mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 23:29:35 +02:00
150 lines
4 KiB
150 lines
4 KiB
'use strict'
const shorten = require('vbb-short-station-name')
const {to12Digit, to9Digit} = require('vbb-translate-ids')
const parseLineName = require('vbb-parse-line')
const parseTicket = require('vbb-parse-ticket')
const getStations = require('vbb-stations')
const _createParseLine = require('../../parse/line')
const _parseLocation = require('../../parse/location')
const _createParseJourney = require('../../parse/journey')
const _createParseDeparture = require('../../parse/departure')
const _formatStation = require('../../format/station')
const products = require('./products')
const transformReqBody = (body) => {
body.client = {type: 'IPA', id: 'VBB', name: 'vbbPROD', v: '4010300'}
body.ext = 'VBB.1'
body.ver = '1.16'
body.auth = {type: 'AID', aid: 'hafas-vbb-apps'}
return body
const createParseLine = (profile, opt, data) => {
const parseLine = _createParseLine(profile, opt, data)
const parseLineWithMoreDetails = (l) => {
const res = parseLine(l)
res.name = l.name.replace(/^(bus|tram)\s+/i, '')
const details = parseLineName(res.name)
res.symbol = details.symbol
res.nr = details.nr
res.metro = details.metro
res.express = details.express
res.night = details.night
return res
return parseLineWithMoreDetails
const parseLocation = (profile, opt, data, l) => {
const res = _parseLocation(profile, opt, data, l)
if (res.type === 'stop' || res.type === 'station') {
res.name = shorten(res.name)
res.id = to12Digit(res.id)
if (!res.location.latitude || !res.location.longitude) {
const [s] = getStations(res.id)
if (s) Object.assign(res.location, s.location)
return res
const createParseJourney = (profile, opt, data) => {
const parseJourney = _createParseJourney(profile, opt, data)
const parseJourneyWithTickets = (j) => {
const res = parseJourney(j)
if (
j.trfRes &&
Array.isArray(j.trfRes.fareSetL) &&
j.trfRes.fareSetL[0] &&
) {
res.tickets = []
const sets = j.trfRes.fareSetL[0].fareL
for (let s of sets) {
if (!Array.isArray(s.ticketL) || s.ticketL.length === 0) continue
for (let t of s.ticketL) {
const ticket = parseTicket(t)
ticket.name = s.name + ' – ' + ticket.name
return res
return parseJourneyWithTickets
const createParseDeparture = (profile, opt, data) => {
const parseDeparture = _createParseDeparture(profile, opt, data)
const ringbahnClockwise = /^ringbahn s\s?41$/i
const ringbahnAnticlockwise = /^ringbahn s\s?42$/i
const parseDepartureRenameRingbahn = (j) => {
const res = parseDeparture(j)
if (res.line && res.line.product === 'suburban') {
const d = res.direction && res.direction.trim()
if (ringbahnClockwise.test(d)) res.direction = 'Ringbahn S41 ⟳'
else if (ringbahnAnticlockwise.test(d)) res.direction = 'Ringbahn S42 ⟲'
return res
return parseDepartureRenameRingbahn
const validIBNR = /^\d+$/
const formatStation = (id) => {
if ('string' !== typeof id) throw new Error('station ID must be a string.')
const l = id.length
if ((l !== 7 && l !== 9 && l !== 12) || !validIBNR.test(id)) {
throw new Error('station ID must be a valid IBNR.')
// The VBB has some 7-digit stations. We don't convert them to 12 digits,
// because it only recognizes in the 7-digit format. see derhuerst/vbb-hafas#22
if (l !== 7) id = to9Digit(id)
return _formatStation(id)
const vbbProfile = {
locale: 'de-DE',
timezone: 'Europe/Berlin',
endpoint: 'https://fahrinfo.vbb.de/bin/mgate.exe',
// https://gist.github.com/derhuerst/a8d94a433358abc015ff77df4481070c#file-haf_config_base-properties-L39
// https://runkit.com/derhuerst/hafas-decrypt-encrypted-mac-salt
salt: Buffer.from('5243544a4d3266467846667878516649', 'hex'),
addMicMac: true,
products: products,
parseStationName: shorten,
parseLine: createParseLine,
parseJourney: createParseJourney,
parseDeparture: createParseDeparture,
journeysNumF: false,
trip: true,
radar: true,
reachableFrom: true
module.exports = vbbProfile