# `departures(station, [opt])` `station` must be in one of these formats: ```js // a station ID, in a format compatible to the profile you use '900000013102' // an FPTF `station` object { type: 'station', id: '900000013102', name: 'foo station', location: { type: 'location', latitude: 1.23, longitude: 3.21 } } ``` With `opt`, you can override the default options, which look like this: ```js { // todo: products when: new Date(), direction: null, // only show departures heading to this station duration: 10 // show departures for the next n minutes } ``` ## Response *Note:* As stated in the [*Friendly Public Transport Format* `1.0.1`](https://github.com/public-transport/friendly-public-transport-format/tree/1.0.1), the `when` field includes the current delay. The `delay` field, if present, expresses how much the former differs from the schedule. You may pass the `journeyId` field into [`journeyLeg(ref, lineName, [opt])`](journey-leg.md) to get details on the vehicle's journey. As an example, we're going to use the [VBB profile](../p/vbb): ```js const createClient = require('hafas-client') const vbbProfile = require('hafas-client/p/vbb') const client = createClient(vbbProfile) // S Charlottenburg client.departures('900000024101', {duration: 3}) .then(console.log) .catch(console.error) ``` The response may look like this: ```js [ { journeyId: '1|31431|28|86|17122017', trip: 31431, station: { type: 'station', id: '900000024101', name: 'S Charlottenburg', location: { type: 'location', latitude: 52.504806, longitude: 13.303846 }, products: { suburban: true, subway: false, tram: false, bus: true, ferry: false, express: false, regional: true } }, when: '2017-12-17T19:32:00.000+01:00', delay: null line: { type: 'line', id: '18299', name: 'S9', public: true, mode: 'train', product: 'suburban', symbol: 'S', nr: 9, metro: false, express: false, night: false, productCode: 0, operator: { type: 'operator', id: 's-bahn-berlin-gmbh', name: 'S-Bahn Berlin GmbH' } }, direction: 'S Spandau' }, { journeyId: '1|30977|8|86|17122017', trip: 30977, station: { /* … */ }, when: null, delay: null, cancelled: true, line: { type: 'line', id: '16441', name: 'S5', public: true, mode: 'train', product: 'suburban', symbol: 'S', nr: 5, metro: false, express: false, night: false, productCode: 0, operator: { /* … */ } }, direction: 'S Westkreuz' }, { journeyId: '1|28671|4|86|17122017', trip: 28671, station: { type: 'station', id: '900000024202', name: 'U Wilmersdorfer Str.', location: { type: 'location', latitude: 52.506415, longitude: 13.306777 }, products: { suburban: false, subway: true, tram: false, bus: false, ferry: false, express: false, regional: false } }, when: '2017-12-17T19:35:00.000+01:00', delay: 0, line: { type: 'line', id: '19494', name: 'U7', public: true, mode: 'train', product: 'subway', symbol: 'U', nr: 7, metro: false, express: false, night: false, productCode: 1, operator: { /* … */ } }, direction: 'U Rudow' } ] ```