{ "verbindungen": [ { "tripId": "9910f5ed_3", "ctxRecon": "T$A=1@O=Berlin Hbf@X=13369549@Y=52525589@L=8011160@a=128@$A=1@O=Dortmund Hbf@X=7459294@Y=51517899@L=8000080@a=128@$202412180022$202412180521$ICE 101$$1$$$$$$§T$A=1@O=Dortmund Hbf@X=7459294@Y=51517899@L=8000080@a=128@$A=1@O=Köln Hbf@X=6958730@Y=50943029@L=8000207@a=128@$202412180536$202412180647$IC 2040$$1$$$$$$", "verbindungsAbschnitte": [ { "risNotizen": [], "himMeldungen": [], "priorisierteMeldungen": [], "externeBahnhofsinfoIdOrigin": "1071", "externeBahnhofsinfoIdDestination": "1289", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:22:00", "abfahrtsOrt": "Berlin Hbf", "abfahrtsOrtExtId": "8011160", "abschnittsDauer": 17940, "abschnittsAnteil": 80.81, "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:21:00", "ankunftsOrt": "Dortmund Hbf", "ankunftsOrtExtId": "8000080", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "halte": [ { "id": "A=1@O=Berlin 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"A=1@O=Berlin-Wannsee@X=13179526@Y=52420973@U=81@L=8010405@i=U×008003037@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:40:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:38:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "5", "name": "Berlin-Wannsee", "risNotizen": [ { "key": "text.realtime.stop.exit.disabled", "value": "Enter only, no exiting allowed" } ], "bahnhofsInfoId": "0566", "extId": "8010405", "routeIdx": 3, "priorisierteMeldungen": [ { "prioritaet": "NIEDRIG", "text": "Enter only, no exiting allowed" } ] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Potsdam Hbf@X=13066702@Y=52391506@U=81@L=8012666@i=U×008003479@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:48:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:46:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "3", "name": "Potsdam Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "5012", "extId": "8012666", "routeIdx": 4, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Brandenburg Hbf@X=12566138@Y=52400558@U=81@L=8010060@i=U×008024019@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T01:06:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T01:04:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "2", "name": "Brandenburg Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "0823", "extId": "8010060", "routeIdx": 5, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Magdeburg Hbf@X=11626963@Y=52130513@U=81@L=8010224@i=U×008024001@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T01:48:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T01:46:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "4", "name": "Magdeburg Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "3881", "extId": "8010224", "routeIdx": 6, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Braunschweig Hbf@X=10540293@Y=52252218@U=81@L=8000049@i=U×008013240@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T02:36:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T02:34:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "6", "name": "Braunschweig Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "0835", "extId": "8000049", "routeIdx": 7, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Hannover Hbf@X=9741017@Y=52376764@U=81@L=8000152@i=U×008013552@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T03:13:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T03:09:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "12", "name": "Hannover Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "2545", "extId": "8000152", "routeIdx": 8, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Minden(Westf)@X=8934729@Y=52290135@U=81@L=8000252@i=U×008013578@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T04:00:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T03:59:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "11", "name": "Minden(Westf)", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "4120", "extId": "8000252", "routeIdx": 9, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Bielefeld Hbf@X=8532723@Y=52029259@U=81@L=8000036@i=U×008013597@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T04:28:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T04:26:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "4", "name": "Bielefeld Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "0622", "extId": "8000036", "routeIdx": 10, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Gütersloh Hbf@X=8385075@Y=51906943@U=81@L=8002461@i=U×008013606@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T04:37:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T04:36:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "2", "name": "Gütersloh Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "2438", "extId": "8002461", "routeIdx": 11, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Hamm(Westf)Hbf@X=7807824@Y=51678077@U=81@L=8000149@i=U×008010002@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:03:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:01:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "10", "name": "Hamm(Westf)Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "2528", "extId": "8000149", "routeIdx": 12, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Dortmund Hbf@X=7459294@Y=51517899@U=81@L=8000080@i=U×008010053@", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:21:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 0 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 0 } ], "gleis": "16", "name": "Dortmund Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "1289", "extId": "8000080", "himMeldungen": [], "routeIdx": 13, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] } ], "idx": 0, "journeyId": "2|#VN#1#ST#1733173731#PI#1#ZI#153019#TA#0#DA#181224#1S#8010255#1T#11#LS#8500010#LT#1048#PU#81#RT#1#CA#ICE#ZE#101#ZB#ICE 101#PC#0#FR#8010255#FT#11#TO#8500010#TT#1048#", "verkehrsmittel": { "produktGattung": "ICE", "kategorie": "ICE", "name": "ICE 101", "nummer": "101", "richtung": "KÖLN", "typ": "PUBLICTRANSPORT", "zugattribute": [ { "kategorie": "BEFÖRDERER", "key": "BEF", "value": "DB Fernverkehr AG" }, { "kategorie": "FAHRRADMITNAHME", "key": "FR", "value": "Bicycles conveyed - subject to reservation", "teilstreckenHinweis": "(Berlin Hbf - Dortmund Hbf)" }, { "kategorie": "FAHRRADMITNAHME", "key": "FB", "value": "Number of bicycles conveyed limited", "teilstreckenHinweis": "(Berlin Hbf - Dortmund Hbf)" }, { "kategorie": "INFORMATION", "key": "CK", "value": "Komfort Check-in possible (visit bahn.de/kci for more information)", "teilstreckenHinweis": "(Berlin Hbf - Dortmund Hbf)" }, { "kategorie": "INFORMATION", "key": "EH", "value": "vehicle-mounted access aid", "teilstreckenHinweis": "(Berlin Hbf - Dortmund Hbf)" }, { "kategorie": "INFORMATION", "key": "text.journeystop.product.or.direction.changes.journey.message", "value": "From Minden(Westf) as ICE 101 heading towards Basel SBB" } ], "kurzText": "ICE", "mittelText": "ICE 101", "langText": "ICE 101" } }, { "risNotizen": [], "himMeldungen": [], "priorisierteMeldungen": [], "externeBahnhofsinfoIdOrigin": "1289", "externeBahnhofsinfoIdDestination": "3320", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:36:00", "abfahrtsOrt": "Dortmund Hbf", "abfahrtsOrtExtId": "8000080", "abschnittsDauer": 4260, "abschnittsAnteil": 19.19, "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T06:47:00", "ankunftsOrt": "Köln Hbf", "ankunftsOrtExtId": "8000207", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "halte": [ { "id": "A=1@O=Dortmund Hbf@X=7459294@Y=51517899@U=81@L=8000080@i=U×008010053@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:36:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "11", "name": "Dortmund 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"FAHRRADMITNAHME", "key": "FR", "value": "Bicycles conveyed - subject to reservation" }, { "kategorie": "FAHRRADMITNAHME", "key": "FB", "value": "Number of bicycles conveyed limited" }, { "kategorie": "INFORMATION", "key": "CK", "value": "Komfort Check-in possible (visit bahn.de/kci for more information)" }, { "kategorie": "INFORMATION", "key": "RZ", "value": "Einstieg mit Rollstuhl stufenfrei" }, { "kategorie": "INFORMATION", "key": "IZ", "value": "Intercity 2: visit www.bahn.de/ic2 for more information" } ], "kurzText": "IC", "mittelText": "IC 2040", "langText": "IC 2040" } } ], "umstiegsAnzahl": 1, "verbindungsDauerInSeconds": 23100, "ezVerbindungsDauerInSeconds": 23100, "isAlternativeVerbindung": false, "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "auslastungstexte": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 0, "kurzText": "No occupancy information available" }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 0, "kurzText": "No occupancy information available" }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1, "kurzText": "Low demand expected" }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1, "kurzText": "Low demand expected" }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 2, "anzeigeText": "We expect medium demand for your journey. Reserve the seat of your choice now.", "kurzText": "Medium demand expected", "langText": "We expect medium demand for your journey. Reserve the seat of your choice now." }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 2, "anzeigeText": "We expect medium demand for your journey. Reserve the seat of your choice now.", "kurzText": "Medium demand expected", "langText": "We expect medium demand for your journey. Reserve the seat of your choice now." }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 3, "anzeigeText": "We expect high demand for your journey. We recommend reserving a seat.", "kurzText": "High demand expected", "langText": "We expect high demand for your journey. We recommend reserving a seat." }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 3, "anzeigeText": "We expect high demand for your journey. We recommend reserving a seat.", "kurzText": "High demand expected", "langText": "We expect high demand for your journey. We recommend reserving a seat." }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 4, "anzeigeText": "We expect an exceptionally high occupancy in the course of your trip in 1st class. Passengers who have not yet purchased a ticket should choose a different connection or book a 2nd.", "kurzText": "Exceptionally high demand expected", "langText": "We expect an exceptionally high occupancy in the course of your trip in 1st class. Passengers who have not yet purchased a ticket should choose a different connection or book a 2nd." }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 4, "anzeigeText": "We expect an exceptionally high occupancy in the course of your trip in 2nd class. Passengers who have not yet purchased a ticket should choose a different connection or book a 1st.", "kurzText": "Exceptionally high demand expected", "langText": "We expect an exceptionally high occupancy in the course of your trip in 2nd class. Passengers who have not yet purchased a ticket should choose a different connection or book a 1st." }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 99, "anzeigeText": "We expect exceptionally high demand for your journey.", "kurzText": "Exceptionally high demand expected", "langText": "We expect exceptionally high demand for your journey. Passengers who have not yet purchased a ticket should choose another connection." }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 99, "anzeigeText": "We expect exceptionally high demand for your journey.", "kurzText": "Exceptionally high demand expected", "langText": "We expect exceptionally high demand for your journey. Passengers who have not yet purchased a ticket should choose another connection." } ], "himMeldungen": [], "risNotizen": [], "priorisierteMeldungen": [], "reservierungsMeldungen": [], "isAngebotseinholungNachgelagert": false, "isAlterseingabeErforderlich": false, "serviceDays": [ { "lastDateInPeriod": "2025-12-13", "regular": "not every day", "irregular": "16. until 18. Dec 2024, 20. Dec 2024, 9. until 22. Feb 2025, 24. until 28. Feb 2025, 9. Aug until 5. Sep 2025, 1. Nov until 13. 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Should you make a passenger rights claim, the ticket will be considered in its entirety. Special rules apply to tickets including City-Ticket, see there." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your ticket cannot be cancelled." } ], "preis": { "betrag": 27.99, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 1.83, "brutto": 27.99, "netto": 26.16, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "angebotsTyp": "REISEANGEBOT", "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "materialisierungsKanalNames": [ "MOBILE", "WEB", "BUCHUNG" ], "bahnBonusSammelfaehigPunkte": true, "angebotAbgelaufen": false, "angebotsId": "FVFSSPI00012A201", "buchbarkeit": "BUCHBAR", "zulaessigeZahlungsarten": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "61", "63", "65", "66", "68", "69", "71", "72", "74", "75", "82", "86", "87", "96", "99", "100", "101" ] }, "sitzplatzAngebote": [ { "entgeltAngebotInstanzId": "eb78adc8-d0e6-478f-b493-0959cbad42b5", "reservierungVerfuegbar": true, "reservierungspflicht": false, "reservierungInklusive": false, "priorisierteMeldungen": [], "sitzplatzKonditionen": [ { "kategorie": "ANZAHL_PLAETZE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "1 seat", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "1 seat", "textLang": "1 seat" } ], "nonSitzplatzKonditionen": [ { "kategorie": "UE_RESERVIERUNG", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your reservation cannot be cancelled." } ], "verbindungAusreserviert": false, "angebot": { "instanzId": "eb78adc8-d0e6-478f-b493-0959cbad42b5", "name": "Sitzplatzreservierung", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "kategorie": "ANZAHL_PLAETZE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "1 seat", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "1 seat", "textLang": "1 seat" }, { "kategorie": "UE_RESERVIERUNG", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your reservation cannot be cancelled." } ], "preis": { "betrag": 5.2, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": 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Special rules apply to tickets including City-Ticket, see there." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your ticket cannot be cancelled." } ], "name": "Super Sparpreis", "preis": { "betrag": 27.99, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 1.83, "brutto": 27.99, "netto": 26.16, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "teilpreis": false, "rabattAngebotInstanzIds": [], "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "typ": "REISEANGEBOT", "angebotsbeziehungList": [ { "instanzId": "daf5bda3-44c9-46f0-82a2-7e9f1eac85ef", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "3ed59505-82c8-4ec2-956d-8a4451b3289f", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "eb78adc8-d0e6-478f-b493-0959cbad42b5", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "70602934-79f2-49e1-a538-46fbb0916326", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "eb78adc8-d0e6-478f-b493-0959cbad42b5", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "OPTIONAL", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "OR" } }, { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "51e798e9-b00f-4989-bc20-8618cb6dc29c", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "UPSELL", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "51e798e9-b00f-4989-bc20-8618cb6dc29c", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "7751a338-5e23-421f-b040-609c32db02d7", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "73b1b091-27f6-40df-93c8-ec3ffadf2dc5", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "087b5948-eb48-4543-b74a-aec1c9efbd52", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "73b1b091-27f6-40df-93c8-ec3ffadf2dc5", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "OPTIONAL", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "OR" } } ] } ] }, { "gesamtAngebotsKontext": { "gesamtAngebotsId": "4a1b9578-d0ad-4d11-95b7-0f6c3f44eff2", "spezifischeGesamtLoesungsId": "80008860-1842-41d9-89ba-536c67848456", "uebergreifendeGesamtLoesungsId": "51b2a4c8-e593-4d2b-8be9-d1656657f4e9" }, "hinfahrt": { "fahrtAngebot": { "instanzId": "51e798e9-b00f-4989-bc20-8618cb6dc29c", "name": "Super Sparpreis", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Train-specific travel", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "Train-specific travel", "textLang": "You can use all trains indicated on your ticket. Your ticket constitutes a continuous contract of carriage in each direction (through ticket). Should you make a passenger rights claim, the ticket will be considered in its entirety. Special rules apply to tickets including City-Ticket, see there." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your ticket cannot be cancelled." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No access to the DB Lounge", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 5, "textKurz": "No access to the DB Lounge", "textLang": "Your ticket does not entitle you to use the DB Lounge." } ], "preis": { "betrag": 35.99, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 2.35, "brutto": 35.99, "netto": 33.64, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "angebotsTyp": "REISEANGEBOT", "kontextTyp": "UPSELL_VERKNUEPFT", "materialisierungsKanalNames": [ "MOBILE", "WEB", "BUCHUNG" ], "bahnBonusSammelfaehigPunkte": true, "angebotAbgelaufen": false, "angebotsId": "FVFSSPI00012A101", "buchbarkeit": "BUCHBAR", "leuchtturmInfo": { "text": "Travel 1st class", "premium": true }, "upsellInfos": { "ueberschrift": "First class benefits", "vorteile": [ { "kategorie": "UPSELL", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "More legroom", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 21, "textKurz": "More legroom", "textLang": "Enjoy more legroom." }, { "kategorie": "UPSELL", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Free newspapers", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 22, "textKurz": "Digital newspapers included", "textLang": "You receive digital newspapers and magazines free of charge in the ICE Portal." }, { "kategorie": "UPSELL", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Personal service", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 23, "textKurz": "Service at seat (on ICE)", "textLang": "Service at seat (on ICE)." } ] }, "zulaessigeZahlungsarten": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "61", "63", "65", "66", "68", "69", "71", "72", "74", "75", "82", "86", "87", "96", "99", "100", "101" ] }, "sitzplatzAngebote": [ { "entgeltAngebotInstanzId": "73b1b091-27f6-40df-93c8-ec3ffadf2dc5", "reservierungVerfuegbar": true, "reservierungspflicht": false, "reservierungInklusive": false, "priorisierteMeldungen": [], "sitzplatzKonditionen": [ { 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"A=1@O=Berlin-Wannsee@X=13179526@Y=52420973@U=81@L=8010405@i=U×008003037@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:40:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:38:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "5", "name": "Berlin-Wannsee", "risNotizen": [ { "key": "text.realtime.stop.exit.disabled", "value": "Enter only, no exiting allowed" } ], "bahnhofsInfoId": "0566", "extId": "8010405", "routeIdx": 3, "priorisierteMeldungen": [ { "prioritaet": "NIEDRIG", "text": "Enter only, no exiting allowed" } ] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Potsdam Hbf@X=13066702@Y=52391506@U=81@L=8012666@i=U×008003479@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:48:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:46:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "3", "name": "Potsdam Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "5012", "extId": "8012666", "routeIdx": 4, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { 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"2024-12-18T02:34:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "6", "name": "Braunschweig Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "0835", "extId": "8000049", "routeIdx": 7, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Hannover Hbf@X=9741017@Y=52376764@U=81@L=8000152@i=U×008013552@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T03:13:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T03:09:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "12", "name": "Hannover Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "2545", "extId": "8000152", "routeIdx": 8, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Minden(Westf)@X=8934729@Y=52290135@U=81@L=8000252@i=U×008013578@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T04:00:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T03:59:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "11", "name": 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"A=1@O=Hamm(Westf)Hbf@X=7807824@Y=51678077@U=81@L=8000149@i=U×008010002@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:03:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:01:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "10", "name": "Hamm(Westf)Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "2528", "extId": "8000149", "routeIdx": 12, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Dortmund Hbf@X=7459294@Y=51517899@U=81@L=8000080@i=U×008010053@", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:21:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 0 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 0 } ], "gleis": "16", "name": "Dortmund Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "1289", "extId": "8000080", "himMeldungen": [], "routeIdx": 13, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] } ], "idx": 0, "journeyId": "2|#VN#1#ST#1733173731#PI#1#ZI#153019#TA#0#DA#181224#1S#8010255#1T#11#LS#8500010#LT#1048#PU#81#RT#1#CA#ICE#ZE#101#ZB#ICE 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Your ticket constitutes a continuous contract of carriage in each direction (through ticket). Should you make a passenger rights claim, the ticket will be considered in its entirety. Special rules apply to tickets including City-Ticket, see there." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your ticket cannot be cancelled." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No access to the DB Lounge", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 5, "textKurz": "No access to the DB Lounge", "textLang": "Your ticket does not entitle you to use the DB Lounge." } ], "leuchtturmInfo": { "text": "Travel 1st class", "premium": true }, "name": "Super Sparpreis", "preis": { "betrag": 35.99, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 2.35, "brutto": 35.99, "netto": 33.64, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "teilpreis": false, "upsellInfos": { "ueberschrift": "First class benefits", "vorteile": [ { "kategorie": "UPSELL", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "More legroom", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 21, "textKurz": "More legroom", "textLang": "Enjoy more legroom." }, { "kategorie": "UPSELL", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Free newspapers", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 22, "textKurz": "Digital newspapers included", "textLang": "You receive digital newspapers and magazines free of charge in the ICE Portal." }, { "kategorie": "UPSELL", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Personal service", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 23, "textKurz": "Service at seat (on ICE)", "textLang": "Service at seat (on ICE)." } ] }, "upsellOptionInfos": { "differenzPreis": { "betrag": 8, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [] }, "ueberschrift": "1st class upgrade", "vorteile": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "More space and comfort", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "More space and comfort", "textLang": "More space and comfort." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Personal service", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 3, "textKurz": "Service at seat (on ICE)", "textLang": "Service at seat (on ICE)." } ] }, "rabattAngebotInstanzIds": [], "kontextTyp": "UPSELL_VERKNUEPFT", "typ": "REISEANGEBOT", "angebotsbeziehungList": [ { "instanzId": "daf5bda3-44c9-46f0-82a2-7e9f1eac85ef", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "3ed59505-82c8-4ec2-956d-8a4451b3289f", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "eb78adc8-d0e6-478f-b493-0959cbad42b5", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "70602934-79f2-49e1-a538-46fbb0916326", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "eb78adc8-d0e6-478f-b493-0959cbad42b5", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "OPTIONAL", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "OR" } }, { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "51e798e9-b00f-4989-bc20-8618cb6dc29c", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "UPSELL", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "51e798e9-b00f-4989-bc20-8618cb6dc29c", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "7751a338-5e23-421f-b040-609c32db02d7", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "73b1b091-27f6-40df-93c8-ec3ffadf2dc5", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "087b5948-eb48-4543-b74a-aec1c9efbd52", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "73b1b091-27f6-40df-93c8-ec3ffadf2dc5", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "OPTIONAL", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "OR" } } ] } ] }, { "gesamtAngebotsKontext": { "gesamtAngebotsId": "ea3fafe5-c9e1-4af0-8797-aad7dce83066", "spezifischeGesamtLoesungsId": "80008860-1842-41d9-89ba-536c67848456", "uebergreifendeGesamtLoesungsId": "51b2a4c8-e593-4d2b-8be9-d1656657f4e9" }, "hinfahrt": { "fahrtAngebot": { "instanzId": "0bb33591-1f25-4372-8474-f0b9cfcccaf8", "name": "Sparpreis", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Train-specific travel", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "Train-specific travel", "textLang": "You can use all trains indicated on your ticket. Your ticket constitutes a continuous contract of carriage in each direction (through ticket). Should you make a passenger rights claim, the ticket will be considered in its entirety. Special rules apply to tickets including City-Ticket, see there." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Cancellation subject to a fee before first day of validity", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Cancellation subject to a fee before first day of validity", "textLang": "You can cancel your ticket up to and including 17.12.2024 for a fee of EUR 10,00. You will receive a voucher for the remaining amount. No cancellation thereafter." } ], "preis": { "betrag": 34.99, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 2.29, "brutto": 34.99, "netto": 32.7, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "angebotsTyp": "REISEANGEBOT", "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "materialisierungsKanalNames": [ "MOBILE", "WEB", "BUCHUNG" ], "bahnBonusSammelfaehigPunkte": true, "angebotAbgelaufen": false, "angebotsId": "FVFSPPI00011A201", "buchbarkeit": "BUCHBAR", "zulaessigeZahlungsarten": [ "100", "101", "51", "53", "55", "61", "65", "66", "68", "69", "71", "82", "86", "99", "72", "74", "87", "96" ] }, "sitzplatzAngebote": [ { "entgeltAngebotInstanzId": "eb78adc8-d0e6-478f-b493-0959cbad42b5", "reservierungVerfuegbar": true, "reservierungspflicht": false, "reservierungInklusive": false, "priorisierteMeldungen": [], "sitzplatzKonditionen": [ { "kategorie": "ANZAHL_PLAETZE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "1 seat", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "1 seat", "textLang": "1 seat" } ], 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"2024-12-18T01:04:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "2", "name": "Brandenburg Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "0823", "extId": "8010060", "routeIdx": 5, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Magdeburg Hbf@X=11626963@Y=52130513@U=81@L=8010224@i=U×008024001@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T01:48:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T01:46:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "4", "name": "Magdeburg Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "3881", "extId": "8010224", "routeIdx": 6, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Braunschweig Hbf@X=10540293@Y=52252218@U=81@L=8000049@i=U×008013240@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T02:36:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T02:34:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "6", 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"2024-12-18T05:01:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "10", "name": "Hamm(Westf)Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "2528", "extId": "8000149", "routeIdx": 12, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Dortmund Hbf@X=7459294@Y=51517899@U=81@L=8000080@i=U×008010053@", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:21:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 0 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 0 } ], "gleis": "16", "name": "Dortmund Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "1289", "extId": "8000080", "himMeldungen": [], "routeIdx": 13, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] } ], "idx": 0, "journeyId": "2|#VN#1#ST#1733173731#PI#1#ZI#153019#TA#0#DA#181224#1S#8010255#1T#11#LS#8500010#LT#1048#PU#81#RT#1#CA#ICE#ZE#101#ZB#ICE 101#PC#0#FR#8010255#FT#11#TO#8500010#TT#1048#", "verkehrsmittel": { "produktGattung": "ICE", "kategorie": "ICE", "name": "ICE 101", "nummer": "101", "richtung": "KÖLN", "typ": 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No cancellation thereafter." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No access to the DB Lounge", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 5, "textKurz": "No access to the DB Lounge", "textLang": "Your ticket does not entitle you to use the DB Lounge." } ], "preis": { "betrag": 44.99, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 2.94, "brutto": 44.99, "netto": 42.05, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "angebotsTyp": "REISEANGEBOT", "kontextTyp": "UPSELL_VERKNUEPFT", "materialisierungsKanalNames": [ "MOBILE", "WEB", "BUCHUNG" ], "bahnBonusSammelfaehigPunkte": true, "angebotAbgelaufen": false, "angebotsId": "FVFSPPI00011A101", "buchbarkeit": "BUCHBAR", "leuchtturmInfo": { "text": "Travel 1st class", "premium": true }, "upsellInfos": { "ueberschrift": "First class benefits", "vorteile": [ { "kategorie": "UPSELL", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "More legroom", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 21, "textKurz": "More legroom", "textLang": "Enjoy more legroom." }, { "kategorie": "UPSELL", 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No cancellation thereafter." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No access to the DB Lounge", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 5, "textKurz": "No access to the DB Lounge", "textLang": "Your ticket does not entitle you to use the DB Lounge." } ], "leuchtturmInfo": { "text": "Travel 1st class", "premium": true }, "name": "Sparpreis", "preis": { "betrag": 44.99, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 2.94, "brutto": 44.99, "netto": 42.05, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "teilpreis": false, "upsellInfos": { "ueberschrift": "First class benefits", "vorteile": [ { "kategorie": "UPSELL", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "More legroom", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 21, "textKurz": "More legroom", "textLang": "Enjoy more legroom." }, { "kategorie": "UPSELL", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Free newspapers", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 22, "textKurz": "Digital newspapers included", "textLang": "You receive digital newspapers and magazines free of charge in the ICE Portal." }, { "kategorie": "UPSELL", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Personal service", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 23, "textKurz": "Service at seat (on ICE)", "textLang": "Service at seat (on ICE)." } ] }, "upsellOptionInfos": { "differenzPreis": { "betrag": 10, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [] }, "ueberschrift": "1st class upgrade", "vorteile": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "More space and comfort", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "More space and comfort", "textLang": "More space and comfort." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Personal service", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 3, "textKurz": "Service at seat (on ICE)", "textLang": "Service at seat (on ICE)." } ] }, "rabattAngebotInstanzIds": [], "kontextTyp": "UPSELL_VERKNUEPFT", "typ": "REISEANGEBOT", "angebotsbeziehungList": [ { "instanzId": "0bb33591-1f25-4372-8474-f0b9cfcccaf8", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "3ed59505-82c8-4ec2-956d-8a4451b3289f", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "eb78adc8-d0e6-478f-b493-0959cbad42b5", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "70602934-79f2-49e1-a538-46fbb0916326", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "eb78adc8-d0e6-478f-b493-0959cbad42b5", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "OPTIONAL", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "OR" } }, { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "0463e638-b3e8-4ea5-ac35-2b4cae961180", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "UPSELL", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "0463e638-b3e8-4ea5-ac35-2b4cae961180", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "7751a338-5e23-421f-b040-609c32db02d7", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "73b1b091-27f6-40df-93c8-ec3ffadf2dc5", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "087b5948-eb48-4543-b74a-aec1c9efbd52", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "73b1b091-27f6-40df-93c8-ec3ffadf2dc5", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "OPTIONAL", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "OR" } } ] } ] }, { "gesamtAngebotsKontext": { "gesamtAngebotsId": "4201afb7-ee3a-4426-9021-6210a84e801d", "spezifischeGesamtLoesungsId": "80008860-1842-41d9-89ba-536c67848456", "uebergreifendeGesamtLoesungsId": "51b2a4c8-e593-4d2b-8be9-d1656657f4e9" }, "hinfahrt": { "fahrtAngebot": { "instanzId": "57036b27-d3d4-4944-9f39-b9f171396dc2", "name": "Super Sparpreis", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Train-specific travel", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "Train-specific travel", "textLang": "You can use all trains indicated on your ticket. 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Special rules apply to tickets including City-Ticket, see there." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your ticket cannot be cancelled." } ], "preis": { "betrag": 20.99, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 1.37, "brutto": 20.99, "netto": 19.62, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "angebotsTyp": "REISEANGEBOT", "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "materialisierungsKanalNames": [ "MOBILE", "WEB", "BUCHUNG" ], "bahnBonusSammelfaehigPunkte": true, "angebotAbgelaufen": false, "angebotsId": "FVFSSPI00012A201", "buchbarkeit": "BUCHBAR", "zulaessigeZahlungsarten": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "61", "63", "65", "66", "68", "69", "71", "72", "74", "75", "82", "86", "87", "96", "99", "100", "101" ] }, "sitzplatzAngebote": [ { "entgeltAngebotInstanzId": "86bd3e8a-e50c-4ec8-b474-a1cbe838898e", "reservierungVerfuegbar": true, "reservierungspflicht": false, "reservierungInklusive": false, 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Your ticket constitutes a continuous contract of carriage in each direction (through ticket). Should you make a passenger rights claim, the ticket will be considered in its entirety. Special rules apply to tickets including City-Ticket, see there." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your ticket cannot be cancelled." } ], "name": "Super Sparpreis", "preis": { "betrag": 20.99, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 1.37, "brutto": 20.99, "netto": 19.62, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "teilpreis": false, "rabattAngebotInstanzIds": [], "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "typ": "REISEANGEBOT", "angebotsbeziehungList": [ { "instanzId": "57036b27-d3d4-4944-9f39-b9f171396dc2", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "d3605275-dc25-49e4-9de0-ffe6f07654ec", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "AND" } }, { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "4e87294c-c4bd-44c8-b8bc-ace526805410", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "86bd3e8a-e50c-4ec8-b474-a1cbe838898e", "referenzen": 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from the 1st journey onwards", "textLang": "Immediate savings: The Probe BahnCard often starts to pay off from the 1st journey onwards" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "25% discount", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "25% discount on all super saver, saver and flexible fares", "textLang": "25% discount on all super saver, saver and flexible fares" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Digital BahnCard", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Upload your Digital BahnCard into DB Navigator and use it immediately", "textLang": "Upload your Digital BahnCard into DB Navigator and use it immediately" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Notice period", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 4, "textKurz": "Four-week notice period before the expiration date in text form", "textLang": "Four-week notice period before the expiration date in text form" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 7, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your BahnCard cannot be cancelled" } ], "preis": { "betrag": 19.9, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 1.3, "brutto": 19.9, "netto": 18.6, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "angebotsTyp": "BAHNCARD", "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "materialisierungsKanalNames": [], "bahnBonusSammelfaehigPunkte": true, "angebotAbgelaufen": false, "angebotsId": "FVKBACI00001O209", "buchbarkeit": "BUCHBAR", "crosssellInfos": { "ueberschrift": "BahnCard Probe 25 2.Klasse", "vorteile": [ { "kategorie": "CROSSSELL_ARGUMENTE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "25% discount on Sparpreis and Flexpreis fares (except City-Ticket)", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "25% discount on Sparpreis and Flexpreis fares (except City-Ticket)", "textLang": "25% discount on Sparpreis and Flexpreis fares (except City-Ticket)" }, { "kategorie": "CROSSSELL_ARGUMENTE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Save EUR 7,00 on this ticket", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Save EUR 7,00 on this ticket", "textLang": "Save EUR 7,00 on this ticket." } ], "instanzId": "d3605275-dc25-49e4-9de0-ffe6f07654ec" }, "zulaessigeZahlungsarten": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "61", "63", "65", "66", "68", "69", "71", "72", "74", "75", "82", "86", "87", "99", "100", "101" ] }, "sitzplatzAngebote": [] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Immediate savings", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 0, "textKurz": "Immediate savings: The Probe BahnCard often starts to pay off from the 1st journey onwards", "textLang": "Immediate savings: The Probe BahnCard often starts to pay off from the 1st journey onwards" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "25% discount", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "25% discount on all super saver, saver and flexible fares", "textLang": "25% discount on all super saver, saver and flexible fares" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Digital BahnCard", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Upload your Digital BahnCard into DB Navigator and use it immediately", "textLang": "Upload your Digital BahnCard into DB Navigator and use it immediately" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Notice period", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 4, "textKurz": "Four-week notice period before the expiration date in text form", "textLang": "Four-week notice period before the expiration date in text form" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 7, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your BahnCard cannot be cancelled" } ], "name": "Probe BahnCard 25", "preis": { "betrag": 19.9, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 1.3, "brutto": 19.9, "netto": 18.6, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "teilpreis": false, "crosssellInfos": { "ueberschrift": "BahnCard Probe 25 2.Klasse", "vorteile": [ { "kategorie": "CROSSSELL_ARGUMENTE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "25% discount on Sparpreis and Flexpreis fares (except City-Ticket)", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "25% discount on Sparpreis and Flexpreis fares (except City-Ticket)", "textLang": "25% discount on Sparpreis and Flexpreis fares (except City-Ticket)" }, { "kategorie": "CROSSSELL_ARGUMENTE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Save EUR 7,00 on this ticket", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Save EUR 7,00 on this ticket", "textLang": "Save EUR 7,00 on this ticket." } ], "instanzId": "d3605275-dc25-49e4-9de0-ffe6f07654ec" }, "rabattAngebotInstanzIds": [], "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "typ": "BAHNCARD", "angebotsbeziehungList": [ { "instanzId": "57036b27-d3d4-4944-9f39-b9f171396dc2", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "d3605275-dc25-49e4-9de0-ffe6f07654ec", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "AND" } }, { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "4e87294c-c4bd-44c8-b8bc-ace526805410", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "86bd3e8a-e50c-4ec8-b474-a1cbe838898e", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { 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Your ticket constitutes a continuous contract of carriage in each direction (through ticket). Should you make a passenger rights claim, the ticket will be considered in its entirety. Special rules apply to tickets including City-Ticket; see there." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Cancellation free of charge before first day of validity", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Cancellation free of charge before first day of validity", "textLang": "You can cancel your ticket free of charge up to and including 17.12.2024. After that, cancellation is available for a fee of EUR 19,00." }, { "kategorie": "PLUS_CITY", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "City-Ticket", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 3, "textKurz": "City-Ticket for Berlin and Köln included", "textLang": "Your ticket includes a City-Ticket for Berlin, Tarifbereiche A und B and Köln, Stadtgebiet Köln (Tarifgebiet 2100). The City-Ticket is valid in conjunction with your long-distance ticket only when you use it for connecting services in local or regional rail passenger transport (e.g. S-Bahn, RE and RB trains) as part of the through ticket. The City-Ticket is issued together with your Super Sparpreis or Sparpreis ticket, depending on the journey you have booked." } ], "preis": { "betrag": 132.8, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 8.69, "brutto": 132.8, "netto": 124.11, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "upgradeEinstiegstyp": "UPGRADE_1KLASSE_FLEXPREIS", "angebotsTyp": "REISEANGEBOT", "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "materialisierungsKanalNames": [ "MOBILE", "WEB", "BUCHUNG" ], "bahnBonusSammelfaehigPunkte": true, "angebotAbgelaufen": false, "angebotsId": "FVFFLPI00001A201", "buchbarkeit": "BUCHBAR", "zulaessigeZahlungsarten": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "61", "63", "65", "66", "68", "69", "71", "72", "74", "75", "82", "86", "87", "96", "99", "100", "101" ] }, "sitzplatzAngebote": [ { "entgeltAngebotInstanzId": "eb78adc8-d0e6-478f-b493-0959cbad42b5", "reservierungVerfuegbar": true, "reservierungspflicht": false, "reservierungInklusive": false, "priorisierteMeldungen": [], "sitzplatzKonditionen": [ { 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"A=1@O=Hamm(Westf)Hbf@X=7807824@Y=51678077@U=81@L=8000149@i=U×008010002@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:03:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:01:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "10", "name": "Hamm(Westf)Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "2528", "extId": "8000149", "routeIdx": 12, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Dortmund Hbf@X=7459294@Y=51517899@U=81@L=8000080@i=U×008010053@", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:21:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 0 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 0 } ], "gleis": "16", "name": "Dortmund Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "1289", "extId": "8000080", "himMeldungen": [], "routeIdx": 13, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] } ], "idx": 0, "journeyId": "2|#VN#1#ST#1733173731#PI#1#ZI#153019#TA#0#DA#181224#1S#8010255#1T#11#LS#8500010#LT#1048#PU#81#RT#1#CA#ICE#ZE#101#ZB#ICE 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"text.journeystop.product.or.direction.changes.journey.message", "value": "From Minden(Westf) as ICE 101 heading towards Basel SBB" } ], "kurzText": "ICE", "mittelText": "ICE 101", "langText": "ICE 101" } }, "konditionsAnzeige": { "kategorie": "ANZAHL_PLAETZE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "1 seat", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "1 seat", "textLang": "1 seat" }, "angebot": { "instanzId": "70602934-79f2-49e1-a538-46fbb0916326", "name": "Sitzplatzreservierung", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Seat reservation", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "Seat reservation", "textLang": "Seat reservation" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your reservation cannot be cancelled." } ], "preis": { "betrag": 0, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 0, "brutto": 0, "netto": 0, "satz": 7 } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "angebotsTyp": "RESERVIERUNGSANGEBOT", 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"grafischReservierbar": true }, { "verbindungsabschnitt": { "risNotizen": [], "himMeldungen": [], "priorisierteMeldungen": [], "externeBahnhofsinfoIdOrigin": "1289", "externeBahnhofsinfoIdDestination": "3320", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:36:00", "abfahrtsOrt": "Dortmund Hbf", "abfahrtsOrtExtId": "8000080", "abschnittsDauer": 4260, "abschnittsAnteil": 19.19, "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T06:47:00", "ankunftsOrt": "Köln Hbf", "ankunftsOrtExtId": "8000207", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "halte": [ { "id": "A=1@O=Dortmund Hbf@X=7459294@Y=51517899@U=81@L=8000080@i=U×008010053@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:36:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "11", "name": "Dortmund Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "1289", "extId": "8000080", "himMeldungen": [], "routeIdx": 0, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Köln Hbf@X=6958730@Y=50943029@U=81@L=8000207@i=U×008015458@", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T06:47:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 0 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 0 } ], "gleis": "7 D-G", "name": "Köln Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "3320", "extId": "8000207", "himMeldungen": [], "routeIdx": 1, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] } ], "idx": 1, "journeyId": "2|#VN#1#ST#1733173731#PI#1#ZI#154039#TA#0#DA#181224#1S#8000080#1T#536#LS#8000096#LT#1024#PU#81#RT#1#CA#IC#ZE#2040#ZB#IC 2040#PC#1#FR#8000080#FT#536#TO#8000096#TT#1024#", "verkehrsmittel": { "produktGattung": "EC_IC", "kategorie": "IC", "name": "IC 2040", "nummer": "2040", "richtung": "Stuttgart Hbf", "typ": "PUBLICTRANSPORT", "zugattribute": [ { "kategorie": "BEFÖRDERER", "key": "BEF", "value": "DB Fernverkehr AG" }, { "kategorie": "FAHRRADMITNAHME", "key": "FR", "value": "Bicycles conveyed - subject to reservation" }, { "kategorie": "FAHRRADMITNAHME", "key": "FB", "value": "Number of bicycles conveyed limited" }, { "kategorie": "INFORMATION", "key": "CK", "value": "Komfort Check-in possible (visit bahn.de/kci for more information)" }, { "kategorie": "INFORMATION", "key": "RZ", "value": "Einstieg mit Rollstuhl stufenfrei" }, { "kategorie": "INFORMATION", "key": "IZ", "value": "Intercity 2: visit www.bahn.de/ic2 for more information" } ], "kurzText": "IC", "mittelText": "IC 2040", "langText": "IC 2040" } }, "konditionsAnzeige": { "kategorie": "ANZAHL_PLAETZE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "1 seat", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "1 seat", "textLang": "1 seat" }, "angebot": { "instanzId": "3ed59505-82c8-4ec2-956d-8a4451b3289f", "name": "Sitzplatzreservierung", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Seat reservation", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "Seat reservation", "textLang": "Seat reservation" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your reservation cannot be cancelled." } ], "preis": { "betrag": 0, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 0, "brutto": 0, "netto": 0, "satz": 7 } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "angebotsTyp": "RESERVIERUNGSANGEBOT", "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "materialisierungsKanalNames": [ "WEB", "BUCHUNG" ], "bahnBonusSammelfaehigPunkte": true, "angebotAbgelaufen": false, "angebotsId": "REMRESR00003O201", "buchungsKontextSIMA": { "quellSystem": "SIMA", "buchungsKontextId": "a8236117-7eca-401d-993e-ea56a2194d0a", "buchungsKontextDaten": { "zugnummer": "2040", "zugfahrtKey": "EPA#2040_2024-12-18", "abfahrtHalt": { "locationId": "8000080", "abfahrtZeit": "2024-12-18T05:36:00" }, "ankunftHalt": { "locationId": "8000207", "ankunftZeit": "2024-12-18T06:47:00" }, "servicekategorieCode": "KLASSE_2", "serviceKategorie": "SITZPLATZ_KLASSE_2", "anzahlReisende": 1, "inventarsystem": "EPA", "inklusiveLastMinuteReservierung": false, "gruppenReservierung": false, "kombinationsId": "3296cfd0-cf55-4c88-81d5-c8c92138dabb", "platzbedarfe": [ { "platzprofilCode": "Standard", "anzahl": 1 } ], "klasse": "KLASSE_2" } }, "buchbarkeit": "BUCHBAR", "anzahlReisende": 1 }, "reservierungVerfuegbar": true, "dauerhaftNichtReservierbar": false, "grafischReservierbar": true } ] } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Unrestricted choice of trains", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "Unrestricted choice of trains", "textLang": "Your ICE ticket lets you take any type of train. Your ticket constitutes a continuous contract of carriage in each direction (through ticket). Should you make a passenger rights claim, the ticket will be considered in its entirety. Special rules apply to tickets including City-Ticket; see there." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Cancellation free of charge before first day of validity", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Cancellation free of charge before first day of validity", "textLang": "You can cancel your ticket free of charge up to and including 17.12.2024. After that, cancellation is available for a fee of EUR 19,00." }, { "kategorie": "PLUS_CITY", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "City-Ticket", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 3, "textKurz": "City-Ticket for Berlin and Köln included", "textLang": "Your ticket includes a City-Ticket for Berlin, Tarifbereiche A und B and Köln, Stadtgebiet Köln (Tarifgebiet 2100). The City-Ticket is valid in conjunction with your long-distance ticket only when you use it for connecting services in local or regional rail passenger transport (e.g. S-Bahn, RE and RB trains) as part of the through ticket. The City-Ticket is issued together with your Super Sparpreis or Sparpreis ticket, depending on the journey you have booked." } ], "name": "Flexpreis", "preis": { "betrag": 132.8, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 8.69, "brutto": 132.8, "netto": 124.11, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "teilpreis": false, "rabattAngebotInstanzIds": [], "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "typ": "REISEANGEBOT", "angebotsbeziehungList": [ { "instanzId": "4f9e0d0a-4b38-424f-84f6-2dfd01c2386a", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "3ed59505-82c8-4ec2-956d-8a4451b3289f", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "eb78adc8-d0e6-478f-b493-0959cbad42b5", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "70602934-79f2-49e1-a538-46fbb0916326", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "eb78adc8-d0e6-478f-b493-0959cbad42b5", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "OPTIONAL", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "OR" } }, { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "10fe4f01-620a-43c9-85b7-c03c46f3bd41", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "UPSELL", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "10fe4f01-620a-43c9-85b7-c03c46f3bd41", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "16b4b2e9-7bf8-4255-9b73-9b08ce3c0939", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "8deab9df-ee83-4f55-b987-0bca578e8de1", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "34d555bd-536c-4b78-b1e5-925eb1a798d2", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "8deab9df-ee83-4f55-b987-0bca578e8de1", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "INKLUSIVE", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "OR" } } ] } ] }, { "gesamtAngebotsKontext": { "gesamtAngebotsId": "b51fd05b-854e-4c16-b42a-df3d1c048dbf", "spezifischeGesamtLoesungsId": "80008860-1842-41d9-89ba-536c67848456", "uebergreifendeGesamtLoesungsId": "51b2a4c8-e593-4d2b-8be9-d1656657f4e9" }, "hinfahrt": { "fahrtAngebot": { "instanzId": "10fe4f01-620a-43c9-85b7-c03c46f3bd41", "name": "Flexpreis", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Unrestricted choice of trains", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "Unrestricted choice of trains", "textLang": "Your ICE ticket lets you take any type of train. Your ticket constitutes a continuous contract of carriage in each direction (through ticket). Should you make a passenger rights claim, the ticket will be considered in its entirety. Special rules apply to tickets including City-Ticket; see there." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Cancellation free of charge before first day of validity", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Cancellation free of charge before first day of validity", "textLang": "You can cancel your ticket free of charge up to and including 17.12.2024. After that, cancellation is available for a fee of EUR 19,00." }, { "kategorie": "PLUS_CITY", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "City-Ticket", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 3, "textKurz": "City-Ticket for Berlin and Köln included", "textLang": "Your ticket includes a City-Ticket for Berlin, Tarifbereiche A und B and Köln, Stadtgebiet Köln (Tarifgebiet 2100). The City-Ticket is valid in conjunction with your long-distance ticket only when you use it for connecting services in local or regional rail passenger transport (e.g. S-Bahn, RE and RB trains) as part of the through ticket. The City-Ticket is issued together with your Super Sparpreis or Sparpreis ticket, depending on the journey you have booked." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Access to the DB Lounge", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 5, "textKurz": "Access to the DB Lounge", "textLang": "Your ticket entitles you to use the DB Lounge." }, { "kategorie": "RESERVIERUNG_INKLUSIVE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Seat included", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 10, "textKurz": "Seat included", "textLang": "Your ticket includes a free seat reservation." } ], "preis": { "betrag": 239.1, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 15.64, "brutto": 239.1, "netto": 223.46, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "angebotsTyp": "REISEANGEBOT", "kontextTyp": "UPSELL_VERKNUEPFT", "materialisierungsKanalNames": [ "MOBILE", "WEB", "BUCHUNG" ], "bahnBonusSammelfaehigPunkte": true, "angebotAbgelaufen": false, "angebotsId": "FVFFLPI00001A101", "buchbarkeit": "BUCHBAR", "leuchtturmInfo": { "text": "Travel 1st class", "premium": true }, "upsellInfos": { "ueberschrift": "First class benefits", "vorteile": [ { "kategorie": "UPSELL", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "More legroom", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 21, "textKurz": "More legroom", "textLang": "Enjoy more legroom." }, { "kategorie": "UPSELL", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Free newspapers", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 22, "textKurz": "Digital newspapers included", "textLang": "You receive digital newspapers and magazines free of charge in the ICE Portal." }, { "kategorie": "UPSELL", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Personal service", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 23, "textKurz": "Service at seat (on ICE)", "textLang": "Service at seat (on ICE)." } ] }, "zulaessigeZahlungsarten": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "61", "63", "65", "66", "68", "69", "71", "72", "74", "75", "82", "86", "87", "96", "99", "100", "101" ] }, "sitzplatzAngebote": [ { "entgeltAngebotInstanzId": "8deab9df-ee83-4f55-b987-0bca578e8de1", "reservierungVerfuegbar": true, "reservierungspflicht": false, "reservierungInklusive": true, "priorisierteMeldungen": [], "sitzplatzKonditionen": [ { "kategorie": "ANZAHL_PLAETZE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "1 seat", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "1 seat", "textLang": "1 seat" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "1 seat", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "1 seat, 1 seat included", "textLang": "1 seat, of which 1 seat included" } ], "nonSitzplatzKonditionen": [ { "kategorie": "UE_RESERVIERUNG", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your reservation cannot be cancelled." } ], "verbindungAusreserviert": false, "angebot": { "instanzId": "8deab9df-ee83-4f55-b987-0bca578e8de1", "name": "Sitzplatzreservierung", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "kategorie": "ANZAHL_PLAETZE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "1 seat", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "1 seat", "textLang": "1 seat" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "1 seat", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "1 seat, 1 seat included", "textLang": "1 seat, of which 1 seat included" }, { "kategorie": "UE_RESERVIERUNG", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your reservation cannot be cancelled." } ], "preis": { "betrag": 0, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 0, "brutto": 0, "netto": 0, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "reservierungsAnzeigePreis": { "betrag": 0, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [] }, "angebotsTyp": "RESERVIERUNGSENTGELT", "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "materialisierungsKanalNames": [ "WEB", "BUCHUNG" ], "bahnBonusSammelfaehigPunkte": true, "angebotAbgelaufen": false, "angebotsId": "REMENTR00001O101", "buchbarkeit": "BUCHBAR" }, "abschnitte": [ { "verbindungsabschnitt": { "risNotizen": [], "himMeldungen": [], "priorisierteMeldungen": [], "externeBahnhofsinfoIdOrigin": "1071", "externeBahnhofsinfoIdDestination": "1289", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:22:00", "abfahrtsOrt": "Berlin Hbf", "abfahrtsOrtExtId": "8011160", "abschnittsDauer": 17940, "abschnittsAnteil": 80.81, "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:21:00", "ankunftsOrt": "Dortmund Hbf", "ankunftsOrtExtId": "8000080", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "halte": [ { "id": "A=1@O=Berlin Hbf@X=13369549@Y=52525589@U=81@L=8011160@i=U×008065969@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:22:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 0 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 0 } ], "gleis": "13", "name": "Berlin Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "1071", "extId": "8011160", "himMeldungen": [], "routeIdx": 1, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Berlin Zoologischer Garten@X=13332441@Y=52507341@U=81@L=8010406@i=U×008003036@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:28:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:26:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 0 }, 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"auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "4", "name": "Magdeburg Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "3881", "extId": "8010224", "routeIdx": 6, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Braunschweig Hbf@X=10540293@Y=52252218@U=81@L=8000049@i=U×008013240@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T02:36:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T02:34:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "6", "name": "Braunschweig Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "0835", "extId": "8000049", "routeIdx": 7, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Hannover Hbf@X=9741017@Y=52376764@U=81@L=8000152@i=U×008013552@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T03:13:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T03:09:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "12", "name": "Hannover Hbf", 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"stufe": 0 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 0 } ], "gleis": "16", "name": "Dortmund Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "1289", "extId": "8000080", "himMeldungen": [], "routeIdx": 13, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] } ], "idx": 0, "journeyId": "2|#VN#1#ST#1733173731#PI#1#ZI#153019#TA#0#DA#181224#1S#8010255#1T#11#LS#8500010#LT#1048#PU#81#RT#1#CA#ICE#ZE#101#ZB#ICE 101#PC#0#FR#8010255#FT#11#TO#8500010#TT#1048#", "verkehrsmittel": { "produktGattung": "ICE", "kategorie": "ICE", "name": "ICE 101", "nummer": "101", "richtung": "KÖLN", "typ": "PUBLICTRANSPORT", "zugattribute": [ { "kategorie": "BEFÖRDERER", "key": "BEF", "value": "DB Fernverkehr AG" }, { "kategorie": "FAHRRADMITNAHME", "key": "FR", "value": "Bicycles conveyed - subject to reservation", "teilstreckenHinweis": "(Berlin Hbf - Dortmund Hbf)" }, { "kategorie": "FAHRRADMITNAHME", "key": "FB", "value": "Number of bicycles conveyed limited", "teilstreckenHinweis": "(Berlin Hbf - Dortmund Hbf)" }, { "kategorie": "INFORMATION", "key": "CK", "value": "Komfort Check-in possible (visit bahn.de/kci for more information)", "teilstreckenHinweis": "(Berlin Hbf - Dortmund Hbf)" }, { "kategorie": "INFORMATION", "key": "EH", "value": "vehicle-mounted access aid", "teilstreckenHinweis": "(Berlin Hbf - Dortmund Hbf)" }, { "kategorie": "INFORMATION", "key": "text.journeystop.product.or.direction.changes.journey.message", "value": "From Minden(Westf) as ICE 101 heading towards Basel SBB" } ], "kurzText": "ICE", "mittelText": "ICE 101", "langText": "ICE 101" } }, "konditionsAnzeige": { "kategorie": "ANZAHL_PLAETZE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "1 seat", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "1 seat", "textLang": "1 seat" }, "angebot": { "instanzId": "16b4b2e9-7bf8-4255-9b73-9b08ce3c0939", "name": "Sitzplatzreservierung", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Seat reservation", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "Seat reservation", "textLang": "Seat reservation" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your reservation cannot be cancelled." } ], "preis": { "betrag": 0, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 0, "brutto": 0, "netto": 0, "satz": 7 } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "angebotsTyp": "RESERVIERUNGSANGEBOT", "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "materialisierungsKanalNames": [ "WEB", "BUCHUNG" ], "bahnBonusSammelfaehigPunkte": true, "angebotAbgelaufen": false, "angebotsId": "REMRESR00001O101", "buchungsKontextSIMA": { "quellSystem": "SIMA", "buchungsKontextId": "0c3d399d-5bab-4d9e-af22-a37e9f0b0b14", "buchungsKontextDaten": { "zugnummer": "101", "zugfahrtKey": "EPA#101_2024-12-18", "abfahrtHalt": { "locationId": "8011160", "abfahrtZeit": "2024-12-18T00:22:00" }, "ankunftHalt": { "locationId": "8000080", "ankunftZeit": "2024-12-18T05:21:00" }, "servicekategorieCode": "KLASSE_1", "serviceKategorie": "SITZPLATZ_KLASSE_1", "anzahlReisende": 1, "inventarsystem": "EPA", 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Your ticket constitutes a continuous contract of carriage in each direction (through ticket). Should you make a passenger rights claim, the ticket will be considered in its entirety. Special rules apply to tickets including City-Ticket; see there." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Cancellation free of charge before first day of validity", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Cancellation free of charge before first day of validity", "textLang": "You can cancel your ticket free of charge up to and including 17.12.2024. After that, cancellation is available for a fee of EUR 19,00." }, { "kategorie": "PLUS_CITY", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "City-Ticket", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 3, "textKurz": "City-Ticket for Berlin and Köln included", "textLang": "Your ticket includes a City-Ticket for Berlin, Tarifbereiche A und B and Köln, Stadtgebiet Köln (Tarifgebiet 2100). The City-Ticket is valid in conjunction with your long-distance ticket only when you use it for connecting services in local or regional rail passenger transport (e.g. S-Bahn, RE and RB trains) as part of the through ticket. The City-Ticket is issued together with your Super Sparpreis or Sparpreis ticket, depending on the journey you have booked." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Access to the DB Lounge", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 5, "textKurz": "Access to the DB Lounge", "textLang": "Your ticket entitles you to use the DB Lounge." }, { "kategorie": "RESERVIERUNG_INKLUSIVE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Seat included", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 10, "textKurz": "Seat included", "textLang": "Your ticket includes a free seat reservation." } ], "leuchtturmInfo": { "text": "Travel 1st class", "premium": true }, "name": "Flexpreis", "preis": { "betrag": 239.1, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 15.64, "brutto": 239.1, "netto": 223.46, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "teilpreis": false, "upsellInfos": { "ueberschrift": "First class benefits", "vorteile": [ { "kategorie": "UPSELL", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "More legroom", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 21, "textKurz": "More legroom", "textLang": "Enjoy more legroom." }, { "kategorie": "UPSELL", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Free newspapers", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 22, "textKurz": "Digital newspapers included", "textLang": "You receive digital newspapers and magazines free of charge in the ICE Portal." }, { "kategorie": "UPSELL", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Personal service", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 23, "textKurz": "Service at seat (on ICE)", "textLang": "Service at seat (on ICE)." } ] }, "upsellOptionInfos": { "differenzPreis": { "betrag": 106.3, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [] }, "ueberschrift": "1st class upgrade", "vorteile": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Seat included", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "Seat included", "textLang": "Seat included." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "More space and comfort", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "More space and comfort", "textLang": "More space and comfort." } ] }, "rabattAngebotInstanzIds": [], "kontextTyp": "UPSELL_VERKNUEPFT", "typ": "REISEANGEBOT", "angebotsbeziehungList": [ { "instanzId": "4f9e0d0a-4b38-424f-84f6-2dfd01c2386a", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "3ed59505-82c8-4ec2-956d-8a4451b3289f", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "eb78adc8-d0e6-478f-b493-0959cbad42b5", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "70602934-79f2-49e1-a538-46fbb0916326", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "eb78adc8-d0e6-478f-b493-0959cbad42b5", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "OPTIONAL", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "OR" } }, { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "10fe4f01-620a-43c9-85b7-c03c46f3bd41", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "UPSELL", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "10fe4f01-620a-43c9-85b7-c03c46f3bd41", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "16b4b2e9-7bf8-4255-9b73-9b08ce3c0939", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "8deab9df-ee83-4f55-b987-0bca578e8de1", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "34d555bd-536c-4b78-b1e5-925eb1a798d2", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "8deab9df-ee83-4f55-b987-0bca578e8de1", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "INKLUSIVE", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "OR" } } ] } ] }, { "gesamtAngebotsKontext": { "gesamtAngebotsId": "bf405653-9e8f-4e1d-b2b1-5584a30cc8e7", "spezifischeGesamtLoesungsId": "80008860-1842-41d9-89ba-536c67848456", "uebergreifendeGesamtLoesungsId": "51b2a4c8-e593-4d2b-8be9-d1656657f4e9" }, "hinfahrt": { "fahrtAngebot": { "instanzId": "eedbb9d3-6305-48b2-a33e-e9ca6ddb2196", "name": "Sparpreis", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Train-specific travel", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "Train-specific travel", "textLang": "You can use all trains indicated on your ticket. Your ticket constitutes a continuous contract of carriage in each direction (through ticket). Should you make a passenger rights claim, the ticket will be considered in its entirety. Special rules apply to tickets including City-Ticket, see there." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Cancellation subject to a fee before first day of validity", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Cancellation subject to a fee before first day of validity", "textLang": "You can cancel your ticket up to and including 17.12.2024 for a fee of EUR 10,00. You will receive a voucher for the remaining amount. No cancellation thereafter." } ], "preis": { "betrag": 26.24, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 1.72, "brutto": 26.24, "netto": 24.52, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "angebotsTyp": "REISEANGEBOT", "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "materialisierungsKanalNames": [ "MOBILE", "WEB", "BUCHUNG" ], "bahnBonusSammelfaehigPunkte": true, "angebotAbgelaufen": false, "angebotsId": "FVFSPPI00011A201", "buchbarkeit": "BUCHBAR", "zulaessigeZahlungsarten": [ "100", "101", "51", "53", "55", "61", "65", "66", "68", "69", "71", "82", "86", "99", "72", "74", "87", "96" ] }, "sitzplatzAngebote": [ { "entgeltAngebotInstanzId": "86bd3e8a-e50c-4ec8-b474-a1cbe838898e", "reservierungVerfuegbar": true, "reservierungspflicht": false, "reservierungInklusive": false, "priorisierteMeldungen": [], "sitzplatzKonditionen": [ { "kategorie": "ANZAHL_PLAETZE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "1 seat", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "1 seat", "textLang": "1 seat" } ], 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"2024-12-18T05:01:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "10", "name": "Hamm(Westf)Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "2528", "extId": "8000149", "routeIdx": 12, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Dortmund Hbf@X=7459294@Y=51517899@U=81@L=8000080@i=U×008010053@", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:21:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 0 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 0 } ], "gleis": "16", "name": "Dortmund Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "1289", "extId": "8000080", "himMeldungen": [], "routeIdx": 13, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] } ], "idx": 0, "journeyId": "2|#VN#1#ST#1733173731#PI#1#ZI#153019#TA#0#DA#181224#1S#8010255#1T#11#LS#8500010#LT#1048#PU#81#RT#1#CA#ICE#ZE#101#ZB#ICE 101#PC#0#FR#8010255#FT#11#TO#8500010#TT#1048#", "verkehrsmittel": { "produktGattung": "ICE", "kategorie": "ICE", "name": "ICE 101", "nummer": "101", "richtung": "KÖLN", "typ": 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Your ticket constitutes a continuous contract of carriage in each direction (through ticket). Should you make a passenger rights claim, the ticket will be considered in its entirety. Special rules apply to tickets including City-Ticket, see there." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Cancellation subject to a fee before first day of validity", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Cancellation subject to a fee before first day of validity", "textLang": "You can cancel your ticket up to and including 17.12.2024 for a fee of EUR 10,00. You will receive a voucher for the remaining amount. No cancellation thereafter." } ], "name": "Sparpreis", "preis": { "betrag": 26.24, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 1.72, "brutto": 26.24, "netto": 24.52, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "teilpreis": false, "rabattAngebotInstanzIds": [], "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "typ": "REISEANGEBOT", "angebotsbeziehungList": [ { "instanzId": "eedbb9d3-6305-48b2-a33e-e9ca6ddb2196", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "6aad2ae0-fee2-4639-a67d-03160c8c613c", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "AND" } }, { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "4e87294c-c4bd-44c8-b8bc-ace526805410", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "86bd3e8a-e50c-4ec8-b474-a1cbe838898e", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "752d9b2a-29c7-4814-af35-5593eafb9ef2", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ 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"prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "25% discount on all super saver, saver and flexible fares", "textLang": "25% discount on all super saver, saver and flexible fares" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Digital BahnCard", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Upload your Digital BahnCard into DB Navigator and use it immediately", "textLang": "Upload your Digital BahnCard into DB Navigator and use it immediately" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Notice period", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 4, "textKurz": "Four-week notice period before the expiration date in text form", "textLang": "Four-week notice period before the expiration date in text form" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 7, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your BahnCard cannot be cancelled" } ], "preis": { "betrag": 19.9, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 1.3, "brutto": 19.9, "netto": 18.6, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "angebotsTyp": "BAHNCARD", "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "materialisierungsKanalNames": [], "bahnBonusSammelfaehigPunkte": true, "angebotAbgelaufen": false, "angebotsId": "FVKBACI00001O209", "buchbarkeit": "BUCHBAR", "crosssellInfos": { "ueberschrift": "BahnCard Probe 25 2.Klasse", "vorteile": [ { "kategorie": "CROSSSELL_ARGUMENTE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "25% discount on Sparpreis and Flexpreis fares (except City-Ticket)", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "25% discount on Sparpreis and Flexpreis fares (except City-Ticket)", "textLang": "25% discount on Sparpreis and Flexpreis fares (except City-Ticket)" }, { "kategorie": "CROSSSELL_ARGUMENTE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Save EUR 8,75 on this ticket", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Save EUR 8,75 on this ticket", "textLang": "Save EUR 8,75 on this ticket." } ], "instanzId": "6aad2ae0-fee2-4639-a67d-03160c8c613c" }, "zulaessigeZahlungsarten": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "61", "63", "65", "66", "68", "69", "71", "72", "74", "75", "82", "86", "87", "99", "100", "101" ] }, "sitzplatzAngebote": [] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Immediate savings", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 0, "textKurz": "Immediate savings: The Probe BahnCard often starts to pay off from the 1st journey onwards", "textLang": "Immediate savings: The Probe BahnCard often starts to pay off from the 1st journey onwards" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "25% discount", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "25% discount on all super saver, saver and flexible fares", "textLang": "25% discount on all super saver, saver and flexible fares" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Digital BahnCard", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Upload your Digital BahnCard into DB Navigator and use it immediately", "textLang": "Upload your Digital BahnCard into DB Navigator and use it immediately" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Notice period", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 4, "textKurz": "Four-week notice period before the expiration date in text form", "textLang": "Four-week notice period before the expiration date in text form" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 7, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your BahnCard cannot be cancelled" } ], "name": "Probe BahnCard 25", "preis": { "betrag": 19.9, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 1.3, "brutto": 19.9, "netto": 18.6, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "teilpreis": false, "crosssellInfos": { "ueberschrift": "BahnCard Probe 25 2.Klasse", "vorteile": [ { "kategorie": "CROSSSELL_ARGUMENTE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "25% discount on Sparpreis and Flexpreis fares (except City-Ticket)", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "25% discount on Sparpreis and Flexpreis fares (except City-Ticket)", "textLang": "25% discount on Sparpreis and Flexpreis fares (except City-Ticket)" }, { "kategorie": "CROSSSELL_ARGUMENTE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Save EUR 8,75 on this ticket", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Save EUR 8,75 on this ticket", "textLang": "Save EUR 8,75 on this ticket." } ], "instanzId": "6aad2ae0-fee2-4639-a67d-03160c8c613c" }, "rabattAngebotInstanzIds": [], "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "typ": "BAHNCARD", "angebotsbeziehungList": [ { "instanzId": "eedbb9d3-6305-48b2-a33e-e9ca6ddb2196", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "6aad2ae0-fee2-4639-a67d-03160c8c613c", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "AND" } }, { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "4e87294c-c4bd-44c8-b8bc-ace526805410", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "86bd3e8a-e50c-4ec8-b474-a1cbe838898e", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "752d9b2a-29c7-4814-af35-5593eafb9ef2", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "86bd3e8a-e50c-4ec8-b474-a1cbe838898e", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "OPTIONAL", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "OR" } } ] } ] }, { "gesamtAngebotsKontext": { "gesamtAngebotsId": "4b6f2ab3-245c-4848-8c8f-f24b258a64e3", "spezifischeGesamtLoesungsId": "80008860-1842-41d9-89ba-536c67848456", "uebergreifendeGesamtLoesungsId": "51b2a4c8-e593-4d2b-8be9-d1656657f4e9" }, "hinfahrt": { "fahrtAngebot": { "instanzId": "cece691a-2125-4a56-aaf3-e2047fef5e2d", "name": "Flexpreis", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Unrestricted choice of trains", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "Unrestricted choice of trains", "textLang": "Your ICE ticket lets you take any type of train. Your ticket constitutes a continuous contract of carriage in each direction (through ticket). Should you make a passenger rights claim, the ticket will be considered in its entirety. Special rules apply to tickets including City-Ticket; see there." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Cancellation free of charge before first day of validity", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Cancellation free of charge before first day of validity", "textLang": "You can cancel your ticket free of charge up to and including 17.12.2024. After that, cancellation is available for a fee of EUR 19,00." }, { "kategorie": "PLUS_CITY", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "City-Ticket", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 3, "textKurz": "City-Ticket for Berlin and Köln included", "textLang": "Your ticket includes a City-Ticket for Berlin, Tarifbereiche A und B and Köln, Stadtgebiet Köln (Tarifgebiet 2100). The City-Ticket is valid in conjunction with your long-distance ticket only when you use it for connecting services in local or regional rail passenger transport (e.g. S-Bahn, RE and RB trains) as part of the through ticket. The City-Ticket is issued together with your Super Sparpreis or Sparpreis ticket, depending on the journey you have booked." } ], "preis": { "betrag": 66.4, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 4.34, "brutto": 66.4, "netto": 62.06, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "upgradeEinstiegstyp": "UPGRADE_1KLASSE_FLEXPREIS", "angebotsTyp": "REISEANGEBOT", "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "materialisierungsKanalNames": [ "MOBILE", "WEB", "BUCHUNG" ], "bahnBonusSammelfaehigPunkte": true, "angebotAbgelaufen": false, "angebotsId": "FVFFLPI00001A201", "buchbarkeit": "BUCHBAR", "zulaessigeZahlungsarten": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "61", "63", "65", "66", "68", "69", "71", "72", "74", "75", "82", "86", "87", "96", "99", "100", "101" ] }, "sitzplatzAngebote": [ { "entgeltAngebotInstanzId": "3a51825b-147c-40ef-81bd-9ef96f5a80ef", "reservierungVerfuegbar": true, "reservierungspflicht": false, "reservierungInklusive": false, "priorisierteMeldungen": [], "sitzplatzKonditionen": [ { "kategorie": "ANZAHL_PLAETZE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "1 seat", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "1 seat", "textLang": "1 seat" } ], "nonSitzplatzKonditionen": [ { "kategorie": "UE_RESERVIERUNG", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your reservation cannot be cancelled." } ], "verbindungAusreserviert": false, "angebot": { "instanzId": "3a51825b-147c-40ef-81bd-9ef96f5a80ef", "name": "Sitzplatzreservierung", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "kategorie": "ANZAHL_PLAETZE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "1 seat", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "1 seat", "textLang": "1 seat" }, { "kategorie": "UE_RESERVIERUNG", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your reservation cannot be cancelled." } ], "preis": { "betrag": 5.2, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 0.34, "brutto": 5.2, "netto": 4.86, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "reservierungsAnzeigePreis": { "betrag": 5.2, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [] }, "angebotsTyp": "RESERVIERUNGSENTGELT", "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "materialisierungsKanalNames": [ "WEB", "BUCHUNG" ], "bahnBonusSammelfaehigPunkte": true, "angebotAbgelaufen": false, "angebotsId": "REMENTR00003O201", "buchbarkeit": "BUCHBAR" }, "abschnitte": [ { "verbindungsabschnitt": { "risNotizen": [], "himMeldungen": [], "priorisierteMeldungen": [], "externeBahnhofsinfoIdOrigin": "1071", "externeBahnhofsinfoIdDestination": "1289", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:22:00", "abfahrtsOrt": "Berlin Hbf", "abfahrtsOrtExtId": "8011160", "abschnittsDauer": 17940, "abschnittsAnteil": 80.81, "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:21:00", "ankunftsOrt": "Dortmund Hbf", "ankunftsOrtExtId": "8000080", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "halte": [ { "id": "A=1@O=Berlin 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"A=1@O=Berlin-Wannsee@X=13179526@Y=52420973@U=81@L=8010405@i=U×008003037@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:40:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:38:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "5", "name": "Berlin-Wannsee", "risNotizen": [ { "key": "text.realtime.stop.exit.disabled", "value": "Enter only, no exiting allowed" } ], "bahnhofsInfoId": "0566", "extId": "8010405", "routeIdx": 3, "priorisierteMeldungen": [ { "prioritaet": "NIEDRIG", "text": "Enter only, no exiting allowed" } ] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Potsdam Hbf@X=13066702@Y=52391506@U=81@L=8012666@i=U×008003479@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:48:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T00:46:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "3", "name": "Potsdam Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "5012", "extId": "8012666", "routeIdx": 4, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { 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"A=1@O=Hamm(Westf)Hbf@X=7807824@Y=51678077@U=81@L=8000149@i=U×008010002@", "abfahrtsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:03:00", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:01:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 1 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 1 } ], "gleis": "10", "name": "Hamm(Westf)Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "2528", "extId": "8000149", "routeIdx": 12, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] }, { "id": "A=1@O=Dortmund Hbf@X=7459294@Y=51517899@U=81@L=8000080@i=U×008010053@", "ankunftsZeitpunkt": "2024-12-18T05:21:00", "auslastungsmeldungen": [ { "klasse": "KLASSE_1", "stufe": 0 }, { "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "stufe": 0 } ], "gleis": "16", "name": "Dortmund Hbf", "risNotizen": [], "bahnhofsInfoId": "1289", "extId": "8000080", "himMeldungen": [], "routeIdx": 13, "priorisierteMeldungen": [] } ], "idx": 0, "journeyId": "2|#VN#1#ST#1733173731#PI#1#ZI#153019#TA#0#DA#181224#1S#8010255#1T#11#LS#8500010#LT#1048#PU#81#RT#1#CA#ICE#ZE#101#ZB#ICE 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"text.journeystop.product.or.direction.changes.journey.message", "value": "From Minden(Westf) as ICE 101 heading towards Basel SBB" } ], "kurzText": "ICE", "mittelText": "ICE 101", "langText": "ICE 101" } }, "konditionsAnzeige": { "kategorie": "ANZAHL_PLAETZE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "1 seat", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "1 seat", "textLang": "1 seat" }, "angebot": { "instanzId": "30f38446-30d7-4fb4-a1a2-defb4eeb578b", "name": "Sitzplatzreservierung", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Seat reservation", "iconId": "SITZPLATZ", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "Seat reservation", "textLang": "Seat reservation" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your reservation cannot be cancelled." } ], "preis": { "betrag": 0, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 0, "brutto": 0, "netto": 0, "satz": 7 } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "angebotsTyp": "RESERVIERUNGSANGEBOT", 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"textLang": "Your reservation cannot be cancelled." } ], "preis": { "betrag": 0, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 0, "brutto": 0, "netto": 0, "satz": 7 } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "angebotsTyp": "RESERVIERUNGSANGEBOT", "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "materialisierungsKanalNames": [ "WEB", "BUCHUNG" ], "bahnBonusSammelfaehigPunkte": true, "angebotAbgelaufen": false, "angebotsId": "REMRESR00003O201", "buchungsKontextSIMA": { "quellSystem": "SIMA", "buchungsKontextId": "a8236117-7eca-401d-993e-ea56a2194d0a", "buchungsKontextDaten": { "zugnummer": "2040", "zugfahrtKey": "EPA#2040_2024-12-18", "abfahrtHalt": { "locationId": "8000080", "abfahrtZeit": "2024-12-18T05:36:00" }, "ankunftHalt": { "locationId": "8000207", "ankunftZeit": "2024-12-18T06:47:00" }, "servicekategorieCode": "KLASSE_2", "serviceKategorie": "SITZPLATZ_KLASSE_2", "anzahlReisende": 1, "inventarsystem": "EPA", "inklusiveLastMinuteReservierung": false, "gruppenReservierung": false, "kombinationsId": "3296cfd0-cf55-4c88-81d5-c8c92138dabb", "platzbedarfe": [ { "platzprofilCode": "Standard", "anzahl": 1 } ], "klasse": "KLASSE_2" } }, "buchbarkeit": "BUCHBAR", "anzahlReisende": 1 }, "reservierungVerfuegbar": true, "dauerhaftNichtReservierbar": false, "grafischReservierbar": true } ] } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Unrestricted choice of trains", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "Unrestricted choice of trains", "textLang": "Your ICE ticket lets you take any type of train. Your ticket constitutes a continuous contract of carriage in each direction (through ticket). Should you make a passenger rights claim, the ticket will be considered in its entirety. Special rules apply to tickets including City-Ticket; see there." }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Cancellation free of charge before first day of validity", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Cancellation free of charge before first day of validity", "textLang": "You can cancel your ticket free of charge up to and including 17.12.2024. After that, cancellation is available for a fee of EUR 19,00." }, { "kategorie": "PLUS_CITY", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "City-Ticket", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 3, "textKurz": "City-Ticket for Berlin and Köln included", "textLang": "Your ticket includes a City-Ticket for Berlin, Tarifbereiche A und B and Köln, Stadtgebiet Köln (Tarifgebiet 2100). The City-Ticket is valid in conjunction with your long-distance ticket only when you use it for connecting services in local or regional rail passenger transport (e.g. S-Bahn, RE and RB trains) as part of the through ticket. The City-Ticket is issued together with your Super Sparpreis or Sparpreis ticket, depending on the journey you have booked." } ], "name": "Flexpreis", "preis": { "betrag": 66.4, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 4.34, "brutto": 66.4, "netto": 62.06, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "teilpreis": false, "rabattAngebotInstanzIds": [], "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "typ": "REISEANGEBOT", "angebotsbeziehungList": [ { "instanzId": "cece691a-2125-4a56-aaf3-e2047fef5e2d", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "16ffa6e2-5c1d-40d1-849c-85bbf7a1eb91", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "AND" } }, { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "30f38446-30d7-4fb4-a1a2-defb4eeb578b", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "3a51825b-147c-40ef-81bd-9ef96f5a80ef", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "3c7d507d-1ad6-45d1-bf05-0e2437927b82", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "3a51825b-147c-40ef-81bd-9ef96f5a80ef", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "OPTIONAL", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "OR" } } ] } ] }, { "gesamtAngebotsKontext": { "gesamtAngebotsId": "4b6f2ab3-245c-4848-8c8f-f24b258a64e3", "spezifischeGesamtLoesungsId": "80008860-1842-41d9-89ba-536c67848456", "uebergreifendeGesamtLoesungsId": "51b2a4c8-e593-4d2b-8be9-d1656657f4e9" }, "hinfahrt": { "fahrtAngebot": { "instanzId": "16ffa6e2-5c1d-40d1-849c-85bbf7a1eb91", "name": "Probe BahnCard 50", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Immediate savings", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 0, "textKurz": "Immediate savings: The Probe BahnCard often starts to pay off from the 1st journey onwards", "textLang": "Immediate savings: The Probe BahnCard often starts to pay off from the 1st journey onwards" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "50% or 25% discount", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "50% off flexible fares and 25% off super saver and saver fares", "textLang": "50% off flexible fares and 25% off super saver and saver fares" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Digital BahnCard", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Upload your Digital BahnCard into DB Navigator and use it immediately", "textLang": "Upload your Digital BahnCard into DB Navigator and use it immediately" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Notice period", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 4, "textKurz": "Four-week notice period before the expiration date in text form", "textLang": "Four-week notice period before the expiration date in text form" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 7, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your BahnCard cannot be cancelled" } ], "preis": { "betrag": 76.9, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 5.03, "brutto": 76.9, "netto": 71.87, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "angebotsTyp": "BAHNCARD", "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "materialisierungsKanalNames": [], "bahnBonusSammelfaehigPunkte": true, "angebotAbgelaufen": false, "angebotsId": "FVKBACI00001O210", "buchbarkeit": "BUCHBAR", "crosssellInfos": { "ueberschrift": "BahnCard Probe 50 2.Klasse", "vorteile": [ { "kategorie": "CROSSSELL_ARGUMENTE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "50% discount on Flexpreis and 25% discount on Sparpreis fares (except City-Ticket)", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "50% discount on Flexpreis and 25% discount on Sparpreis fares (except City-Ticket)", "textLang": "50% discount on Flexpreis and 25% discount on Sparpreis fares (except City-Ticket)" }, { "kategorie": "CROSSSELL_ARGUMENTE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Save EUR 66,40 on this ticket", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Save EUR 66,40 on this ticket", "textLang": "Save EUR 66,40 on this ticket." } ], "instanzId": "16ffa6e2-5c1d-40d1-849c-85bbf7a1eb91" }, "zulaessigeZahlungsarten": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "61", "63", "65", "66", "68", "69", "71", "72", "74", "75", "82", "86", "87", "99", "100", "101" ] }, "sitzplatzAngebote": [] }, "klasse": "KLASSE_2", "konditionsAnzeigen": [ { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Immediate savings", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 0, "textKurz": "Immediate savings: The Probe BahnCard often starts to pay off from the 1st journey onwards", "textLang": "Immediate savings: The Probe BahnCard often starts to pay off from the 1st journey onwards" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "50% or 25% discount", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "50% off flexible fares and 25% off super saver and saver fares", "textLang": "50% off flexible fares and 25% off super saver and saver fares" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Digital BahnCard", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Upload your Digital BahnCard into DB Navigator and use it immediately", "textLang": "Upload your Digital BahnCard into DB Navigator and use it immediately" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Notice period", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 4, "textKurz": "Four-week notice period before the expiration date in text form", "textLang": "Four-week notice period before the expiration date in text form" }, { "anzeigeUeberschrift": "No cancellations", "iconId": "202", "prioritaet": 7, "textKurz": "No cancellations", "textLang": "Your BahnCard cannot be cancelled" } ], "name": "Probe BahnCard 50", "preis": { "betrag": 76.9, "waehrung": "EUR", "mwst": [ { "betrag": 5.03, "brutto": 76.9, "netto": 71.87, "satz": 7, "literal": "D" } ] }, "teilpreis": false, "crosssellInfos": { "ueberschrift": "BahnCard Probe 50 2.Klasse", "vorteile": [ { "kategorie": "CROSSSELL_ARGUMENTE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "50% discount on Flexpreis and 25% discount on Sparpreis fares (except City-Ticket)", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 1, "textKurz": "50% discount on Flexpreis and 25% discount on Sparpreis fares (except City-Ticket)", "textLang": "50% discount on Flexpreis and 25% discount on Sparpreis fares (except City-Ticket)" }, { "kategorie": "CROSSSELL_ARGUMENTE", "anzeigeUeberschrift": "Save EUR 66,40 on this ticket", "iconId": "201", "prioritaet": 2, "textKurz": "Save EUR 66,40 on this ticket", "textLang": "Save EUR 66,40 on this ticket." } ], "instanzId": "16ffa6e2-5c1d-40d1-849c-85bbf7a1eb91" }, "rabattAngebotInstanzIds": [], "kontextTyp": "STANDARD", "typ": "BAHNCARD", "angebotsbeziehungList": [ { "instanzId": "cece691a-2125-4a56-aaf3-e2047fef5e2d", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "16ffa6e2-5c1d-40d1-849c-85bbf7a1eb91", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "AND" } }, { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "30f38446-30d7-4fb4-a1a2-defb4eeb578b", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "3a51825b-147c-40ef-81bd-9ef96f5a80ef", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "PFLICHT", 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Sparpreis ticket, depending on the journey you have booked.", "fahrtRichtungKennzeichen": "HINFAHRT" } ], "hinRueckPauschalpreis": false, "isReservierungAusserhalbVorverkaufszeitraum": false, "gesamtAngebotsbeziehungList": [ { "instanzId": "ea3fafe5-c9e1-4af0-8797-aad7dce83066", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "bf405653-9e8f-4e1d-b2b1-5584a30cc8e7", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "CROSSSELL_BAHNCARD", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "b51fd05b-854e-4c16-b42a-df3d1c048dbf", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "4b6f2ab3-245c-4848-8c8f-f24b258a64e3", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": "CROSSSELL_BAHNCARD", "referenzAuswahl": { "listAuswahlTyp": "XOR" } } ] }, { "instanzId": "4a1b9578-d0ad-4d11-95b7-0f6c3f44eff2", "referenzen": [ { "referenziertesAngebotList": [ { "instanzId": "4201afb7-ee3a-4426-9021-6210a84e801d", "referenzen": [] } ], "referenzAngebotsoption": 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