# New DB Board and Route Planning APIs (beyond HAFAS and IRIS) (Beware that a DB journey is what you usually call a trip (a vehicle travelling at a certain time) and a DB trip is what you usually call a journey (result of a route search from A to B).) ## RIS::Boards https://apis.deutschebahn.com/db/apis/ris-boards/v1/public/ EPs: * departures/ * arrivals/ Notes: * docs (also helpful for other RIS-based APIs below): https://developers.deutschebahn.com/db-api-marketplace/apis/product/ris-boards-transporteure/api/ris-boards-transporteure#/RISBoards_151/overview * needs an API Key * provides remarks * does not provide loadFactor * no route planning * uses RIS trip IDs * boards up to 12 hours ## bahnhof.de RIS https://www.bahnhof.de/api/boards/departures?evaNumbers=8000105&filterTransports=BUS&duration=60&locale=de Notes: * no API Key needed * provides remarks * uses RIS trip IDs * no route planning * boards up to 6 hours, only from current time (or unknown parameter) ## Regio Guide RIS https://regio-guide.de/@prd/zupo-travel-information/api/public/ri/ EPs: * departure/8000105?modeOfTransport=HIGH_SPEED_TRAIN,REGIONAL_TRAIN,CITY_TRAIN,INTER_REGIONAL_TRAIN,UNKNOWN,BUS,TRAM,SUBWAY&timeStart=2024-12-11T15:08:25.678Z&timeEnd=2024-12-12T01:53:25.678&expandTimeFrame=TIME_END&&occupancy=true * board/arrival/ * routing-search (with POST body, see regio-guide.de) * trip/ * journey/ Notes: * no API Key needed * no remarks in boards (or with unknown param), only some in journey * cancelled trips are completely missing from boards (?) * uses RIS trip IDs, does not expose them directly in the routing-search response * loadFactor for some regional services, not for long distance services * boards up to 12 hours ## Vendo Navigator API https://app.vendo.noncd.db.de/mob/ EPs: * bahnhofstafel/abfahrt * bahnhofstafel/ankunft * location/search * angebote/fahrplan (for route planning) * zuglauf * zuglaeufe/ICE_947/halte/by-abfahrt/8000207_2024 (coach sequence) * angebote/recon/autonomereservierung (prices) Notes: * see [traffic dumps](dumps/) * no API Key needed * used by new DB Navigator * HAFAS trip IDs * boards only 1 hour (or unknown param) * does not contain machine-readable cancelled info in the boards (only "Halt entfällt" string), but contains relevant remarks * loadFactor only on journeys (?) ## Vendo bahn.de API https://int.bahn.de/web/api/ EPs: * angebote/fahrplan (for route planning) * reiseloesung/orte * reiseloesung/orte/nearby * reiseloesung/verbindung * reiseloesung/fahrt Notes: * no API Key needed * uses HAFAS trip IDs * provides loadFactor * no boards (?) * polylines only for /verbindung and /fahrt