'use strict' const stations = require('vbb-stations-autocomplete') const a = require('assert') const shorten = require('vbb-short-station-name') const tapePromise = require('tape-promise').default const tape = require('tape') const isRoughlyEqual = require('is-roughly-equal') const {createWhen} = require('./lib/util') const co = require('./lib/co') const createClient = require('..') const vbbProfile = require('../p/vbb') const products = require('../p/vbb/products') const { station: createValidateStation, line: createValidateLine, journeyLeg: createValidateJourneyLeg, departure: createValidateDeparture, movement: _validateMovement } = require('./lib/validators') const createValidate = require('./lib/validate-fptf-with') const isObj = o => o !== null && 'object' === typeof o && !Array.isArray(o) const when = createWhen('Europe/Berlin', 'de-DE') const cfg = { when, stationCoordsOptional: false, products } const validateDirection = (dir, name) => { if (!stations(dir, true, false)[0]) { console.error(name + `: station "${dir}" is unknown`) } } // todo: coordsOptional = false const _validateStation = createValidateStation(cfg) const validateStation = (validate, s, name) => { _validateStation(validate, s, name) a.equal(s.name, shorten(s.name), name + '.name must be shortened') } const _validateLine = createValidateLine(cfg) const validateLine = (validate, l, name) => { _validateLine(validate, l, name) if (l.symbol !== null) { a.strictEqual(typeof l.symbol, 'string', name + '.symbol must be a string') a.ok(l.symbol, name + '.symbol must not be empty') } if (l.nr !== null) { a.strictEqual(typeof l.nr, 'number', name + '.nr must be a string') a.ok(l.nr, name + '.nr must not be empty') } if (l.metro !== null) { a.strictEqual(typeof l.metro, 'boolean', name + '.metro must be a boolean') } if (l.express !== null) { a.strictEqual(typeof l.express, 'boolean', name + '.express must be a boolean') } if (l.night !== null) { a.strictEqual(typeof l.night, 'boolean', name + '.night must be a boolean') } } const _validateJourneyLeg = createValidateJourneyLeg(cfg) const validateJourneyLeg = (validate, l, name) => { _validateJourneyLeg(validate, l, name) if (l.mode !== 'walking') { validateDirection(l.direction, name + '.direction') } } const _validateDeparture = createValidateDeparture(cfg) const validateDeparture = (validate, dep, name) => { _validateDeparture(validate, dep, name) validateDirection(dep.direction, name + '.direction') } const validateMovement = (validate, m, name) => { _validateMovement(validate, m, name) validateDirection(m.direction, name + '.direction') } const validate = createValidate(cfg, { station: validateStation, line: validateLine, journeyLeg: validateJourneyLeg, departure: validateDeparture, movement: validateMovement }) const test = tapePromise(tape) const client = createClient(vbbProfile) const amrumerStr = '900000009101' const spichernstr = '900000042101' const bismarckstr = '900000024201' const atze = '900980720' const westhafen = '900000001201' const wedding = '900000009104' const württembergallee = '900000026153' const berlinerStr = '900000044201' const landhausstr = '900000043252' test('journeys – station to station', co(function* (t) { const journeys = yield client.journeys(spichernstr, amrumerStr, { results: 3, when, passedStations: true }) validate(t, journeys, 'journeys', 'journeys') t.strictEqual(journeys.length, 3) for (let i = 0; i < journeys.length; i++) { const j = journeys[i] const firstLeg = j.legs[0] const lastLeg = j.legs[j.legs.length - 1] t.strictEqual(firstLeg.origin.id, spichernstr) t.strictEqual(lastLeg.destination.id, amrumerStr) // todo: find a journey where there ticket info is always available } t.end() })) test('journeys – only subway', co(function* (t) { const journeys = yield client.journeys(spichernstr, bismarckstr, { results: 20, when, products: { suburban: false, subway: true, tram: false, bus: false, ferry: false, express: false, regional: false } }) validate(t, journeys, 'journeys', 'journeys') t.ok(journeys.length > 1) for (let i = 0; i < journeys.length; i++) { const journey = journeys[i] for (let j = 0; j < journey.legs.length; j++) { const leg = journey.legs[j] const name = `journeys[${i}].legs[${i}].line` if (leg.line) { t.equal(leg.line.mode, 'train', name + '.mode is invalid') t.equal(leg.line.product, 'subway', name + '.product is invalid') } t.ok(journey.legs.some(l => l.line), name + '.legs has no subway leg') } } t.end() })) test('journeys – fails with no product', (t) => { // todo: make this test work // t.plan(1) try { client.journeys(spichernstr, bismarckstr, { when, products: { suburban: false, subway: false, tram: false, bus: false, ferry: false, express: false, regional: false } }) // silence rejections, we're only interested in exceptions .catch(() => {}) } catch (err) { t.ok(err, 'error thrown') } t.end() }) test('earlier/later journeys', co(function* (t) { const model = yield client.journeys(spichernstr, bismarckstr, { results: 3, when }) // todo: move to journeys validator? t.equal(typeof model.earlierRef, 'string') t.ok(model.earlierRef) t.equal(typeof model.laterRef, 'string') t.ok(model.laterRef) // when and earlierThan/laterThan should be mutually exclusive t.throws(() => { client.journeys(spichernstr, bismarckstr, { when, earlierThan: model.earlierRef }) // silence rejections, we're only interested in exceptions .catch(() => {}) }) t.throws(() => { client.journeys(spichernstr, bismarckstr, { when, laterThan: model.laterRef }) // silence rejections, we're only interested in exceptions .catch(() => {}) }) let earliestDep = Infinity, latestDep = -Infinity for (let j of model) { const dep = +new Date(j.legs[0].departure) if (dep < earliestDep) earliestDep = dep else if (dep > latestDep) latestDep = dep } const earlier = yield client.journeys(spichernstr, bismarckstr, { results: 3, // todo: single journey ref? earlierThan: model.earlierRef }) for (let j of earlier) { t.ok(new Date(j.legs[0].departure) < earliestDep) } const later = yield client.journeys(spichernstr, bismarckstr, { results: 3, // todo: single journey ref? laterThan: model.laterRef }) for (let j of later) { t.ok(new Date(j.legs[0].departure) > latestDep) } t.end() })) test('journey leg details', co(function* (t) { const journeys = yield client.journeys(spichernstr, amrumerStr, { results: 1, when }) const p = journeys[0].legs[0] t.ok(p.id, 'precondition failed') t.ok(p.line.name, 'precondition failed') const leg = yield client.journeyLeg(p.id, p.line.name, {when}) validate(t, leg, 'journeyLeg', 'leg') t.end() })) test('journeys – station to address', co(function* (t) { const latitude = 52.541797 const longitude = 13.350042 const journeys = yield client.journeys(spichernstr, { type: 'location', address: 'Torfstr. 17, Berlin', latitude, longitude }, {results: 1, when}) validate(t, journeys, 'journeys', 'journeys') const i = journeys[0].legs.length - 1 const d = journeys[0].legs[i].destination const name = `journeys[0].legs[${i}].destination` t.strictEqual(d.address, '13353 Berlin-Wedding, Torfstr. 17', name + '.address is invalid') t.ok(isRoughlyEqual(.0001, d.latitude, latitude), name + '.latitude is invalid') t.ok(isRoughlyEqual(.0001, d.longitude, longitude), name + '.longitude is invalid') t.end() })) test('journeys – station to POI', co(function* (t) { const latitude = 52.543333 const longitude = 13.351686 const journeys = yield client.journeys(spichernstr, { type: 'location', id: atze, name: 'Berlin, Atze Musiktheater für Kinder', latitude, longitude }, {results: 1, when}) validate(t, journeys, 'journeys', 'journeys') const i = journeys[0].legs.length - 1 const d = journeys[0].legs[i].destination const name = `journeys[0].legs[${i}].destination` t.strictEqual(d.id, atze, name + '.id is invalid') t.strictEqual(d.name, 'Berlin, Atze Musiktheater für Kinder', name + '.name is invalid') t.ok(isRoughlyEqual(.0001, d.latitude, latitude), name + '.latitude is invalid') t.ok(isRoughlyEqual(.0001, d.longitude, longitude), name + '.longitude is invalid') t.end() })) test('journeys: via works – with detour', co(function* (t) { // Going from Westhafen to Wedding via Württembergalle without detour // is currently impossible. We check if the routing engine computes a detour. const journeys = yield client.journeys(westhafen, wedding, { via: württembergallee, results: 1, when, passedStations: true }) validate(t, journeys, 'journeys', 'journeys') const leg = journeys[0].legs.some((leg) => { return leg.passed && leg.passed.some((passed) => { return passed.station.id === württembergallee }) }) t.ok(leg, 'Württembergalle is not being passed') t.end() })) test('departures', co(function* (t) { const deps = yield client.departures(spichernstr, {duration: 5, when}) validate(t, deps, 'departures', 'departures') for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) { const dep = deps[i] const name = `deps[${i}]` t.equal(dep.station.name, 'U Spichernstr.', name + '.station.name is invalid') t.equal(dep.station.id, spichernstr, name + '.station.id is invalid') } // todo: move into deps validator t.deepEqual(deps, deps.sort((a, b) => t.when > b.when)) t.end() })) test('departures with station object', co(function* (t) { const deps = yield client.departures({ type: 'station', id: spichernstr, name: 'U Spichernstr', location: { type: 'location', latitude: 1.23, longitude: 2.34 } }, {when}) validate(t, deps, 'departures', 'departures') t.end() })) test('departures at 7-digit station', co(function* (t) { const eisenach = '8010097' // see derhuerst/vbb-hafas#22 yield client.departures(eisenach, {when}) t.pass('did not fail') t.end() })) test('nearby', co(function* (t) { // Berliner Str./Bundesallee const nearby = yield client.nearby({ type: 'location', latitude: 52.4873452, longitude: 13.3310411 }, {distance: 200}) validate(t, nearby, 'locations', 'nearby') t.equal(nearby[0].id, berlinerStr) t.equal(nearby[0].name, 'U Berliner Str.') t.ok(nearby[0].distance > 0) t.ok(nearby[0].distance < 100) t.equal(nearby[1].id, landhausstr) t.equal(nearby[1].name, 'Landhausstr.') t.ok(nearby[1].distance > 100) t.ok(nearby[1].distance < 200) t.end() })) test('locations', co(function* (t) { const locations = yield client.locations('Alexanderplatz', {results: 20}) validate(t, locations, 'locations', 'locations') t.ok(locations.length <= 20) t.ok(locations.find(s => s.type === 'station')) t.ok(locations.find(s => s.id && s.name)) // POIs t.ok(locations.find(s => !s.name && s.address)) // addresses t.end() })) test('location', co(function* (t) { const s = yield client.location(spichernstr) validate(t, s, 'station', 'station') t.equal(s.id, spichernstr) t.end() })) test('radar', co(function* (t) { const vehicles = yield client.radar({ north: 52.52411, west: 13.41002, south: 52.51942, east: 13.41709 }, { duration: 5 * 60, when }) validate(t, vehicles, 'movements', 'vehicles') t.end() }))