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You are legally required to do so" }, { "type": "A", "code": "FB", "prio": 260, "icoX": 4, "txtN": "Number of bicycles conveyed limited" }, { "type": "A", "code": "RG", "prio": 560, "icoX": 3, "txtN": "Behindertengerechtes Fahrzeug" }, { "type": "A", "code": "RO", "prio": 560, "icoX": 5, "txtN": "space for wheelchairs" }, { "type": "A", "code": "LS", "prio": 605, "icoX": 3, "txtN": "power sockets for laptop" }, { "type": "A", "code": "KL", "prio": 610, "icoX": 3, "txtN": "air conditioning" }, { "type": "A", "code": "WV", "prio": 710, "icoX": 3, "txtN": "Wifi available" }, { "type": "A", "code": "CK", "prio": 200, "icoX": 3, "txtN": "Komfort Check-in possible (visit bahn.de/kci for more information)" }, { "type": "A", "code": "PM", "prio": 200, "icoX": 3, "txtN": "Please wear an FFP2 mask. You are legally required to do so" }, { "type": "A", "code": "BR", "prio": 450, "icoX": 9, "txtN": "Bordrestaurant" }, { "type": "A", "code": "IT", "prio": 100, "icoX": 10, "txtN": "ICE Sprinter" }, { "type": "A", "code": "X7", "prio": 100, "icoX": 3, "txtN": "walking distance 300 m" }, { "type": "A", "code": "EH", "prio": 560, "icoX": 3, "txtN": "vehicle-mounted access aid" }, { "type": "M", "code": "", "icoX": 13, "txtS": "S 8: Mainz-Bischofsheim->Mainz Römisches Theater: Information.", "txtN": "Usually this train has a high load.", "sIdx": 4 }, { "type": "H", "code": "", "icoX": 14, "txtN": "ICE Sprinter" }, { "type": "D", "code": "", "icoX": 16, "txtN": "Delay of previous train", "sIdx": 0 }, { "type": "A", "code": "FR", "prio": 260, "icoX": 17, "txtN": "Bicycles conveyed - subject to reservation" }, { "type": "A", "code": "BT", "prio": 450, "icoX": 18, "txtN": "Bordbistro" }, { "type": "M", "code": "", "icoX": 19, "txtS": "ICE 109: Köln Hbf->Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Fernbf: Information.", "txtN": "Train running with only one train segment. 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Train service with reduced number of seats.", "sIdx": 0 }, { "type": "C", "code": "", "icoX": 19, "txtN": "Current information available." } ], "icoL": [ { "res": "ICE" }, { "res": "RE" }, { "res": "DPN", "txt": "National Express" }, { "res": "attr_info" }, { "res": "attr_bike" }, { "res": "attr_wchair" }, { "res": "prod_walk" }, { "res": "D", "txt": "DB Fernverkehr AG" }, { "res": "rt_ont" }, { "res": "attr_resto" }, { "res": "attr_sprinter" }, { "res": "S" }, { "res": "s", "txt": "DB Regio AG S-Bahn Rhein-Main" }, { "res": "HimLow" }, { "res": "Sprinter" }, { "res": "IC" }, { "res": "Empty" }, { "res": "attr_bike_r" }, { "res": "attr_bistro" }, { "res": "HimInfo" }, { "res": "RB" }, { "res": "DPN", "txt": "vlexx" }, { "res": "cl_all" } ], "tcocL": [ { "c": "FIRST", "r": 3 }, { "c": "SECOND", "r": 2 }, { "c": "FIRST", "r": 1 }, { "c": "SECOND", "r": 1 }, { "c": "FIRST", "r": 2 } ], "lDrawStyleL": [ { "sIcoX": 1, "type": "SOLID" }, { "type": "SOLID" }, { "sIcoX": 6, "type": "SOLID" }, { "type": "DOT" }, { "sIcoX": 0, "type": "SOLID" }, { "sIcoX": 11, "type": "SOLID" }, { "sIcoX": 15, "type": "SOLID" }, { "sIcoX": 20, "type": "SOLID" } ] }, "outConL": [ { "cid": "C-0", "date": "20221116", "dur": "015500", "durS": "015800", "durR": "015500", "chg": 2, "sDays": { "sDaysR": "runs 16. 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