// todo: use import assertions once they're supported by Node.js & ESLint // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-import-assertions import {createRequire} from 'module'; const require = createRequire(import.meta.url); import tap from 'tap'; import {createClient} from '../index.js'; import {profile as rawProfile} from '../p/db/index.js'; const resAdditionalStopover = require('./fixtures/db-journey-additional-stopover.json'); const client = createClient(rawProfile, 'public-transport/hafas-client:test'); const {profile} = client; const opt = { results: 1, stopovers: true, }; // https://github.com/public-transport/hafas-client/issues/303 tap.test('parses a journey having a leg with an additional stopover', (t) => { const common = profile.parseCommon({profile, opt, res: resAdditionalStopover}); const ctx = {profile, opt, common, res: resAdditionalStopover}; const journey = profile.parseJourney(ctx, resAdditionalStopover.outConL[0]); const stopovers = journey.legs[0].stopovers; const stopoverRegular = stopovers[6]; const stopoverAdditional = stopovers[7]; t.notOk('additional' in stopoverRegular, 'regular stopover has attribute additional'); t.equal(stopoverAdditional.additional, true, 'additional stopover doesn\'t have attribute additional'); t.end(); });