import tap from 'tap'; import isRoughlyEqual from 'is-roughly-equal'; import {createWhen} from './lib/util.js'; import {createClient} from '../../index.js'; import {profile as nahshProfile} from '../../p/nahsh/index.js'; import { createValidateLine, createValidateStation, } from './lib/validators.js'; import {createValidateFptfWith as createValidate} from './lib/validate-fptf-with.js'; import {testJourneysStationToStation} from './lib/journeys-station-to-station.js'; import {testJourneysStationToAddress} from './lib/journeys-station-to-address.js'; import {testJourneysStationToPoi} from './lib/journeys-station-to-poi.js'; import {testEarlierLaterJourneys} from './lib/earlier-later-journeys.js'; import {testRefreshJourney} from './lib/refresh-journey.js'; import {journeysFailsWithNoProduct} from './lib/journeys-fails-with-no-product.js'; import {testDepartures} from './lib/departures.js'; import {testDeparturesInDirection} from './lib/departures-in-direction.js'; import {testArrivals} from './lib/arrivals.js'; import {testReachableFrom} from './lib/reachable-from.js'; const T_MOCK = 1670310000 * 1000; // 2022-12-06T08:00:00+01:00 // const T_MOCK = 1668495600 * 1000 // 2022-11-15T08:00:00+01:00 const when = createWhen(nahshProfile.timezone, nahshProfile.locale, T_MOCK); const cfg = { when, stationCoordsOptional: false, products: nahshProfile.products, maxLatitude: 55.15, minLongitude: 7.5, minLatitude: 53.15, maxLongitude: 11.6, }; const _validateLine = createValidateLine(cfg); const validateLine = (validate, l, name) => { if (l && l.product === 'onCall') { // skip line validation // l = Object.assign({}, l); l.mode = 'taxi'; } _validateLine(validate, l, name); }; const validate = createValidate(cfg, { line: validateLine, }); const assertValidPrice = (t, p) => { t.ok(p); if (p.amount !== null) { t.equal(typeof p.amount, 'number'); t.ok(p.amount > 0); } if (p.hint !== null) { t.equal(typeof p.hint, 'string'); t.ok(p.hint); } }; const client = createClient(nahshProfile, 'public-transport/hafas-client:test'); const kielHbf = '9049079'; const kielHbf2 = '9049076'; const flensburg = '9027253'; const luebeckHbf = '9057819'; const husum = '9044660'; const schleswig = '9081683'; const ellerbekerMarkt = '9049027'; const seefischmarkt = '9049245'; const kielRaeucherei = '9049217'; tap.test('journeys – Kiel Hbf to Flensburg', async (t) => { const res = await client.journeys(kielHbf, flensburg, { results: 4, departure: when, stopovers: true, }); const kaistr = '9049113'; await testJourneysStationToStation({ test: t, res, validate, fromIds: [kielHbf, kaistr], toId: flensburg, }); for (let i = 0; i < res.journeys.length; i++) { const j = res.journeys[i]; // todo: find a journey where there pricing info is always available if (j.price) { assertValidPrice(t, j.price, `res.journeys[${i}].price`); } } t.end(); }); // todo: journeys, only one product tap.test('journeys – fails with no product', async (t) => { await journeysFailsWithNoProduct({ test: t, fetchJourneys: client.journeys, fromId: kielHbf, toId: flensburg, when, products: nahshProfile.products, }); t.end(); }); tap.test('Kiel Hbf to Berliner Str. 80, Husum', async (t) => { const berlinerStr = { type: 'location', address: 'Husum, Berliner Straße 80', latitude: 54.488995, longitude: 9.056263, }; const res = await client.journeys(kielHbf, berlinerStr, { results: 3, departure: when, }); await testJourneysStationToAddress({ test: t, res, validate, fromIds: [kielHbf, kielHbf2], to: berlinerStr, }); t.end(); }); tap.test('Kiel Hbf to Holstentor', async (t) => { const holstentor = { type: 'location', id: '970003168', poi: true, name: 'Hansestadt Lübeck, Holstentor (Denkmal)', latitude: 53.866321, longitude: 10.679976, }; const res = await client.journeys(kielHbf, holstentor, { results: 3, departure: when, }); await testJourneysStationToPoi({ test: t, res, validate, fromIds: [kielHbf, kielHbf2], to: holstentor, }); t.end(); }); tap.test('Husum to Lübeck Hbf with stopover at Kiel Hbf', async (t) => { const res = await client.journeys(husum, luebeckHbf, { via: kielHbf, results: 1, departure: when, stopovers: true, }); validate(t, res, 'journeysResult', 'res'); const leg = res.journeys[0].legs.some((leg) => { return leg.stopovers && leg.stopovers.some((stopover) => { const s = stopover.stop; return s.station && === kielHbf || === kielHbf; }); }); t.ok(leg, 'Kiel Hbf is not being passed'); t.end(); }); tap.test('earlier/later journeys, Kiel Hbf -> Flensburg', async (t) => { await testEarlierLaterJourneys({ test: t, fetchJourneys: client.journeys, validate, fromId: kielHbf, toId: flensburg, when, }); t.end(); }); tap.test('refreshJourney', async (t) => { await testRefreshJourney({ test: t, fetchJourneys: client.journeys, refreshJourney: client.refreshJourney, validate, fromId: kielHbf, toId: flensburg, when, }); t.end(); }); // todo: with detour test // todo: without detour test tap.test('trip details', async (t) => { const res = await client.journeys(flensburg, husum, { results: 1, departure: when, }); const p = res.journeys[0].legs.find(l => !l.walking); t.ok(p.tripId, 'precondition failed'); t.ok(, 'precondition failed'); const tripRes = await client.trip(p.tripId, {when}); validate(t, tripRes, 'tripResult', 'res'); t.end(); }); tap.test('departures at Kiel Räucherei', async (t) => { const res = await client.departures(kielRaeucherei, { duration: 30, when, }); await testDepartures({ test: t, res, validate, id: kielRaeucherei, }); t.end(); }); tap.test('departures with station object', async (t) => { const res = await client.departures({ type: 'station', id: kielHbf, name: 'Kiel Hbf', location: { type: 'location', latitude: 1.23, longitude: 2.34, }, }, {when}); validate(t, res, 'departuresResponse', 'res'); t.end(); }); tap.test('departures at Berlin Hbf in direction of Berlin Ostbahnhof', async (t) => { await testDeparturesInDirection({ test: t, fetchDepartures: client.departures, fetchTrip: client.trip, id: ellerbekerMarkt, directionIds: [seefischmarkt, '710102'], when, validate, }); t.end(); }); tap.test('arrivals at Kiel Räucherei', async (t) => { const res = await client.arrivals(kielRaeucherei, { duration: 30, when, }); await testArrivals({ test: t, res, validate, id: kielRaeucherei, }); t.end(); }); tap.test('nearby Kiel Hbf', async (t) => { const kielHbfPosition = { type: 'location', latitude: 54.314982, longitude: 10.131976, }; const nearby = await client.nearby(kielHbfPosition, { results: 2, distance: 400, }); validate(t, nearby, 'locations', 'nearby'); t.ok(Array.isArray(nearby)); t.equal(nearby.length, 2); const match = nearby.find(n => === kielHbf || n.station?.id === kielHbf); t.ok(match); t.equal(, 'Kiel Hbf'); t.ok(match.distance >= 0); t.ok(match.distance <= 100); t.end(); }); tap.test('locations named "Kiel Rathaus"', async (t) => { const kielRathaus = '9049200'; const locations = await client.locations('Kiel Rathaus', { results: 15, }); validate(t, locations, 'locations', 'locations'); t.ok(locations.length <= 15); t.ok(locations.find(l => l.type === 'stop' || l.type === 'station')); t.ok(locations.find(l => l.poi)); // POIs t.ok(locations.some(l => l.station && === kielRathaus || === kielRathaus)); t.end(); }); tap.test('stop', async (t) => { const s = await client.stop(kielHbf); validate(t, s, ['stop', 'station'], 'stop'); t.equal(, kielHbf); t.end(); }); tap.test('radar', async (t) => { const res = await client.radar({ north: 54.4, west: 10.0, south: 54.2, east: 10.2, }, { duration: 5 * 60, when, }); // todo: cfg.stationProductsOptional option const {products} = nahshProfile; const allProducts = products.reduce((acc, p) => (acc[] = true, acc), {}); const validateStation = createValidateStation(cfg); const validate = createValidate(cfg, { station: (validate, s, name) => { s = Object.assign({ products: allProducts, // todo: fix station.products }, s); if (! { = 'foo'; } // todo, see #34 validateStation(validate, s, name); }, }); validate(t, res, 'radarResult', 'res'); t.end(); }); tap.test('reachableFrom', async (t) => { const berlinerStr = { type: 'location', address: 'Husum, Berliner Straße 80', latitude: 54.488995, longitude: 9.056263, }; await testReachableFrom({ test: t, reachableFrom: client.reachableFrom, address: berlinerStr, when, maxDuration: 60, validate, }); t.end(); });