import tap from 'tap'; import isRoughlyEqual from 'is-roughly-equal'; import {createWhen} from './lib/util.js'; import {createClient} from '../../index.js'; import {profile as saarfahrplanProfile} from '../../p/saarfahrplan/index.js'; import { createValidateStation, createValidateStop, } from './lib/validators.js'; import {createValidateFptfWith as createValidate} from './lib/validate-fptf-with.js'; import {testJourneysStationToStation} from './lib/journeys-station-to-station.js'; import {testJourneysStationToAddress} from './lib/journeys-station-to-address.js'; import {testJourneysStationToPoi} from './lib/journeys-station-to-poi.js'; import {testEarlierLaterJourneys} from './lib/earlier-later-journeys.js'; import {journeysFailsWithNoProduct} from './lib/journeys-fails-with-no-product.js'; import {testJourneysWithDetour} from './lib/journeys-with-detour.js'; import {testDepartures} from './lib/departures.js'; import {testDeparturesInDirection} from './lib/departures-in-direction.js'; const T_MOCK = 1671260400 * 1000; // 2022-12-17T08:00:00+01:00 const when = createWhen(saarfahrplanProfile.timezone, saarfahrplanProfile.locale, T_MOCK); const cfg = { when, // stationCoordsOptional: false, @todo products: saarfahrplanProfile.products, minLatitude: 49, maxLatitude: 49.6, minLongitude: 6.1, maxLongitude: 7.5, }; // @todo validateDirection: search list of stations for direction const validate = createValidate(cfg); const assertValidPrice = (t, p) => { t.ok(p); if (p.amount !== null) { t.equal(typeof p.amount, 'number'); t.ok(p.amount > 0); } if (p.hint !== null) { t.equal(typeof p.hint, 'string'); t.ok(p.hint); } }; const client = createClient(saarfahrplanProfile, 'public-transport/hafas-client:test'); const saarbrueckenHbf = '8000323'; // This seems to be the bus/tram stop. 🙄 const hauptbahnhofSaarbruecken = '10600'; const saarlouisHbf = '8005247'; const metzVille = '8700019'; const saarbrueckenUhlandstr = '10609'; const thomasMannStr = { type: 'location', address: 'Neunkirchen, Thomas-Mann-Straße 1', latitude: 49.348307, longitude: 7.183613, }; // @todo prices/tickets // @todo journeys, only one product tap.test('journeys – fails with no product', async (t) => { await journeysFailsWithNoProduct({ test: t, fetchJourneys: client.journeys, fromId: saarbrueckenHbf, toId: saarlouisHbf, when, products: saarfahrplanProfile.products, }); t.end(); }); tap.test('Saarbrücken Hbf to Neunkirchen, Thomas-Mann-Straße 1', async (t) => { const res = await client.journeys(saarbrueckenHbf, thomasMannStr, { results: 3, departure: when, }); await testJourneysStationToAddress({ test: t, res, validate, fromId: saarbrueckenHbf, to: thomasMannStr, }); t.end(); }); tap.test('Saarbrücken Hbf to Schlossberghöhlen', async (t) => { const schlossberghoehlen = { type: 'location', id: '9000185', poi: true, name: 'Homburg, Schlossberghöhlen', latitude: 49.32071, longitude: 7.343764, }; const res = await client.journeys(saarbrueckenHbf, schlossberghoehlen, { results: 3, departure: when, }); await testJourneysStationToPoi({ test: t, res, validate, fromId: saarbrueckenHbf, to: schlossberghoehlen, }); t.end(); }); tap.test('journeys: via works – with detour', async (t) => { // Going from Lessingstr. to An der Trift via Steubenstr. without detour // is currently impossible. We check if the routing engine computes a detour. const lessingstr = '10615'; const anDerTrift = '10801'; const steubenstr = '10051'; const res = await client.journeys(lessingstr, anDerTrift, { via: steubenstr, results: 1, departure: when, stopovers: true, }); await testJourneysWithDetour({ test: t, res, validate, detourIds: [steubenstr], }); t.end(); }); // todo: journeys: via works – without detour tap.test('earlier/later journeys, Saarbrücken Hbf -> Saarlouis Hbf', async (t) => { await testEarlierLaterJourneys({ test: t, fetchJourneys: client.journeys, validate, fromId: saarbrueckenHbf, toId: saarlouisHbf, when, }); t.end(); }); tap.test('trip details', async (t) => { const res = await client.journeys(saarlouisHbf, metzVille, { results: 1, departure: when, }); const p = res.journeys[0].legs.find(l => !l.walking); t.ok(p.tripId, 'precondition failed'); t.ok(, 'precondition failed'); const tripRes = await client.trip(p.tripId, {when}); validate(t, tripRes, 'tripResult', 'res'); t.end(); }); tap.test('departures', async (t) => { const res = await client.departures(saarbrueckenUhlandstr, { duration: 5, when, }); await testDepartures({ test: t, res, validate, id: saarbrueckenUhlandstr, }); t.end(); }); tap.test('departures with stop object', async (t) => { const res = await client.departures({ type: 'stop', id: saarbrueckenHbf, name: 'Saarbrücken Hbf', location: { type: 'location', latitude: 49.241066, longitude: 6.991019, }, }, {when}); validate(t, res, 'departuresResponse', 'res'); t.end(); }); tap.test('departures at Uhlandstr., Saarbrücken in direction of Landwehrplatz', async (t) => { const saarbrueckenLandwehrplatz = '10606'; await testDeparturesInDirection({ test: t, fetchDepartures: client.departures, fetchTrip: client.trip, id: saarbrueckenUhlandstr, directionIds: [saarbrueckenLandwehrplatz], when, validate, }); t.end(); }); // todo: arrivals tap.test('nearby Saarbrücken Hbf', async (t) => { const nearby = await client.nearby({ type: 'location', latitude: 49.241066, longitude: 6.991019, }, { results: 5, distance: 400, }); validate(t, nearby, 'locations', 'nearby'); t.equal(nearby.length, 5); const s = nearby[0]; t.equal(, saarbrueckenHbf, 'id should be ' + saarbrueckenHbf); t.equal(, 'Saarbrücken Hbf'); t.ok(isRoughlyEqual(0.0005, s.location.latitude, 49.241066)); t.ok(isRoughlyEqual(0.0005, s.location.longitude, 6.991019)); t.ok(s.distance >= 0); t.ok(s.distance <= 100); t.end(); }); tap.test('locations named Saarbrücken', async (t) => { const aufDerWerthBürgerpark = '10204'; const locations = await client.locations('bürgerpark', { results: 20, }); validate(t, locations, 'locations', 'locations'); t.ok(locations.length <= 20); t.ok(locations.find(s => s.type === 'stop' || s.type === 'station')); t.ok(locations.find(s => s.poi)); // POIs t.ok(locations.some((s) => { return s.station && === aufDerWerthBürgerpark || === aufDerWerthBürgerpark; })); t.end(); }); tap.test('stop', async (t) => { const s = await client.stop(saarbrueckenUhlandstr); validate(t, s, ['stop', 'station'], 'stop'); t.equal(, saarbrueckenUhlandstr); t.end(); }); tap.test('radar', async (t) => { const res = await client.radar({ north: 49.27, west: 6.97, south: 49.22, east: 7.02, }, { duration: 5 * 60, when, }); validate(t, res, 'radarResult', 'res'); t.end(); });