import tap from 'tap'; import {createWhen} from './lib/util.js'; import {createClient} from '../../index.js'; import {profile as mobilNrwProfile} from '../../p/mobil-nrw/index.js'; import {createValidateFptfWith as createValidate} from './lib/validate-fptf-with.js'; import {testJourneysStationToStation} from './lib/journeys-station-to-station.js'; import {testJourneysStationToAddress} from './lib/journeys-station-to-address.js'; import {testJourneysStationToPoi} from './lib/journeys-station-to-poi.js'; import {testEarlierLaterJourneys} from './lib/earlier-later-journeys.js'; import {testRefreshJourney} from './lib/refresh-journey.js'; import {testDepartures} from './lib/departures.js'; import {testArrivals} from './lib/arrivals.js'; import {testReachableFrom} from './lib/reachable-from.js'; const T_MOCK = 1671260400 * 1000; // 2022-12-17T08:00:00+01:00 const when = createWhen(mobilNrwProfile.timezone, mobilNrwProfile.locale, T_MOCK); const cfg = { when, stationCoordsOptional: false, products: mobilNrwProfile.products, minLatitude: 48.089, minLongitude: 1.659, maxLatitude: 53.531, maxLongitude: 14.689, }; const validate = createValidate(cfg); const client = createClient(mobilNrwProfile, 'public-transport/hafas-client:test'); const soest = '8000076'; const aachenHbf = '8000001'; const dortmundStadtgarten = '655672'; tap.test('journeys – Soest to Aachen Hbf', async (t) => { const res = await client.journeys(soest, aachenHbf, { results: 4, departure: when, stopovers: true, }); await testJourneysStationToStation({ test: t, res, validate, fromId: soest, toId: aachenHbf, }); t.end(); }); // todo: journeys, only one product tap.test('Aachen Hbf to Schillingstr. 3, Dortmund', async (t) => { const schillingstr3 = { type: 'location', id: '980288407', address: 'Dortmund - Mitte, Schillingstraße 3', latitude: 51.504891, longitude: 7.457802, }; const res = await client.journeys(aachenHbf, schillingstr3, { results: 3, departure: when, }); await testJourneysStationToAddress({ test: t, res, validate, fromId: aachenHbf, to: schillingstr3, }); t.end(); }); tap.test('Aachen Hbf to Sportanlage Schulzentrum, Dortmund', async (t) => { const sportanlage = { type: 'location', id: '991557725', poi: true, name: 'Dortmund, Sportanlage Schulzentrum (Grünanlagen)', latitude: 51.491201, longitude: 7.562859, }; const res = await client.journeys(aachenHbf, sportanlage, { results: 3, departure: when, }); await testJourneysStationToPoi({ test: t, res, validate, fromId: aachenHbf, to: sportanlage, }); t.end(); }); // todo: walkingSpeed "2107 MELRIDGE PL" -> 000002148 // todo: via works – with detour // todo: without detour tap.test('earlier/later journeys', async (t) => { await testEarlierLaterJourneys({ test: t, fetchJourneys: client.journeys, validate, fromId: soest, toId: aachenHbf, when, }); t.end(); }); tap.test('refreshJourney', async (t) => { await testRefreshJourney({ test: t, fetchJourneys: client.journeys, refreshJourney: client.refreshJourney, validate, fromId: soest, toId: aachenHbf, when, }); t.end(); }); tap.test('trip details', async (t) => { const res = await client.journeys(soest, aachenHbf, { results: 1, departure: when, }); const p = res.journeys[0].legs.find(l => !l.walking); t.ok(p.tripId, 'precondition failed'); t.ok(, 'precondition failed'); const tripRes = await client.trip(p.tripId, {when}); validate(t, tripRes, 'tripResult', 'res'); t.end(); }); tap.test('departures at Soest', async (t) => { const ids = [ soest, '906135', // Bahnhof, Soest '904812', // Bahnhof/Brüdertor, Soest '902737', // Bahnhof E, Soest ]; const res = await client.departures(soest, { duration: 10, when, }); await testDepartures({ test: t, res, validate, ids, }); t.end(); }); tap.test('departures with station object', async (t) => { const res = await client.departures({ type: 'station', id: soest, name: 'Magdeburg Hbf', location: { type: 'location', latitude: 1.23, longitude: 2.34, }, }, {when}); validate(t, res, 'departuresResponse', 'res'); t.end(); }); tap.test('arrivals at Soest', async (t) => { const ids = [ soest, '906135', // Bahnhof, Soest '904812', // Bahnhof/Brüdertor, Soest '902737', // Bahnhof E, Soest ]; const res = await client.arrivals(soest, { duration: 10, when, }); await testArrivals({ test: t, res, validate, ids, }); t.end(); }); // todo: nearby tap.test('locations named "stadtgarten dortmund"', async (t) => { const locations = await client.locations('stadtgarten dortmund', { results: 10, }); validate(t, locations, 'locations', 'locations'); t.ok(locations.length <= 10); t.ok(locations.find(s => s.type === 'stop' || s.type === 'station')); t.ok(locations.find(s => s.poi)); // POIs t.ok(locations.some((l) => { return l.station && === dortmundStadtgarten || === dortmundStadtgarten; })); t.end(); }); tap.test('station Aachen Hbf', async (t) => { const s = await client.stop(aachenHbf); validate(t, s, ['stop', 'station'], 'station'); t.equal(, aachenHbf); t.end(); }); tap.test('radar', async (t) => { const res = await client.radar({ north: 51.4358, west: 6.7625, south: 51.4214, east: 6.7900, }, { duration: 5 * 60, when, results: 10, }); validate(t, res, 'radarResult', 'res'); t.end(); }); tap.test('reachableFrom', async (t) => { await testReachableFrom({ test: t, reachableFrom: client.reachableFrom, address: { type: 'location', id: '980301639', latitude: 51.387609, longitude: 6.684019, address: 'Duisburg, Am Mühlenberg 1', }, when, maxDuration: 15, validate, }); t.end(); });