
if (p.hint !== null) {
t.equal(typeof p.hint, 'string')
const client = createClient(dbProfile, 'public-transport/hafas-client:test')
const berlinHbf = '8011160'
const münchenHbf = '8000261'
const jungfernheide = '8011167'
const blnSchwedterStr = '732652'
const westhafen = '8089116'
const wedding = '8089131'
const württembergallee = '731084'
const regensburgHbf = '8000309'
const blnOstbahnhof = '8010255'
const blnTiergarten = '8089091'
const blnJannowitzbrücke = '8089019'
const potsdamHbf = '8012666'
const berlinSüdkreuz = '8011113'
const kölnHbf = '8000207'
tap.test('journeys  Berlin Schwedter Str. to München Hbf', async (t) => {
const res = await client.journeys(blnSchwedterStr, münchenHbf, {
results: 4,
departure: when,
stopovers: true
await testJourneysStationToStation({
test: t,
fromId: blnSchwedterStr,
toId: münchenHbf
// todo: find a journey where there pricing info is always available
for (let journey of res.journeys) {
if (journey.price) assertValidPrice(t, journey.price)
// todo: journeys, only one product
tap.test('journeys fails with no product', async (t) => {
await journeysFailsWithNoProduct({
test: t,
fetchJourneys: client.journeys,
fromId: blnSchwedterStr,
toId: münchenHbf,
products: dbProfile.products,
tap.test('Berlin Schwedter Str. to Torfstraße 17', async (t) => {
const torfstr = {
type: 'location',
address: 'Torfstraße 17',
latitude: 52.5416823,
longitude: 13.3491223
const res = await client.journeys(blnSchwedterStr, torfstr, {
results: 3,
departure: when
await testJourneysStationToAddress({
test: t,
fromId: blnSchwedterStr,
to: torfstr
tap.test('Berlin Schwedter Str. to ATZE Musiktheater', async (t) => {
const atze = {
type: 'location',
id: '991598902',
poi: true,
name: 'Berlin, Atze Musiktheater für Kinder (Kultur und U',
latitude: 52.542417,
longitude: 13.350437
const res = await client.journeys(blnSchwedterStr, atze, {
results: 3,
departure: when
await testJourneysStationToPoi({
test: t,
fromId: blnSchwedterStr,
to: atze
tap.test('journeys: via works with detour', async (t) => {
// Going from Westhafen to Wedding via Württembergalle without detour
// is currently impossible. We check if the routing engine computes a detour.
const res = await client.journeys(westhafen, wedding, {
via: württembergallee,
results: 1,
departure: when,
stopovers: true
await testJourneysWithDetour({
test: t,
detourIds: [württembergallee]
// todo: walkingSpeed "Berlin - Charlottenburg, Hallerstraße" -> jungfernheide
// todo: without detour
tap.test('earlier/later journeys, Jungfernheide -> München Hbf', async (t) => {
await testEarlierLaterJourneys({
test: t,
fetchJourneys: client.journeys,
fromId: jungfernheide,
toId: münchenHbf,
tap.skip('journeys  leg cycle & alternatives', async (t) => {
await testLegCycleAlternatives({
test: t,
fetchJourneys: client.journeys,
fromId: blnTiergarten,
toId: blnJannowitzbrücke,
tap.test('refreshJourney', async (t) => {
await testRefreshJourney({
test: t,
fetchJourneys: client.journeys,
refreshJourney: client.refreshJourney,
fromId: jungfernheide,
toId: münchenHbf,
tap.skip('journeysFromTrip U Mehringdamm to U Naturkundemuseum, reroute to Spittelmarkt.', async (t) => {
const blnMehringdamm = '730939'
const blnStadtmitte = '732541'
const blnNaturkundemuseum = '732539'
const blnSpittelmarkt = '732543'
const isU6Leg = leg => (
leg.line && leg.line.name
&& leg.line.name.toUpperCase().replace(/\s+/g, '') === 'U6'
const sameStopOrStation = (stopA) => (stopB) => {
if (stopA.id && stopB.id && stopA.id === stopB.id) return true
const statA = stopA.stat && stopA.stat.id || NaN
const statB = stopB.stat && stopB.stat.id || NaN
return (statA === statB || stopA.id === statB || stopB.id === statA)
const departureOf = st => +new Date(st.departure || st.scheduledDeparture)
const arrivalOf = st => +new Date(st.arrival || st.scheduledArrival)
// `journeysFromTrip` only supports queries *right now*, so we can't use `when` as in all
// other tests. To make the test less brittle, we pick a connection that is served all night. 🙄
const when = new Date()
const validate = createValidate({...cfg, when})
const findTripBetween = async (stopAId, stopBId, products = {}) => {
const {journeys} = await client.journeys(stopAId, stopBId, {
departure: new Date(when - 10 * minute),
transfers: 0, products,
results: 8, stopovers: false, remarks: false,
for (const j of journeys) {
const l = j.legs.find(isU6Leg)
if (!l) continue
const t = await client.trip(l.tripId, {
stopovers: true, remarks: false
const pastStopovers = t.stopovers
.filter(st => departureOf(st) < Date.now()) // todo: <= ?
const hasStoppedAtA = pastStopovers
.find(sameStopOrStation({id: stopAId}))
const willStopAtB = t.stopovers
.filter(st => arrivalOf(st) > Date.now()) // todo: >= ?
.find(sameStopOrStation({id: stopBId}))
if (hasStoppedAtA && willStopAtB) {
const prevStopover = maxBy(pastStopovers, departureOf)
return {trip: t, prevStopover}
return {trip: null, prevStopover: null}
// Find a vehicle from U Mehringdamm to U Stadtmitte (to the north) that is currently
// between these two stations.
const {trip, prevStopover} = await findTripBetween(blnMehringdamm, blnStadtmitte, {
regionalExp: false, regional: false, suburban: false
t.ok(trip, 'precondition failed: trip not found')
t.ok(prevStopover, 'precondition failed: previous stopover missing')
// todo: "Error: Suche aus dem Zug: Vor Abfahrt des Zuges"
const newJourneys = await client.journeysFromTrip(trip.id, prevStopover, blnSpittelmarkt, {
results: 3, stopovers: true, remarks: false
// Validate with fake prices.
const withFakePrice = (j) => {
const clone = Object.assign({}, j)
clone.price = {amount: 123, currency: 'EUR'}
return clone
// todo: there is no such validator!
validate(t, newJourneys.map(withFakePrice), 'journeysFromTrip', 'newJourneys')
for (let i = 0; i < newJourneys.length; i++) {
const j = newJourneys[i]
const n = `newJourneys[${i}]`
const legOnTrip = j.legs.find(l => l.tripId === trip.id)
t.ok(legOnTrip, n + ': leg with trip ID not found')
t.equal(last(legOnTrip.stopovers).stop.id, blnStadtmitte)
tap.test('trip details', async (t) => {
const res = await client.journeys(berlinHbf, münchenHbf, {
results: 1, departure: when
const p = res.journeys[0].legs.find(l => !l.walking)
t.ok(p.tripId, 'precondition failed')
t.ok(p.line.name, 'precondition failed')
const tripRes = await client.trip(p.tripId, {when})
const validate = createValidate(cfg, {
trip: (cfg) => {
const validateTrip = createValidateTrip(cfg)
const validateTripWithFakeDirection = (val, trip, name) => {
validateTrip(val, {
direction: trip.direction || 'foo', // todo, see #49
}, name)
return validateTripWithFakeDirection
validate(t, tripRes, 'tripResult', 'tripRes')
tap.test('departures at Berlin Schwedter Str.', async (t) => {
const res = await client.departures(blnSchwedterStr, {
duration: 5, when,
await testDepartures({
test: t,
id: blnSchwedterStr
tap.test('departures with station object', async (t) => {
const res = await client.departures({
type: 'station',
id: jungfernheide,
name: 'Berlin Jungfernheide',
location: {
type: 'location',
latitude: 1.23,
longitude: 2.34
}, {when})
validate(t, res, 'departuresResponse', 'res')
tap.test('departures at Berlin Hbf in direction of Berlin Ostbahnhof', async (t) => {
await testDeparturesInDirection({
test: t,
fetchDepartures: client.departures,
fetchTrip: client.trip,
id: berlinHbf,
directionIds: [blnOstbahnhof, '8089185', '732676'],
tap.test('arrivals at Berlin Schwedter Str.', async (t) => {
const res = await client.arrivals(blnSchwedterStr, {
duration: 5, when,
await testArrivals({
test: t,
id: blnSchwedterStr
tap.test('nearby Berlin Jungfernheide', async (t) => {
const nearby = await client.nearby({
type: 'location',
latitude: 52.530273,
longitude: 13.299433
}, {
results: 2, distance: 400
validate(t, nearby, 'locations', 'nearby')
t.equal(nearby.length, 2)
const s0 = nearby[0]
t.equal(s0.id, jungfernheide)
t.equal(s0.name, 'Berlin Jungfernheide')
t.ok(isRoughlyEqual(.0005, s0.location.latitude, 52.530408))
t.ok(isRoughlyEqual(.0005, s0.location.longitude, 13.299424))
t.ok(s0.distance >= 0)
t.ok(s0.distance <= 100)
tap.test('locations named Jungfernheide', async (t) => {
const locations = await client.locations('Jungfernheide', {
results: 10
validate(t, locations, 'locations', 'locations')
t.ok(locations.length <= 10)
t.ok(locations.some((l) => {
return l.station && l.station.id === jungfernheide || l.id === jungfernheide
}), 'Jungfernheide not found')
tap.test('stop', async (t) => {
const s = await client.stop(regensburgHbf)
validate(t, s, ['stop', 'station'], 'stop')
t.equal(s.id, regensburgHbf)
tap.test('line with additionalName', async (t) => {
const {departures} = await client.departures(potsdamHbf, {
duration: 12 * 60, // 12 minutes
products: {bus: false, suburban: false, tram: false}
t.ok(departures.some(d => d.line && d.line.additionalName))
tap.test('radar', async (t) => {
const res = await client.radar({
north: 52.52411,
west: 13.41002,
south: 52.51942,
east: 13.41709
}, {
duration: 5 * 60, when
validate(t, res, 'radarResult', 'res')
tap.test('reachableFrom', {timeout: 20 * 1000}, async (t) => {
const torfstr17 = {
type: 'location',
address: 'Torfstraße 17',
latitude: 52.5416823,
longitude: 13.3491223
await testReachableFrom({
test: t,
reachableFrom: client.reachableFrom,
address: torfstr17,
maxDuration: 15,
tap.test('serverInfo works', async (t) => {
await testServerInfo({
test: t,
fetchServerInfo: client.serverInfo,