'use strict' const {DateTime} = require('luxon') const findRemarks = require('./find-remarks') const parseScheduledDays = (sDaysB, year, profile) => { sDaysB = Buffer.from(sDaysB, 'hex') const res = Object.create(null) let d = DateTime.fromObject({ zone: profile.timezone, locale: profile.locale, year, // Expected to be in the correct tz offset! month: 1, day: 1, hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, millisecond: 0 }) for (let b = 0; b < sDaysB.length; b++) { for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { res[d.toISODate()] = (sDaysB[b] & Math.pow(2, 7 - i)) > 0 d = d.plus({days: 1}) } } return res } // todo: c.conSubscr (e.g. `F`) // todo: c.trfRes x vbb-parse-ticket // todo: c.sotRating, c.isSotCon, c.sotCtxt // todo: c.showARSLink // todo: c.useableTime // todo: c.cksum (e.g. `b3a94228_3`), c.cksumDti (e.g. `c2717eb3_3`) // todo: c.isNotRdbl // todo: c.badSecRefX // todo: c.bfATS, c.bfIOSTS // todo: c.recState (e.g. `U`) // todo: c.intvlSubscr (e.g. `F`) const parseJourney = (ctx, j) => { // j = raw jouney const {profile, opt} = ctx const legs = j.secL.map(l => profile.parseJourneyLeg(ctx, l, j.date)) const res = { type: 'journey', legs, refreshToken: (j.recon && j.recon.ctx) || j.ctxRecon || null } const freq = j.freq || {} if (freq.minC || freq.maxC) { res.cycle = {} if (freq.minC) res.cycle.min = freq.minC * 60 if (freq.maxC) res.cycle.max = freq.maxC * 60 // nr of connections in this frequency, from now on if (freq.numC) res.cycle.nr = freq.numC } if (opt.remarks && Array.isArray(j.msgL)) { res.remarks = findRemarks(j.msgL).map(([remark]) => remark) } if (opt.scheduledDays) { const year = parseInt(j.date.slice(0, 4)) res.scheduledDays = parseScheduledDays(j.sDays.sDaysB, year, profile) } return res } module.exports = parseJourney