'use strict' const createParseMovement = (profile, locations, lines, remarks) => { // todo: what is m.dirGeo? maybe the speed? // todo: what is m.stopL? // todo: what is m.proc? wut? // todo: what is m.pos? // todo: what is m.ani.dirGeo[n]? maybe the speed? // todo: what is m.ani.proc[n]? wut? // todo: how does m.ani.poly work? const parseMovement = (m) => { const parseNextStop = (s) => { const dep = s.dTimeR || s.dTimeS ? profile.parseDateTime(profile, m.date, s.dTimeR || s.dTimeS) : null const arr = s.aTimeR || s.aTimeS ? profile.parseDateTime(profile, m.date, s.aTimeR || s.aTimeS) : null return { station: locations[s.locX], departure: dep ? dep.toISO() : null, arrival: arr ? arr.toISO() : null } } const res = { direction: profile.parseStationName(m.dirTxt), line: lines[m.prodX] || null, location: m.pos ? { type: 'location', latitude: m.pos.y / 1000000, longitude: m.pos.x / 1000000 } : null, nextStops: m.stopL.map(parseNextStop), frames: [] } if (m.ani && Array.isArray(m.ani.mSec)) { for (let i = 0; i < m.ani.mSec.length; i++) { res.frames.push({ origin: locations[m.ani.fLocX[i]] || null, destination: locations[m.ani.tLocX[i]] || null, t: m.ani.mSec[i] }) } } return res } return parseMovement } module.exports = createParseMovement