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synced 2025-02-23 15:19:35 +02:00
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283 lines
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'use strict'
const tapePromise = require('tape-promise').default
const tape = require('tape')
const isRoughlyEqual = require('is-roughly-equal')
const {createWhen} = require('./lib/util')
const co = require('./lib/co')
const createClient = require('..')
const insaProfile = require('../p/insa')
const products = require('../p/insa/products')
const createValidate = require('./lib/validate-fptf-with')
const isObj = o => o !== null && 'object' === typeof o && !Array.isArray(o)
const when = createWhen('Europe/Berlin', 'de-DE')
const cfg = {
stationCoordsOptional: false,
const validate = createValidate(cfg, {})
const test = tapePromise(tape)
const client = createClient(insaProfile)
const magdeburgHbf = '8010224'
const magdeburgBuckau = '8013456'
const hasselbachplatzSternstrasse = '000006545'
const stendal = '008010334'
const dessau = '008010077'
test('Magdeburg Hbf to Magdeburg-Buckau', co(function*(t) {
const journeys = yield client.journeys(magdeburgHbf, magdeburgBuckau, {
passedStations: true
validate(t, journeys, 'journeys', 'journeys')
for (let j of journeys) {
const firstLeg = j.legs[0]
const lastLeg = j.legs[j.legs.length - 1]
t.strictEqual(firstLeg.origin.id, magdeburgHbf)
t.strictEqual(lastLeg.destination.id, magdeburgBuckau)
// todo: journeys, only one product
// todo: journeys, fails with no product
test('Magdeburg Hbf to 39104 Magdeburg, Sternstr. 10', co(function*(t) {
const sternStr = {
type: 'location',
latitude: 52.118414,
longitude: 11.422332,
address: 'Magdeburg - Altenstadt, Sternstraße 10'
const journeys = yield client.journeys(magdeburgHbf, sternStr, {
validate(t, journeys, 'journeys', 'journeys')
for (let journey of journeys) {
const i = journey.legs.length - 1
const d = journey.legs[i].destination
t.equal(d.address, sternStr.address)
t.ok(isRoughlyEqual(0.0001, d.latitude, sternStr.latitude))
t.ok(isRoughlyEqual(0.0001, d.longitude, sternStr.longitude))
test('Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen to Magdeburg Hbf', co(function*(t) {
const kloster = {
type: 'location',
id: '970012223',
name: 'Magdeburg, Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen (Denkmal)',
latitude: 52.127601,
longitude: 11.636437
const journeys = yield client.journeys(magdeburgHbf, kloster, {
validate(t, journeys, 'journeys', 'journeys')
for (let journey of journeys) {
const i = journey.legs.length - 1
const d = journey.legs[i].destination
t.equal(d.id, kloster.id)
t.equal(d.name, kloster.name)
t.ok(isRoughlyEqual(0.0001, d.latitude, kloster.latitude))
t.ok(isRoughlyEqual(0.0001, d.longitude, kloster.longitude))
test('journeys: via works – with detour', co(function* (t) {
// Going from Magdeburg, Hasselbachplatz (Sternstr.) (Tram/Bus) to Stendal
// via Dessau without detour is currently impossible. We check if the routing
// engine computes a detour.
const journeys = yield client.journeys(hasselbachplatzSternstrasse, stendal, {
via: dessau,
results: 1,
passedStations: true
validate(t, journeys, 'journeys', 'journeys')
const leg = journeys[0].legs.some((leg) => {
return leg.passed && leg.passed.some((passed) => {
return (
passed.station.id === '8010077' || // todo: trim IDs
passed.station.id === dessau
t.ok(leg, 'Dessau is not being passed')
test('earlier/later journeys', co(function* (t) {
const model = yield client.journeys(magdeburgHbf, magdeburgBuckau, {
results: 3, when
// todo: move to journeys validator?
t.equal(typeof model.earlierRef, 'string')
t.equal(typeof model.laterRef, 'string')
// when and earlierThan/laterThan should be mutually exclusive
t.throws(() => {
client.journeys(magdeburgHbf, magdeburgBuckau, {
when, earlierThan: model.earlierRef
// silence rejections, we're only interested in exceptions
.catch(() => {})
t.throws(() => {
client.journeys(magdeburgHbf, magdeburgBuckau, {
when, laterThan: model.laterRef
// silence rejections, we're only interested in exceptions
.catch(() => {})
let earliestDep = Infinity, latestDep = -Infinity
for (let j of model) {
const dep = +new Date(j.legs[0].departure)
if (dep < earliestDep) earliestDep = dep
else if (dep > latestDep) latestDep = dep
const earlier = yield client.journeys(magdeburgHbf, magdeburgBuckau, {
results: 3,
// todo: single journey ref?
earlierThan: model.earlierRef
for (let j of earlier) {
t.ok(new Date(j.legs[0].departure) < earliestDep)
const later = yield client.journeys(magdeburgHbf, magdeburgBuckau, {
results: 3,
// todo: single journey ref?
laterThan: model.laterRef
for (let j of later) {
t.ok(new Date(j.legs[0].departure) > latestDep)
test('journey leg details', co(function* (t) {
const journeys = yield client.journeys(magdeburgHbf, magdeburgBuckau, {
results: 1, when
const p = journeys[0].legs[0]
t.ok(p.id, 'precondition failed')
t.ok(p.line.name, 'precondition failed')
const leg = yield client.journeyLeg(p.id, p.line.name, {when})
validate(t, leg, 'journeyLeg', 'leg')
test('departures at Magdeburg Hbf', co(function*(t) {
const deps = yield client.departures(magdeburgHbf, {
duration: 5,
validate(t, deps, 'departures', 'departures')
for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) {
const dep = deps[i]
const name = `deps[${i}]`
// todo: fix this
// t.equal(dep.station.name, 'Magdeburg Hbf', name + '.station.name is invalid')
// t.equal(dep.station.id, magdeburgHbf, name + '.station.id is invalid')
// todo: move into deps validator
t.deepEqual(deps, deps.sort((a, b) => t.when > b.when))
test('departures with station object', co(function* (t) {
const deps = yield client.departures({
type: 'station',
id: magdeburgHbf,
name: 'Magdeburg Hbf',
location: {
type: 'location',
latitude: 1.23,
longitude: 2.34
}, {when})
validate(t, deps, 'departures', 'departures')
// todo: nearby
test('locations named Magdeburg', co(function*(t) {
const locations = yield client.locations('Magdeburg', {
results: 20
validate(t, locations, 'locations', 'locations')
t.ok(locations.length <= 20)
t.ok(locations.find(s => s.type === 'station'))
t.ok(locations.find(s => s.id && s.name)) // POIs
t.ok(locations.some((loc) => {
return (
loc.id === '008010224' || // todo: trim IDs
loc.id === magdeburgHbf
test('location Magdeburg-Buckau', co(function* (t) {
const s = yield client.location(magdeburgBuckau)
validate(t, s, 'station', 'station')
t.equal(s.id, magdeburgBuckau)
test('radar', co(function* (t) {
const vehicles = yield client.radar({
north: 52.148364,
west: 11.600826,
south: 52.108486,
east: 11.651451
}, {
duration: 5 * 60, when, results: 10
const customCfg = Object.assign({}, cfg, {
stationCoordsOptional: true, // see #28
const validate = createValidate(customCfg, {})
validate(t, vehicles, 'movements', 'vehicles')