'use strict' const assert = require('assert') const tapePromise = require('tape-promise').default const tape = require('tape') const {createWhen} = require('./lib/util') const co = require('./lib/co') const createClient = require('..') const sMunichProfile = require('../p/sbahn-muenchen') const products = require('../p/sbahn-muenchen/products') const {movement: _validateMovement} = require('./lib/validators') const createValidate = require('./lib/validate-fptf-with') const testJourneysStationToStation = require('./lib/journeys-station-to-station') const testJourneysStationToAddress = require('./lib/journeys-station-to-address') const testJourneysStationToPoi = require('./lib/journeys-station-to-poi') const testEarlierLaterJourneys = require('./lib/earlier-later-journeys') const testRefreshJourney = require('./lib/refresh-journey') const journeysFailsWithNoProduct = require('./lib/journeys-fails-with-no-product') const testDepartures = require('./lib/departures') const testArrivals = require('./lib/arrivals') const testJourneysWithDetour = require('./lib/journeys-with-detour') const testReachableFrom = require('./lib/reachable-from') const when = createWhen(sMunichProfile.timezone, sMunichProfile.locale) const cfg = { when, stationCoordsOptional: false, products } const validateMovement = (val, m, name = 'movement') => { const dummyStopA = {type: 'stop', id: '123'} const dummyStopB = {type: 'stop', id: '321'} const withFakeFrame = Object.assign({}, m) if (!m.frames.length) { withFakeFrame.frames = [ {t: 5, origin: dummyStopA, destination: dummyStopB} ] } _validateMovement(val, withFakeFrame, name) } const validate = createValidate(cfg, { movement: validateMovement }) const test = tapePromise(tape) const client = createClient(sMunichProfile, 'public-transport/hafas-client:test') const mittersendling = '8004154' const karlTheodorStr = '621790' // Karl-Theodor-Straße const poetschnerstr = { type: 'location', address: 'Pötschnerstraße 3, Neuhausen', latitude: 48.152499, longitude: 11.531695 } test('journeys – Mittersendling to Karl-Theodor-Straße', co(function* (t) { const journeys = yield client.journeys(mittersendling, karlTheodorStr, { results: 3, departure: when, stopovers: true }) yield testJourneysStationToStation({ test: t, journeys, validate, fromId: mittersendling, toId: karlTheodorStr }) t.end() })) // todo: journeys, only one product test('journeys – fails with no product', (t) => { journeysFailsWithNoProduct({ test: t, fetchJourneys: client.journeys, fromId: mittersendling, toId: karlTheodorStr, when, products }) t.end() }) test('Karl-Theodor-Straße to Pötschnerstraße 3, Neuhausen', co(function*(t) { const journeys = yield client.journeys(karlTheodorStr, poetschnerstr, { results: 3, departure: when }) yield testJourneysStationToAddress({ test: t, journeys, validate, fromId: karlTheodorStr, to: poetschnerstr }) t.end() })) test('Karl-Theodor-Straße to Hofbräuhaus', co(function*(t) { const hofbraeuhaus = { type: 'location', id: '970006201', name: 'München, Hofbräuhaus', latitude: 48.137739, longitude: 11.579823 } const journeys = yield client.journeys(karlTheodorStr, hofbraeuhaus, { results: 3, departure: when }) yield testJourneysStationToPoi({ test: t, journeys, validate, fromId: karlTheodorStr, to: hofbraeuhaus }) t.end() })) // todo: via works – with detour // todo: without detour test('earlier/later journeys', co(function* (t) { yield testEarlierLaterJourneys({ test: t, fetchJourneys: client.journeys, validate, fromId: mittersendling, toId: karlTheodorStr, when }) t.end() })) test('refreshJourney', co(function* (t) { yield testRefreshJourney({ test: t, fetchJourneys: client.journeys, refreshJourney: client.refreshJourney, validate, fromId: mittersendling, toId: karlTheodorStr, when }) t.end() })) test('trip details', co(function* (t) { const journeys = yield client.journeys(mittersendling, karlTheodorStr, { results: 1, departure: when }) const p = journeys[0].legs.find(leg => leg.line) t.ok(p.id, 'precondition failed') t.ok(p.line.name, 'precondition failed') const trip = yield client.trip(p.id, p.line.name, {when}) validate(t, trip, 'journeyLeg', 'trip') t.end() })) test('departures at Karl-Theodor-Straße', co(function*(t) { const departures = yield client.departures(karlTheodorStr, { duration: 10, when, stopovers: true }) yield testDepartures({ test: t, departures, validate, id: karlTheodorStr }) t.end() })) test('departures with station object', co(function* (t) { const deps = yield client.departures({ type: 'station', id: mittersendling, name: 'Mittersendling', location: { type: 'location', latitude: 48.107418, longitude: 11.536306 } }, {when}) validate(t, deps, 'departures', 'departures') t.end() })) test('arrivals at Karl-Theodor-Straße', co(function*(t) { const arrivals = yield client.arrivals(karlTheodorStr, { duration: 10, when, stopovers: true }) yield testArrivals({ test: t, arrivals, validate, id: karlTheodorStr }) t.end() })) // todo: nearby test('locations named "Nationaltheater"', co(function*(t) { const nationaltheater = '624639' const locations = yield client.locations('Nationaltheater', { results: 10 }) validate(t, locations, 'locations', 'locations') t.ok(locations.length <= 10) t.ok(locations.find(s => s.type === 'stop' || s.type === 'station')) t.ok(locations.find(s => s.id && s.name)) // POIs t.ok(locations.some((l) => { const trim = str => str && str.replace(/^0+/, '') return l.station && trim(l.station.id) === nationaltheater || trim(l.id) === nationaltheater })) t.end() })) test('station Karl-Theodor-Straße', co(function* (t) { const s = yield client.station(karlTheodorStr) validate(t, s, ['stop', 'station'], 'station') t.equal(s.id, karlTheodorStr) t.end() })) test('radar', co(function* (t) { const vehicles = yield client.radar({ north: 48.145121, west: 11.543736, south: 48.138339, east: 11.553776 }, { duration: 5 * 60, when, results: 10 }) validate(t, vehicles, 'movements', 'vehicles') t.end() })) test('reachableFrom', co(function* (t) { yield testReachableFrom({ test: t, reachableFrom: client.reachableFrom, address: poetschnerstr, when, maxDuration: 15, validate }) t.end() }))